As it is correct to be improved in the gravitrena"

As it is correct to be improved in the gravitrena"

Gravitron — the exercise machine with the system of a counterbalance. It is used for trainings both by men, and women. Is popular among female audience as allows to establish weight independently. In this article we will consider rules of pulling up in the gravitrena and feature of exercises.

Advantages of pullings up in the exercise machine

Gravitron is practically in all gyms.

Exercise machine elements:

  • horizontal bar;
  • bars;
  • guides for cargo;
  • platforms;
  • steps.

Whether you know? Gravitron often call the multifunctional exercise machine as is suitable for complex pumping of a body.

The increased demand for it is caused by those chance which the exercise machine gives:

  • development and strengthening of muscles;
  • safety both for professionals, and for beginners;
  • comfortable equipment;
  • exercises without waist tension;
  • variability of exercises and successful fellows;
  • study of a torso;
  • compactness;
  • preliminary preparation of a body for horizontal bars of other type;
  • development of endurance;
  • formation of a direct bearing;
  • formation of relief of a body.

Often girls, having seen in gym gravitron, avoid it. And in vain!

Occupations on this exercise machine have a number of advantages to women:

  1. Burning of calories. The better muscles are developed, the more demand energy as muscles accelerate a metabolism, excess calories are burned.
  2. Regular exercises control a bone tissue.
  3. Power trainings give self-confidence. At regular trainings the result which will want to show to people around in an effective dress is noticeable.
  4. Allows to receive an athletic body.

Whether you know? Fatigue from active physical exercises promotes a dream more effectively, than the majority of medicines.

What muscles work

The advantage of a gravitron is that it involves practically all muscles of a back and shoulders. Zones of the greatest study:

  • target muscular group. Their development forms a V-shaped form of a figure;
  • lower department of a trapeze and bicepses. Promote full study of bicepses. For basic trainings — exercises without burdening and with a large number of repetitions;
  • round and diamond-shaped muscles on shovels. Eliminate stoop;
  • breast muscles. After the first approach "rating" is felt. The developed breast forms athletic addition and helps at study of other groups of muscles.

Important! Do warm-up before a training. Not warmed muscles lead to injuries.

As it is correct to be improved in the gravitrena

For visible results train regularly, not less than 3 times a week. Distribute loading, do not allow an organism in the hall excessively to be overstrained or work in the impressive mode.

What hold to choose

The successful fellow and setting of hands on a horizontal bar accent loading on certain sites.

On the gravitrena carry out such types of successful fellows:

  • wide. Undertake a crossbeam at the level of width of shoulders. Elbows — in the parties. Shovels are cramped, a deflection in a backbone. Rise up, be late for couple of seconds, smoothly fall;
  • the return. Hands — it is a little already width of shoulders, palms suit. Cross legs and confident movement you will rise up. Record situation and fall down;
  • neutral or in all growth. Undertake a crossbeam with the developed palms to yourself. Elbows — forward. Be tightened so that the chin appeared flush with a crossbeam. Fix a position.

Important! Do approaches without breaks.

For receiving a figure of a V-shaped form accent attention on the wide successful fellow more. For study of a biceps — on the return. Pumping of pectoral muscles is promoted by the successful fellow in all growth.

Technology of performance

Trainings in the gravitrena will become useful only if each exercise is executed correctly. For beginners it is recommended to ask for the help the instructor or skilled visitors of the hall, athletes. That they noticed mistakes at once and pointed to them.

Read in more detail how it is correct to do chin-ups for the head and parallel hold.

Being improved in the gravitrena adhere to such sequence of actions:

  1. Climb up the exercise machine, establish knees on the lower platform.
  2. Hands — on the top holders handles. An equal back, the look is directed forward.
  3. On an exhalation bring up yourself up to that moment until selections it appears flush with handles holders. Tension is directed to a back.

The efficiency of trainings amplifies at observance of healthy nutrition and the training program. For simplification of trainings on the gravitrena begin with a horizontal bar, having established the minimum loading. Finish each occupation in the hall gravitrony. Over time the body independently adapts under new type of loadings.

Video: technology of performance of pullings up in the gravitrena before the training allocate the purpose — fight against stoop, excess weight or complex study of muscles. It will allow to determine the frequency of loadings and their size.

What weight to put also how many times to do

Installation of weight — an important and primary step. In the beginning weight should not exceeds 70–80% of own weight. Further gradually increase it, having received the preliminary recommendations of the trainer and based on own feelings. Allocate 3–4 approaches for one training from 12-15 by repetitions.

Learn how to increase the number of pullings up on a horizontal bar.

Useful tips

The advantage of occupations on a graviton proves in the conditions of its correct operation.

Use of the exercise machine is correct if you:

  • you hold a back directly;
  • having risen to the established level, you fix a position for couple of seconds;
  • you rise breakthrough, you fall accurately.
  • you remember that what more established weight, to those smaller rise in body weight;
  • you are not obsessed with one successful fellow;
  • correctly you breathe: on an exhalation — rise, on a breath — extension of hands.

What it is possible to replace with

In the presence of hernia you should not carry out exercises on this exercise machine not to provoke its increase. It is not recommended as well at scoliosis.

Important! Before the trainings consult with the doctor or the professional instructor.

If in the gym is absent gravitron or trainings on it are banned for health reasons, use alternative option — draft of the vertical block. Weight on this exercise machine is also regulated.

Movements are carried out similarly, but loading of own body is less:

  1. Get on the exercise machine, having arranged a leg under the roller.
  2. Breath — pull the handle for a nape.
  3. On an exhalation — a starting position. Replacement of the handle, the direction and width of the successful fellow intensively study groups of muscles.

Start trainings with a positive spirit and you do not judge the simulator for appearance. Active lifestyle in combination with healthy nutrition and a day regimen — pledge of a beautiful figure and delighted looks.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
