We bring up the child: with whom to begin

We bring up the child: with whom to begin

Each parent approximately represents what he would like to see the child in several years. But often it turns out that the result does not meet parental expectations at all. Parents are perplexed, undertake to correct the child, but it will already hardly turn out. As a result parental hands fall.

And the thing is that it is not enough to imagine what fine the child has to grow up. It is necessary to work much for this purpose. Yes, education – the hard, daily, round-the-clock work which does not have days off and holidays. And here it is impossible to throw out the draft copy and to begin all over again. The most important in life only the been born child – parents. Mother and the father give to the little man not only food, heat, but also emotions, feelings. Young parents often think that education begins only when the child starts walking, to tell, introduce own ideas. But they very strongly are mistaken.

The kid lying in a bed and with interest examining parents, already absorbs everything as a sponge. Looks, intonations of a voice already speak about much. And the child gets used to that atmosphere which surrounds him from the very first days. Quarrels of parents, rough words and tears will leave the print in soul and character of the child. The child growing in the heavy atmosphere risks to have problems with a dream, behavior and development in the first months. Smiles, laughter, joy and kisses will leave a mark too, but absolutely another. Such kid will be open for the world, he with interest will learn it and to rejoice to all new.

With age responsibility of parents for the behavior grows. Small children very well notice all oversights of parents. Also absorb them in themselves on an equal basis with other new knowledge. The careless swear word immediately will fill up a lexical stock of the child. If parents do not find it necessary to keep promises, then you should not wait for it and from the child. Deception, malignant gossip too very quickly remove to the child's habits. And it will be very heavy to fight against these habits, and sometimes at all it is impossible. Therefore, having presented the child in 5 or 10 years, it is necessary to list very in detail all qualities which the child has to possess in representation of parents. And to look on how many these qualities are expressed at parents. And here it is necessary or to adjust the lifestyle, or not to wait from the child of what parents are not able to give it.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
