The problem of alcoholism is the acute social issue of modern Russian society. But for the child in whose family there is a drinking parent or it is even worse - both parent drink, alcoholism in 99 cases from 100 is its personal tragedy.
1. Whatever parents were, for the child are the only close people, and he loves them, despite their shortcomings and bad habits. But sometimes, when parents pass all limits reasonable in following to the bents, the child can have a strong feeling of hostility and even hostility. Especially brightly it is expressed at teenage age when there is a hormonal reorganization of an organism, and the teenager of the problems has more, than there is enough. Need of the solution of the teenage problems against the background of the drinking parents creates additional loads of mentality of the child.
2. What it is possible to advise young weak mind in such situation? Everything depends on the general spirit in family. If parents belong to the category of so-called silent alcoholics, then it is possible to conduct constructive dialogue with them. All parents love the children, and alcoholics do not make an exception if it is, of course, not completely degrading persons. To the teenager there is a sense to start a conversation a minute of an enlightenment of parents that their alcoholism is the reason of problems of the teenager. The inability to position themselves in society of peers, impossibility to prepare qualitatively for lessons, material problems, eventually can be the reasons. Not the fact that one conversation can change a situation, but, as they say, water sharpens a stone.
3. The teenager should understand that alcohol for the person who still does not have physical dependence is the peculiar veil masking more serious problems. The teenager – yet not the adult, but already and not the child. He can make as far as possible own attempts in elimination of the prime cause. Perhaps between parents the relations grew cold and it weighs them – it is possible to try to rally family, having offered the joint action demanding thorough preparation. Perhaps, one of parents lost value reference points, and alcoholism of another is a consequence of empathy. Here appropriate to remind that the future of the child and is the main value, and the teenager for the present needs parental guardianship, moral and material.
4. If parents in principle agree with arguments, but have not the power to resist to a habit, it is possible to try to persuade them to ask for the qualified psychological or even medical care. In case the taken measures do not bring desirable result, then it is simpler to abstract from their problems and to conduct independent life. Only it is necessary to remember that in adulthood there will hardly be an opportunity to wait for the help from such parents, and in most cases it is necessary to hope only for own forces. For this purpose it is necessary to study not just well, and already to look after a perspective field of activity on the future. Some teenagers in such situation begin to earn independently already at school, the benefit, there is a set of opportunities to receive money honest work, at least in work on the Internet.