When the young man and the girl marry, they do everything possible in order that their happiness lasted eternally. However the mother-in-law often interferes with their relations.
You took away from it love of the son. This opinion of overwhelming number of mothers-in-law. Before you got acquainted with the future husband, they were very close to mother. She created for him tasty dishes and repaired his clothes. Now her "boy" began to spend much time with you. There is nothing surprising that the mother-in-law has feeling of jealousy.
The mother-in-law often considers that you will not be able to care properly for her son is the main mistake. In similar situations of spouses usually does not understand the developed problem.
To get out of the created situation quite difficult. First of all, realize that your spouse loves also mother, and you. However this love too different. Therefore it is desirable for you to live separately from the husband's mother. If at you yet is not present for this enough means, then you should have a talk frankly with the partner in life. He has to ask mother not to interfere with your relations. You follow elementary rules of politeness. Surely you keep clean things of the husband and you feed him with tasty dishes.
"You are not couple!". Cases when mother of the husband considers that her son could choose other woman in the wife are known. Naturally, all mothers-in-law wish to have grandsons. However each lady has the concepts concerning what has to be the ideal daughter-in-law. Therefore you should not be surprised to the fact that you do not answer these criteria.
As a rule, mothers wish that the son married the modest and attractive girl having highly paid work and the higher education, able to be in charge of housekeeping and loving children. However even if the fine half has these qualities, the mother-in-law can note that the daughter-in-law is not able to sew/knit or incorrectly behaves in society.
Here it is necessary to understand that the choice of the companion of life depends on the man, but not on his mother. If he decided to marry you, then it means that you correspond to its criteria. So do not prove to the husband's mother that you are an ideal spouse. Remember that to her it is useless to please in any trifle. Do not go for scandals. Later a certain period of time you all the same will have new housing. Besides, the mother-in-law will stop clashing with you sooner or later.