What age difference is normal between the husband and the wife

What age difference is normal between the husband and the wife

They say that all age are obedient to love. Really, the person can fall in love at any age of the person of any age. At the same time marriage is created, and "well-wishers" begin to gossip around. And if marriage, it is possible even for the reasons which are not depending on age of spouses breaks up, then in general begin to condemn. By itself the question arises – whether really there is an admissible age difference between spouses?

Opinions from all over the world

Finns, for example, came to a conclusion that the age difference between newlyweds has to make at least 15 years in favor of the man. Thanks to it future posterity will be healthy.

Actually, statistics indicates the opposite – the difference between spouses in Finland makes about three years.

Swedes came to opinion that the maximum difference between the husband and the wife can make no more than 6 years. At the same time feelings on the second plan, and on the first – a financial position of the spouse. He has to earn decently what the family would not need anything.

The English researchers are solidary with Finns – the difference in 6 years is optimum. But the first place they put not financial wellbeing of the spouse, but his intellectual development. The man is cleverer, the more fullly at him posterity – they said. Democratic Americans are democratic in everything. According to them, the age difference for creation of successful family is not basic. Everything depends on at what age of the spouse began to lead sex life.

If it occurred too early (14-15 years) or too late (25-27 years), marriage is doomed.

The people having a big age difference sometimes just hesitate to marry as they consider that society will not approve it.

And how the situation actually is?

And actually everything is much simpler! If people really love each other and create marriage of own will, without intention and calculation, even the huge age difference has no value. Of course, when people of identical age decide to be together, it is much simpler to them to find a common language. They are brought up by one era and on some principles. Generally, interests, as a rule, at them coincide, and it can promote strengthening of relationship in family. But also the considerable age difference of spouses can well affect the intra family relations. One of them already has sufficient mind and wisdom that helps to resolve the arising conflicts. It is considered that the senior man is an ideal husband as he already has wide life experience. The universal secret of family happiness is a mutual love, respect and community of interests. At the same time an age difference between spouses – especially personal record of everyone. It is not necessary to be interested and go deep in various statisticians. Your family can quite become an exception of all rules.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
