Valentin Dikul — rather famous person in circus circles, but became famous he not so much for the career of an actor, how many a technique of treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal device. The exercises developed by it already helped hundreds and even thousands of people therefore we suggest also you to get acquainted with their essence and technology of performance.
In what essence of articulate gymnastics of Dikul
One of the main problems of recovery of the people who suffered an injury — the limited activity which is followed by an atrophy of muscular and articulate fabrics. Valentin Dikul developed a set of exercises designed to solve it, and from the person only desire and regular implementation of all recommendations is required.
The author's technique is aimed at prevention of atrophic processes at injuries of vertebral department or separate joints, and the complementarity of all exercises helps to restore physical activity completely.
Learn about advantage and harm of the Japanese gymnastics with the roller for a backbone.
Is a part of a complex several consecutive stages promoting gradual strengthening of all fabrics and normalization of exchange processes on affected areas. Except two sets of physical exercises, the recovery program provides implementation of some procedures:
- acupuncture;
- manual therapy;
- observance of the drinking mode;
- performance of physiotherapeutic techniques.
Regular observance of requirements of exercises (and them in a complex about 60) not only will help to recover from the suffered injuries, but also will effectively eliminate the pain and a crunch in joints appearing as a result of age changes or regular long sitting.
Whether you know? The efficiency of the set of exercises developed by V. Dikul was confirmed with his own experience. Once it fell from 12-meter height, and all doctors unanimously repeated that the circus performer will not go any more. But several years later it not only went, but even returned to work under a dome what long hours of wearisome rehabilitation work preceded to.
Everything that is required — correctly to pick up a training, depending on a specific problem (back, neck, waist pains or traumatization of separate parts of the musculoskeletal device). Some exercises repeat in separate "subcomplexes" therefore their efficiency increases.
Indications and contraindications
Some people consider the Dikulya method a peculiar panacea from the available problems, but actually it is only supportive application during restoration, and it is always worth considering possible contraindications to its use. As the main indications to application of exercises the following states can serve:
- deformation of joints;
- degenerative diseases of a backbone;
- appearance of hernias nuclei pulposi;
- the got injuries and bruises;
- scoliosis;
- violations of mobility and integrity of large joints of a backbone;
- fractures of extremities;
- chronic arthrosis.
Besides, Dikul's gymnastics will be useful and as a preventive measure, for prevention of development of the specified states, a training of the muscular device of a stomach and increase in the general tone of an organism. Also athletes at a warming up stage before the main training can use it.
As for contraindications, in this case, there will be following:
- oncological defeats of a different stage and intensity;
- sharp infectious illnesses;
- violations of process of supply of a brain with blood;
- diseases of a cardiovascular system;
- problems with nervous system, especially in a sharp stage;
- the increased temperature (it is higher than 37.5 degrees);
- obvious compression of a backbone.
If in the past for the patient it was diagnosed an urolithic disease or epileptic seizures, then it is possible to begin occupations only after the corresponding consultation of the expert.
It is important! To be convinced of lack of possible contraindications before passing to performance of LFK Dikulya it is worth making tests and to undergo the full medical examination allowing to determine the level of defeat of articulate fabric and presence of the accompanying illnesses.
Set of exercises
Observance of requirements of the technology of performance of exercises — guarantee of positive result of all work therefore each beginner should examine the major gymnastic activities for cervical, lumbar and chest departments and also exercises which are intended for removal of painful symptoms at osteochondrosis, hernia and other violations in a back.
Cervical gymnastics
Residents of megalopolises or even towns are often forced to limit the physical activity that mostly is connected with working conditions. However such decision has an adverse effect on a condition of a backbone, and, in particular, its cervical department.
The developing pain often is explained by jamming of the nervous terminations and requires an immediate solution what the cervical gymnastics of Dikul can help with.
Read also about a complex of effective gymnastics for a neck.
It consists of several stages and provides performance of the following actions:
- For a start execute warm-up (it is possible to use walking on the place, with full load on all foot: shoulders are straightened, hands are lowered down).
- Then, reach upright position, place a little leg and relax.
- Inhaling air through a nose, incline the head forward and try to reach a chin a breast.
- On an exhalation cast away the head back, holding a starting position.
- Keeping such pose, incline the head to the right, and then to the left, repeating this action several times (at a breath the ears have to touch shoulders, and on an exhalation the head holds initial position).
- Now slowly rotate the head, trying to keep the maximum amplitude (carry out the movement within 1-2 minutes).
- In the same situation carry out turns of the head to the right and to the left, trying to see everything that occurs behind the back (the chin has to be parallel to a floor all the time).
- In conclusion of a training it is necessary to stretch all muscles a few: being in upright situation (legs together) bend down forward and try to embrace legs in knees. Hold such situation within 30 seconds.
Video: technology of performance of exercises of cervical gymnastics it is possible to Begin with of the same social standing, but further you can perform this complex of operations several times in day, at any convenient time. In addition to it there are also special complexes providing use of the additional equipment, for example, in the form of a loop on the head (it is possible to make of elastic bandage or to take in finished form).
