What I like to answer on ""you"

What I like to answer on ""you"

Declaration of love can be gained from that from whom least of all you expect to hear it. Sometimes this phrase is pleasant surprising, and can sometimes create an awkward situation. If you do not feel reciprocal feelings, it is necessary to answer very accurately not to offend.

Sort out the feelings. Sometimes to make it very simply, especially if you long waited for a treasured phrase from darling. Then it is possible to tell joyfully "I love you too" and to embrace. It is possible to answer originally "I love you" in other languages. Look on the Internet or in dictionaries as this phrase is correctly said, and learn.

If the feeling is not mutual

But if you do not feel the same, you should not lie, leave from the answer or to otherwise confuse the person in love. I like to answer on "I you", without feeling the same, it is possible in different ways. Make it accurately and softly.

Tell the truth. It is not necessary to invent grandiloquent words, it is rather simple and clear to answer: "Unfortunately, I have to you no similar feelings, I am very sorry". If you like other person, report about it the words "I love another, excuse". So you will place all points in the relations, will not leave the person in hover and will not spoil about yourself an impression. Keep silent. Such tactics should be used as a last resort if you do not know at all how to respond to declaration of love. The complete silence will create a charged atmosphere therefore it will be better if you are able to give the conversation another turn. Several seconds keep silent, letting know that you heard a question, and then tell about something another.

What should not you do in response to "I love you"?

Do not suggest to remain friends. Such simple phrase puts the person in an uncomfortable position – it was rejected, but not pushed away, give hope to be near. And as the friend to darling to be difficult and good friends will not turn out from such people. Do not deride feeling of other person. To tell these three words it was difficult therefore the humour is inappropriate here. To translate such delicate subject for fun, the big ability and tactfulness is required. If you do not feel in yourself such abilities, it is better not to try. Do not tell about recognition by the acquaintance. If you did not reciprocate, it is better to pretend that it was not. It is difficult to person to endure your refusal and if all gossip and laugh at it, it will be very unpleasant. If you cannot understand the feelings, ask time to think. "It is very pleasant, but is so unexpected. Give me time to understand itself". After that sort out yourself, understand that you feel and answer. Do not tighten a conversation not to torment the person in love.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
