Long ago it is known that to lose weight, it is necessary to eat less and to move more. But it isn't so simple to take and cease to eat. The treacherous feeling of hunger as if specially becomes aggravated and gnaws growing thin with the doubled force at any time. You shouldn't fall into despair, quite really to learn to operate appetite. It is only necessary to know how.
1. When the organism suffers the shortage of energy and construction material, receptors of the brain develop the signals stimulating development of the gastric juice, the person begins to hunger. Having decided on weight loss, you subject the organism to the stress, the appetite at the same time grows extremely and it becomes so difficult to resist to temptation to eat one tiny pie, here that absolutely tiny piece of the cake or this microscopic candy. As the popular wisdom says, appetite comes during a meal, and so small pieces turn imperceptibly into huge portions, instead of weight loss you gain new kilograms and there is no exit from the vicious circle, apparently.
2. For a start learn to distinguish true hunger from desire to regale. If you want to eat only "this cake" is not hunger, this connivance of weakness. On the present the hungry person agrees to eat, anything – soup, porridge and even sandwich with the salad leaf. Eat only if you are really hungry. Try to use at the same time useful products with the high content of proteins and celluloses.
3. Don't decorate the food, there is no need to inflame appetite, your purpose is directly opposite to it. Don't season food with spices, greens and hot sauces. Spices irritate stomach walls, inducing those to allocate even more gastric juice. Eat slowly, carefully chew food, stop the lunch to or right after approach of sense of fulness. Refuse the use of the dessert, sweet you will cause unnecessary jump of sugar in blood. Having eaten, at once you leave because of the table not to be tempted in vain.
4. If before the following meal there was still time, and you already want to eat, drink slow drinks the glass of water. People sometimes mistakenly receive thirst for feeling of hunger. In case water didn't help, arrange small having a snack, but only small. Eat carrots, pear, apple or any other fruit or vegetable. The main thing that that was not really sour and contained enough cellulose in which processing the stomach will be engaged.
5. Well the acidified drinks without sugar appease appetite. The teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice divorced in glass with water will dull feeling of hunger for a long time, but people can take such drinks only with the healthy stomach therefore consult at first to your gastroenterologist.