Violence problem in family

Violence problem in family

How it was sad to realize, but to be near people close to heart sometimes happens quite dangerously. Statistically, every fourth family differs in aggression of behavior of all or her certain members.

By all the phrase, known since small years, "My house – my fortress" already at the age of reason is often reconsidered, and the sense it flows away from people who bear humiliation and a beating under own roof. Who is inclined to domestic violence?

Usually it is people with internal sincere problems, with the underestimated self-assessment loosened by mentality to which own impulsive manifestations of emotions are not subject. It is known that the mood and an emotional background directly depends on work of a brain, thus, family aggression can demonstrate serious violations in nervous system.

From the point of view of classics of psychology and psychoanalysis, the human behavior model is formed in the early childhood, and the spiritual wounds done at tender age by all means affect behavior of the adult. There are several types of domestic violence. One of the most widespread became psychological: coercions, intimidation, threats, blackmail and verbal abuses. Difference of this type of violence is that it is difficult in identification and does not cause a physical loss, replacing it with not less cruel – moral. Quite often psychological violence is shown in the relations of parents with children as a result of which at the child the self-assessment decreases, and the soil for formation of serious mental deviations appears.

Physical violence assumes manhandling of different degree and force – from an essential beating before slaps in the face and slaps which even more aggravate morbidity of the relations in family and provide moral and, often, physical sufferings. Other types – emotional, sexual, economic – are the consequence following from two the main, noted above. Fight against violence in family – the natural response to breach of confidence, but cases when the intimidated and morally depressed people are not able to ask about the help are frequent. Especially for similar cases communities which help to declare themselves to the person suffering from earlier close people are created worldwide. Volunteers, scientists and lawyers of the whole world urge to ask the victims of domestic violence for the help in the human rights organizations having wide experience of the solution of similar problems and helping the humiliated and offended people to feel again favourite and necessary.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
