strong emotions as fear, anger, surprise are, etc. connected generally with instincts which protect the person from danger and help to survive. They influence not only mentality, but also all organism in general, causing such state as a stress. It occurs immediately, the person is not even in time will come round and to understand what happens to him.
Fear – the strongest emotion. It is superfast reaction of an organism. The person has a stress thanks to excitement of sympathetic nervous system and emission in adrenaline hormone blood. It prepares heart, lungs, muscles and a brain for reaction "to fight or run". Even if false alarm, adrenaline all the same remains in blood for a long time, that is why the person after a stressful state cannot quickly calm down. External symptoms of a stress, this strengthened sweating, especially on palms, flows expanded eyes, blood to the person, breath sharply becomes more frequent, heart just beats.
What to do quicker to calm down?
It is necessary to make several deep breaths and exhalations, to try to pass into the place where fresh air and if there is an opportunity, then to wash cool water. After breath is restored, to drink soothing tea from mint or a melissa, it is possible to add a honey spoon if you do not have on it contraindications. These herbs will also help you at insomnia. In the evening, before going to bed, the heat bath to which it is possible to add soothing collecting herbs perfectly weakens, it can be got easily in any drugstore, or to make. It is possible to put a valerian, a motherwort, a St. John's wort, a thyme, a marjoram in such collecting that is important, children can even apply it.
Except stresses, fears and having frightened there are reactions which are not controlled by consciousness of the person, these are phobias. The phobia is an insuperable and unaccountable horror at emergence of a certain irritant or even just thoughts of it. Can be such irritant anything, a frog, blood, the closed space. The majority of the real phobias is connected with potentially dangerous animals or situations. For example: the gefirofobiya – fear to go along the bridge; an a¾rofobiya – fear of flights; a batrakhofobiya – fear of frogs, toads, tritons; an arophobia – fear of height; an amaksofobiya – fear of wheel transport; an arachnophobia – fear of spiders; a hemophobia – fear of blood; claustrophobia – fear of the closed space. Some phobias – just strong hostility to something. For example, a skopofobiya – fear of others look, a pogonofobiya – fear of beards, a didasaleynofobiya – fear of school, a blennofobiya – fear of slime.
According to some information, about 10% of people have any phobia. In most cases the phobia is not connected with genes, and is acquired. Most often fears appear in the childhood, people learn to be afraid, looking at others, the fear "is very infectious", and children are extremely impressionable and incapable to estimate the events critically. Therefore at what the child will grow in quieter and pacified situation, the there are more chances that in the future, he will grow up morally strong and balanced person whose organism no stresses will be able to attack, they are not in vain, and significantly affect health. Not without reason speak - all diseases from nerves. Therefore as the hero of a cartoon serial Carlson spoke: "Tranquility, only tranquility".