Why men leave from beautiful and clever

Why men leave from beautiful and clever

The clever and beautiful woman by right is proud of herself and the achievements. She is a worthy companion of the man, the real ornament, speaking about its good taste. It would seem, each man wants to see near himself such woman. But also leave clever and beautiful women of the man. Why?

The clever and beautiful woman – desired "trophy" for many men. But at the same time too popular belief that the lady has to be in a shadow of male glory and once again not express the opinion. And sometimes, despite all advantages of the darling, even after the long relations, men leave beautiful and clever partners. The reasons for this purpose can be the most various.

You not couple

According to statistics, one of the most frequent reasons of partings is not similarity of characters. Relations with clever and beautiful women not an exception. Partners cannot understand each other, like others feelings and experiences. The self-sufficient woman can simply not give to the man of chance to show the leadership skills in the relations. In this case the man will begin to think of prospects of the further relations with such partner. Female desire to dominate in the relations, always to be guided only by the point of view becomes the parting reason.

Lack of communication and interest

The men who are in the relations with the woman expect from her emotional and psychologically comfortable communication. They want not only to listen, but also to have an opportunity to express and be understood and heard by the woman. If this requirement is not satisfied, they begin to look for the place where they with pleasure will listen and will support a conversation on an interesting subject.

Communication – process mutual. If the man does not see from the woman of sincere interest in communication, does not receive a sincere response, does not feel the of importance for the partner, there is a high probability of the fact that he will want to stop these relations.

It happens and so that the man loses interest in the woman. Its attention and care is perceived as due, all reactions to the taking place events are familiar. The man won the partner, she for him is clear and boring. And he moves off in searches of new feelings in other relations.

He does not feel useful

Clever and beautiful women often try to obtain considerable achievements in career. The senior position, great financial opportunities allow it to resolve many issues most. The man does not have chance to help even in trifles. The woman tries to protect the elect from the solution of everyday issues for the best. But the man has a feeling that he worthless, all its efforts mean nothing. Therefore, it is not necessary to such self-sufficient woman. Search of that lady who will allow to hold a door, a hand begin to offer and to help about the house. Such behavior of the woman allows the man to tower in own eyes. And he with pleasure will seize such opportunity.

Excessive guardianship and pressure

The woman allocated with mind and beauty, showing the leadership skills in the relations, sometimes excessively sponsors the man and resolves for him even the smallest issues. What to tell, put on, where to go with whom to be on friendly terms – everything is solved in a directive order. The interests of the man at the same time are not always considered.

Dominating, the partner begins to speak in pejorative tone of the elect, to discuss it with acquaintances and relatives. The man feels driven into a corner and looks for those relations in which he will feel freedom.

Female commercialism

Infinite talk about money, hints on gifts give to the man the grounds to suspect the woman of commercialism. It becomes very unpleasant opening. He expects mutual feelings and emotions from the relations with the great lady. With such woman nearby for a long time he will not be late.

Fear of the serious relations

Despite all the love and admiration of the woman, the man can just be afraid of the serious relations. The reasons can be different: heavy divorce, too painful previous relations, negative experience of parents. Therefore, seeing the woman's spirit for the serious relations, being afraid to hurt her and showing the unavailability to such succession of events, it just leaves. Interferes with it obviously stated female impatience. Though the man would have nothing against quietly and gradually developing relations.


In this case there is nothing to comment. Few what man will express readiness to continue the relations, having learned about women's treason. It is too heavy blow to male vanity.

New love

In life there can be most unpredictable events. The man met new love. It will be optional cleverer and more beautiful. But there will be in it that "highlight" which will force it to stop the existing relations. And how it was offensive, the woman whom the man leaves needs to endure this situation.

It is difficult to list all reasons for which men leave clever and beautiful women. They are not always obvious. In the relations of each couple there are features and difficulties. The strong relations checked by time and circumstances are possible when both partners are ready to overcome difficulties and to be responsible together for development and preservation of the relations.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
