Life without the conflicts cannot just exist as all people different and often their thoughts and actions do not coincide, as causes a negative. There are several different conflicts which differ in the number of participants, the place of emergence and the sphere of development.
Types and causes of the conflicts
Any quarrel arises because of contradictory opinions on some occasion when actions of one party restrain another. There are several classifications by different signs.
Typology of the conflicts according to the number of the parties which take part:
- Intergroup – mean participation of a large number of people from each party.
- Interpersonal – arise when participants of one group have contradictory opinions or seek to achieve the same objective, and compete. This group also has several versions. For example, according to scope of application there is such typology of the interpersonal conflicts: arising in public places, family and disagreements in the organizations.
- Intra personal – arise in the person at whom is identical on force, but interests or requirements, different in the direction.
Each of the types of the conflicts considered above has the characteristics, the causes and ways of the decision. Most often it is necessary to rely only on specifically appeared disagreements.
Types and the causes of the conflicts, considering duration:
- Short-term sharp. The excessive emotionality is characteristic of them that in most cases leads to tragic consequences.
- Sluggish. Often in such conflicts the activity is expressed only on the one hand, and other person takes steps to avoid collisions.
It is difficult to find family in which there would be no conflicts. In most cases this quite normal phenomenon called grinding in.
Typology of the matrimonial conflicts:
- Original are quite objective disagreements which are perceived absolutely adequately.
- Accidental – the arisen problems very easily are solved, but spouses do not realize it.
- Displaced – when the real problems are behind something unreasonable and thought up.
- Incorrectly registered – occurs when, for example, the wife told, something to make the spouse, forgot about it and after it abused.
- Hidden – arises when the husband and the wife do not realize the existing disagreements.
- False – there are no special reasons for quarrels, but spouses decide some problems.
It is also worth stopping on typology of the organizational conflicts as they meet in human life rather often. Generally, allocate:
- hierarchical;
- interfunctional;
- linearly - staff;
- formal and informal.