After its warm-up fix through a chin and incline the head in different directions, keeping at the same time full slackness of a neck.
It is important! That occupation took place effectively and brought only benefit for an organism, try to carry out all movements in emotionally stable state and without haste.
For a waist
To get rid of waist pain or even the following exercises will help to cure hernia of lumbar department of a backbone:
Option 1. In lying situation, bend legs and place hands along a body, as much as possible straining muscles of a press and taking a deep breath. Count to four and exhale air then into the account eight inhale it again. In total it is necessary to execute 12 such repetitions.
Video: technology of performance of exercise for a waist Option 2. In lying situation (on a back), extend legs forward and, without tearing off them from a surface, raise the case a little, fixing position of a body for 10 seconds. After this time, slowly reach a starting position and have a rest 15 seconds. In total it is necessary to execute 15 repetitions. Option 3. Lying on a back, bend legs in knees and execute cross movements by hands: left on right, and right on the left leg. At the same time hands tighten knees to the head so that to reach some resistance. In such situation the body is fixed for 10 seconds, and then there comes 15-second rest. In total not less than 5-10 repetitions have to turn out. Option 4. Lay down on a stomach and part all extremities in the parties, trying to extend them as much as possible. Within 15 seconds try to reach hands and legs the imagined objects, after that have a rest several seconds and again repeat exercise. Only 10 approaches.
Video: technology of performance of exercise for a waist Option 5. Lay down on the right side and raise up a hand and a leg as if reaching the imagined purpose. Hold them in such provision of 10 seconds then turn over on the other side and repeat already performed operations. In total it is necessary to make 15 approaches on 5 times. For the most positive result of occupation have to be daily, lasting not less than 1 hour.
Examine exercises for a waist.
From osteochondrosis
At fight against osteochondrosis Dikul's technique helps to recover a spinal cord at the cellular level, but it can achieve only by means of regular and long trainings, with use of sufficient physical activities. The truth it is possible to call some exercises from this author's program power, so, the possibility of their use should be discussed with the doctor.
It is recommended to begin performance of a complex with the all-strengthening and warming movements, smoothly passing to elements of gymnastics and to power exercises (they are used at the last stages of a training). Let's consider several exercises from Dikul's technique which will help to get rid of back pain and to effectively solve an osteochondrosis problem.
We advise you to esteem about remedial gymnastics at osteochondrosis in house conditions.
Exercise 1. Get up on all fours and straighten hands, having at the same time a little raised the head. On an exhalation try to lower completely buttocks on heels, and then inhale and cave in forward. All movements have to be slow not to cause pain. If it after all develops — reduce amplitude. The number of repetitions — 10 times. Exercise 2. A starting position same, as well as in the first case: being on all fours cramp knees together and raise the head a little. Having leveled breath (it should not be faltering) take the right leg aside and begin to carry out moves, without unbending it in a knee. Repeat the same for the left leg. On each extremity it is taken away on 1-2 minutes. Exercise 3. From situation "on all fours" lower a basin in right, to the left side, you will not feel pain yet. Knees and feet of legs remain on a floor all the time (without coming off a surface). The number of repetitions — 10-15 times. Exercise 4. In the same starting position, on a breath as much as possible bend a back down, and on an exhalation round it up, at the same time pressing a chin to a breast. It is necessary to repeat these actions — 15-20 times. Exercise 5. Lay down on a back, bend legs in knees and as much as possible bring closer them the friend to the friend, at the same time placing hands "on seams". The main objective is to lower in turn knees in the left and right parties, before emergence of pain. Breath is any, hands do not change the situation. Always begin occupation with warm-up and stop if you feel intolerable pain which does not pass within several minutes.
Important! At the aggravated pain any gymnastics is excluded, and at cervical osteochondrosis the turns by the head can aggravate a situation considerably.
For a breast
At problems with a backbone in its chest department such exercises will be useful:
"Cat": being on all fours, cave in on a breath and curve a back together with an exhalation up (the head repeats a trajectory of the movement of a backbone). "Incomplete bridge": lying on a floor, raise a waist and a back on "bridge", but do not finish it (hands remain to lie on a floor). Movements are carried out slowly, and the exhalation becomes at the moments of the largest tension. "Turns of the case lying". In lying situation, straighten legs and record a basin. Exhaling turn the case to the right, and after its short fixing in such situation return back. Execute the same to the left side just so that the basin and legs constantly remained are not mobile. "Exercise with a stick". In a standing position, pick up a gymnastic stick and, holding it before themselves, carry out inclinations, every time inhaling air. In each party it is necessary to execute 5 inclinations, without detaining air in itself. Each of exercises is carried out till 5-10 times, depending on a condition of an organism and degree of cervical osteochondrosis.
We recommend to you to get acquainted with a set of exercises with dumbbells for a breast.
