You were not promoted at work. Of course, it upset you, but even worse to you your soulmate who threw you made. Besides you were late for the bus and nearly became gray-haired yet went along the terrible dark alley. But all your troubles were is insignificant are small in comparison with the empty fridge when you very much wanted to eat. Really, our requirements replace each other on the importance. And higher needs grow dim, the main are not satisfied yet. This fact says that all our desires, and are more right than requirement, stand in the accurate hierarchical sequence. To understand what requirement is capable to deprive of us forces and without what we will perfectly do it is possible by means of a pyramid of needs of Abraham Maslow.
Abraham Maslow - a pyramid of requirements
The American psychologist Abraham Maslow during all the life tried to prove the fact that people constantly are in process of self-updating. Under this term he meant aspiration of the person to self-development and constant realization of internal potential. Self-updating is the highest step among requirements which make several levels in human mentality. This hierarchy described by Maslow in the fifties of the 20th century received the name "Theory of Motivation" or as it is accepted to call it now, a pyramid of requirements. Maslow's theory, that is a pyramid of requirements has step structure. The American psychologist explained such increase of needs with the fact that the person will not be able to feel the need of higher level, will not satisfy the main and more primitive yet. Let's consider in more detail that this hierarchy represents.
Classification of requirements
The pyramid of needs of the person across Maslow is based on a thesis that the behavior of the person is defined by basic requirements which can be built in the form of steps, depending on the importance and urgency of their satisfaction for the person. Let's consider them since the lowest.
- The first step - physiological requirements. The person not the rich and not having many benefits of a civilization according to the theory Maslow will feel need, first of all, of physiological character. Agree if to choose between the shortage of respect and hunger, first of all you satisfy hunger. Also thirst, the need for a dream and oxygen and also sexual desire belong to physiological requirements.
- The second step – the need for safety. Here babies are a good example. Without having mentality yet, kids at the biological level after satisfaction of thirst and hunger look for protection and calm down, only feeling heat of mother nearby. In adulthood there is the same. At healthy people the need for safety is shown in a soft form. For example, in desire to have social warranties at employment.
- The third step - the need for love and accessory. In a pyramid of human wants of Maslow after satisfaction of needs of physiological character and safety, people is eager for heat of the friendly, family or love relations. The purpose to find such social group which will satisfy to these requirements is the most important and significant task at the person. The aspiration to overcome feeling of loneliness, according to Maslow became a prerequisite for emergence of various circles and clubs on interests. The loneliness promotes social disadaptation of the person, and developing of serious diseases of mentality.
- The fourth step - the need for recognition. Each person needs assessment by society of the advantages. The need for recognition at Maslow will be divided into aspiration of the person to achievements and reputation. Having exactly reached something in life and having earned by itself recognition and reputation, the person becomes self-assured and in the forces. The dissatisfaction of this requirement, as a rule, results in weakness, a depression, feeling of despondency which can lead to irreversible consequences.
- The fifth step – the need for self-updating (it is self-realization). According to Maslow's theory - this requirement is the highest in hierarchy. The person feels need in improvement only after satisfaction of all subordinate requirements.
All pyramid, that is hierarchy of needs of Maslow consists in these five points. As the creator of the theory of motivation noted, these steps are not so stable as it seems. People whose order of needs is a pyramid exception to the rules meet. For example, self-affirmation is more important for someone, than love and the relations. Look at careerists, and you will see, the similar case is how widespread.
The pyramid of needs of Maslow was challenged by many scientists. Also put here not only in instability of the hierarchy created by the psychologist. In unusual situations, for example during war or in extreme poverty the people managed to create great works and made heroic acts. Thus tried to prove to Maslow that even without having satisfied the basic and basic needs people realized the potential. The American psychologist answered all similar attacks with only one phrase: "Ask these people whether they were happy".