What is conflictology

What is conflictology

The conflictology is a science about ways of management of the conflicts. Various stages of conflict interactions: origin, development, a solution to the conflict - are studied by experts in this discipline.


1. In the most general view the conflicts can be divided into three types: interpersonal, intergroup and intra personal. There are still combinations of these forms of contradictions, for example, at the conflict of one person with group.

2. The interpersonal conflicts arise between two or more people. For example, between the wife and the husband, between the mother-in-law and the spouse, between children. The intra personal conflicts are characteristic of one person: he can plunge for a long time into contradictions concerning whether it is necessary to marry whether it is worth getting divorced whether to remain at work or to find new. The intergroup conflicts arise between different groups of people: between family clans or between departments in the company.

3. Mostly, psychologists and psychotherapists deal with a problem of the intra personal conflicts. From conflictology they take only understanding of how the external environment can strengthen or weaken the intra personal conflicts. Or as contradictions in soul of one person influence his relationship with relatives and colleagues. The interpersonal and intergroup conflicts more often appear in sight of professional konfliktolog. They try to find the general regularities in development of the conflicts, ways of settling of the contradictions which are their cornerstone.

4. Methods of solution to the conflicts can conditionally be divided into radical and compromise. The first can lead to a break in relations and business connections with recognition of incompatibility of positions on a number of important positions. It is correct to finish the relations against the background of the conflict – special art. However much more often parties of the conflict are interested in search of a compromise or the decision which would suit both parties. Quite often the problem of a konfliktolog in such situations is in finding out requirements of conflicting parties to each other and in a correct form to carry them each of disputing parties.

5. Konfliktolog has to be the good psychologist. In spite of the fact that the conflicts are studied within various disciplines: from history to mathematics, it is important to be able to understand positions of the people who are under the influence of a stress. Quite often in the conflict the people cannot correctly express the relation to a situation. And it is important to konfliktolog to find approach to each participant of a disputable situation to establish cooperation between them in search of mutual understanding.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
