Spornoseksual: new breed of men?

Spornoseksual: new breed of men?

Spornoseksual - the new type of men which succeeded metrosexuals. Representatives of this type pay much attention not only to the appearance, but also a healthy lifestyle and also self-development.

Who such spornoseksuat

In the mid-nineties last century the journalist Mark Simpson on pages of the edition of New York Times stated results of the observations of modern men. As a result such concept as the metrosexual entered the use. The metrosexual - the man who lives in the megalopolis and does not consider shameful to watch himself. More than two decades later the journalist announced coming of a new type - a spornoseksuala. This neologism consists of such words as ""sport"", ""porn"" and ""sex"".

It is impossible to call the coming of a spornoseksual announced by Mark Simpson new revolution in standards of male behavior. To this phenomenon the society came gradually. It is considered that spornoseksuala replaced metrosexuals. It is more correct to speak in this case about addition with some lines, but not about full replacement. These types of men are in many respects similar, but the difference after all is. Metrosexuals pay the main attention to personal care, the choice of stylish clothes, cosmetics, styling sprays. Spornoseksuala place emphasis not on clothes, a hairstyle and expensive things, and on beauty of own body. 

The new type of men already had leaders. Generally it is not the Hollywood actors, as in a case with metrosexuals, and athletes, models. It is possible to carry to their number Cristiano Ronaldo, the former rugby player Tom Evans, David Beckham, the actor of series Dan Osborne and many others. All these men show beautiful bodies. Spornoseksuala also occur among the men who do not have popularity. They want to be desired and all the time to be in the center of attention therefore work on themselves and show result of this work. 

Representatives of a new men's type pay attention not only to creation of the body, but also health. They defiantly visit pools, various trainings. It is a lot of spornoseksual among sports trainers. Some men are engaged in self-development, are fond of yoga, healthy nutrition. 

Life on the Internet

Spornoseksuala - active users of social networks. They use the Internet not only for obtaining important information, communication, but also for demonstration of the body. 

Accounts in social networks at such men take many subscribers. On personal pages of spornoseksual there are a lot of photos. On a photo the users of network appear at subscribers in a seminude look, showing ""cubes"" on a stomach, beefy figures. Spornoseksuala like to prove to be in underwear. If before the handsome men having nothing in common with show business or advertizing only wives or close girlfriends could behold in such look, then now everyone can make it. Narcissism sometimes is at the critical end of the resources. Men constantly post in network photos from the gym, a shower. bedrooms.

If attentively to study pages of spornoseksual, it is possible to find subscriptions to a great number of groups and publics on the organization of healthy food, motivation, success and positive thinking. Their images are thought carefully over and it seems thatit seems thatit seems that they constantly are in the movement. 

Opinions of experts

Opinions of modern psychiatrists and psychologists on emergence of a new type of men were shared. Most of them consider it a new form of communication and do not see anything terrible in such behavior. For the last decade life rather strongly changed. Many began to communicate more on social networks. The deficiency of real meetings led to the fact that people began to show the photos to draw attention, to remind of itself. 

Some experts look out for signs of some frustration in this phenomenon. The narcissism of spornoseksual sometimes oversteps the limits of all established norms. They become dependent on ""likes"" and comments. Psychologists see a negative point that representatives of new type of men do not seek to show the inner world, to show mental abilities. Spornoseksuala place emphasis on narcissism and demonstration of physical data. The main problem also consists in it. 

The Italian psychoanalyst Massimo Recalcati in the scientific works studied the new phenomenon. He considers that the dependence on ""selfie"" and demonstration of photos on social networks is a way to inflate own importance. Recalcati said that people with such thinking ceased to photograph and perceive the world which is adequately surrounding them. For them it serves only as a background, scenery. 

But spornoseksual have also defenders. Many experts consider that in such phenomenon there is nothing bad. Spornoseksualov it is possible to consider as advertizing of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity. Beautiful photos on the Internet motivate young people for work on themselves, improvement of the body.  

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
