There is a lot of men with passion for cookery. However, not all from them are constantly ready to spend time in kitchen, providing food to family. However, there are also enthusiasts who completely force out wives from kitchens. It is not always clear what with them to do.
Pluses of well preparing man
The main plus can be considered the released time, after work you can find time for care for appearance, read the favourite book or be engaged in something else useful and pleasant. It is necessary to be distracted from your works only when the beloved calls you for dinner.
Various and tasty food – one more pleasant bonus of the husband culinary specialist. Have not complex, instead you can enjoy unusual dishes which independently just would not begin to prepare.
Well and of course, your husband will never be able to reproach you with what you badly prepare as he also saved you from this duty.
Minuses of the preparing husband for the wife
The first, very "female" minus it is possible to call the fact that you surely will periodically have sense of guilt because you do not prepare. The stereotypic beliefs put since the childhood say that you have to prepare. So the preparing man takes away from you important purely women's function. The second minus – should be eaten what was prepared by the husband. If it wants to you something other, there can be a problem. Husbands very seldom learn that their wives as they cook food according to some concept want to eat.
Look at some culinary transfers with the husband, he will estimate.
If you risk and will prepare something, expect a blamestorming session. You surely learn that you underexposed or overdid food on fire, incorrectly cut ingredients, did not report spices. Just it is worth reconciling to it. The offended husband can not touch your dish at all, and it can be quite offensive. It is quite simple to survive with the male cook, the main thing to follow several rules: Do not argue with it concerning cooking even if you know better. Terribly it is not pleasant to men when women consider that they are wrong. You praise its dishes. If something is not pleasant to you, hide criticism in abundance of a praise. You thank it for a tasty dinner or a lunch. It is possible to do it verbally, and it is possible just to have sex. Help your cook. Buy ingredients of future dish, be on pickup during cooking, but do not contradict it. The similar help will be very pleasant to it. Ask it questions of how any given dish was prepared. It will allow it to feel necessary. The husband's outposts in good mood, ask it to teach you to cook some interesting dish. Men like to feel as cool mentors.
If the cookery was "not yours", master something else in perfection. Any interesting occupation from drawing up ikebanas before sewing will approach.
Before preparing something independently, ask permissions the husband. So you will avoid possible problems.