Unlucky working day? It's all right."

Unlucky working day? It's all right."

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apathy and fatigue arising after the unlucky working day is not a rarity, but quite widespread and normal phenomenon. However for rehabilitation the person needs to sleep not less than eight hours a day and to have a rest properly on the weekend. If consequences of the unlucky working day are much more serious, then the help or consultation of the competent doctor can be necessary. 

The first serious signal are such signs: You hardly perform the operations demanding very few efforts (for example, rise on a ladder), hardly force yourselves to put on and feel slackness until the end of day, on the weekend you lack forces and desire even for walk. The majority of these problems can quite be solved independently. Neuropathologists and psychologists allocate eight main reasons for constant fatigue:

  1. The physical condition of an organism directly depends on a psychological and emotional spirit of the person. For removal of a depression half a year is absolutely optional to go to reception to the psychologist or to take medicines. Try to analyze the causes of your depression and to eliminate them. Also you can try to play sports. The physical activity is natural antidepressant, promoting production of hormones of "happiness" of a serotoninaa of endorphin.
  2. Imprudence at intake of medicines. Many drugs among side effects have a fatigue, apathy, weakness. And producers not always print this information on the label. For example, antihistamines (are applied at allergies) can extend in literal sense from you energy though on the label you will not read it. Many antidepressants and beta-blockers (hypertensia medicine) have similar effect. Besides, each person differently can react to any given medicine. Ask the doctor to pick up to you drugoypreparat — perhaps change of tablets will return you to a form.
  3. Cardiovascular problems. The people who had a heart attack or a stroke have long attacks of a slabostiya there is a constant fatigue much more often. The strong exhaustion and a headache can serve as a harbinger of heart troubles also. Also point a loss of appetite, the complicated breath, rare, but sharp breast pains to it. As prevention of heart diseases it is possible to replace a diet with low-fat and to be engaged in easy physical education. Besides, you should not rely on a case and to make the electrocardiogram, an ekhokardiogramma or ultrasonic inspection of heart.
  4. Lack of a vitamin D organism. The uniqueness of vitamin D is that it is produced by own forces of our organism. However the lack of this vitamin besides fatigue and apathy can cause heart troubles, the elevated pressure, neurologic violations and some types of cancer. It is possible to fill up vitamin D reserves with a fish diet, eggs and cookies. Also for its replenishment will spend under the sun at least half an hour in day enough. Besides, walks in the fresh air remarkably take off fatigue.
  5. Lack of B12 vitamin organism. This vitamin helps to function to nervous and red blood cells of your body. The last, in turn, participate in transportation to fabrics of oxygen without which the organism cannot process nutrients into energy necessary for it. From here and weakness at deficiency B12. It is possible to identify this state and from other signs: for example, very often it is followed by diarrhea, and sometimes - numbness of fingers of hands and legs and problems with memory. The deficiency of vitamin comes to light at the simplest blood test. If it shows positive result, most likely to you will advise to eat more meat, fishes, dairy products and eggs. Vitamin is produced also in a medicamentous form but is acquired badly and is appointed usually only in extreme cases.
  6. Diabetes differently can influence a stock of forces of the person. First, at diabetes from an organism glucose is washed away, and it is an important power source. It turns out that the more you eat, the worse you will feel. By the way, the condition of constantly raised sugar in blood has the name — potential diabetes or prediabt. It is not a disease yet, but it is likewise shown in enduring fatigue. [br/] Secondly, at diabetes of people feels strong thirst and as a result drinks a lot of liquid. If the person has to get up several times in a night on need, then fatigue level will only increase. If you suspected at yourself this disease, the best way to check the suspicions is to take a blood test on the analysis. In case of diabetes you should keep to a diet, to regularly check sugar level in blood, to take medicine and, perhaps, to play sports.
  7. Problems with digestion. Some diseases of intestines can cause strong discomfort and fatigue. It is result of response of an organism to a lack of nutrients which he cannot receive them because of inability of intestines to acquire. It is necessary to be convinced that a problem really in intestines. In certain cases, confirmation of the diagnosis requires an endoscopic research. If the result is positive, then you should reconsider the diet seriously.
  8. Problems with a thyroid gland. Besides strong fatigue the failures in work of a thyroid gland can be also shown in differences with a weight, dryness of skin, a fever and violations of a menstrual cycle. The lowered activity of a thyroid gland causes the shortage of hormones which regulate a metabolism. In the started state the disease can lead to articulate diseases, diseases of heart and infertility. To deal with this problem which takes away from you the last forces address the endocrinologist and be defined how intensive treatment is necessary for you.

At elimination of all these problems your health is noticeable to improve, and the unlucky working days will become only the next interesting call of your immense energy and force.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