At back pains
If back pain has no certain physiological reason (for example, hernias) and is connected with restriction of physical activity of the person or excessive tension, then the following exercises will help to facilitate it:
"Rifts on a lap". Having risen on all fours and having widely placed hands, level a back and raise the head that eyes looked accurately forward. Exhaling lower hips on heels, and incline the head to already outstretched arms. At a deflection the head has to last up, and the basin to nestle on a floor. In such situation detain a body for several minutes, and then smoothly return to an initial position. All movements have to repeat 10-12 times. "Moves in the parties socks". Initial situation — on all fours, with densely compressed knees. It is necessary to raise feet a little over a floor surface, having transferred all load of knees then it is possible to pass to moves of socks aside. At the same time the movements of a backbone are allowed only in lumbar department, and chest and humeral zones have to remain motionless. In total 10-12 repetitions for each of the parties are required. "Mini-pendulum". Having risen on all fours, level a back and raise the head so that the chin appeared parallel to a floor. Having put the maximum emphasis on hands and knees, imitating the pendular mechanism, slowly shake a basin here and there, as much as possible bringing closer it to a floor surface (it is possible even before appearance of pain). In this situation fixing of a body in an initial position is not required and when rockings it is possible not to stop. In the sum at you 12-24 movements have to turn out.
Video: technology of performance of exercise "Mini-pendulum" "Knee pendulum". Lying on a back, straighten hands along the case and pump over the legs bent in knees from right to left, trying to approach a floor surface as much as possible. Only the lumbar department gets into gear, and shovels have to remain are immovable. Breath is always deep and quiet, the number of repetitions — 10-12 times. "Heel on a knee". Lying on a back, bend legs and leave hands quietly to lie along the case. Set a heel of the left leg against a knee right and together with an exhalation bring closer the last to yourself. With the next breath it needs to be lowered back on a floor, repeating this movement of 9 more times (on 10 for each extremity). In accuracy carrying out all instructions, you not only will get rid of back pain, but also quickly remove muscular stress. It will help to return a body tone, will improve blood circulation and optimizes exchange processes in fabrics.
Whether you know? The shortest muscle of a human body call stremenny (is in an ear and it is necessary for eardrum tension). Its length is only 1.27 mm. The most hardy muscle — heart which in the absence of adverse factors is calculated on 100 years' work.
At hernia
Selecting exercises for fast disposal of vertebral hernia, it is important to consider the concrete place of its stay. Let's consider several exercises which will be useful at intervertebral, lumbar and hernias of chest department.
At a problem of intervertebral and lumbar hernia Dikul recommends the following types of loadings:
Option 1. In a prone position on a back, stretch hands and rest against a floor. Keeping immovability of the top part of the building, slowly turn the left hip to the right side so as far as it is possible. The left leg remains densely pressed to right and at the time of turn repeats a trajectory of its movement. In this position of a body it is necessary to wait several seconds, and then to adopt the initial provision again to execute exercise, well already in other party. Do not hold the breath. In total it is necessary to execute 1-16 turns (the exact number of approaches depends on a condition of an organism and its readiness to physical activities). At the correct performance very soon you will be able to strengthen the longitudinal back muscles.
Learn about a set of exercises at backbone hernia.
Option 2. Lying on a floor, straighten legs together (socks have to be tense in the direction "on themselves") and part hands in the parties, resting palms against a floor. Having immobilized the head and a zone of shoulders, move the straightened legs at first to the left (they have to slide on a floor), and then — to the right, only for a while being late in a starting position. To achieve good sliding on a floor surface, for occupations it is better to pick up suitable clothes and it is obligatory to put on socks. If exercise seems to you too easy, then socks can be taken off that resistance appeared. In total 16 repetitions, on 8 in each party have to turn out. As always, do not delay breath, carrying out an exhalation at peak of loading.
It will be useful for you to learn about five exercises of Paul Bragg for recovery of a backbone.
At hernia of chest department of a backbone, Dikul developed other set of exercises considering all features of a similar state.
Option 1. In lying situation (on a back) it is necessary to part legs in the parties and to track that feet appeared at shoulder length. Cross hands on a breast, and ensure safety of balance, having just undertaken shoulders. On a breath slowly turn a trunk to the right so as far as it is possible, tearing off the left shoulder from a surface. The lower part of the case at this moment has to be immobilized. It is necessary to be in extreme situation not less than two seconds then the body is returned in an initial position and repeat the movement in the opposite direction. Only 16 repetitions, on 8 in each party (the breath at the beginning, and exhaled at peak of opportunities). Option 2. Lay down on a back and part direct legs in the parties, placing feet at shoulder length. Put hands on a breast as well as in the previous exercise that palms clasped shoulders. Keeping immovability of the case and legs, as much as possible incline a trunk to the left (only the lumbar area works), and then the same sliding movement return to an initial position again to perform the specified operation only already in other party. The trunk has to be late in an inclination for 2-3 seconds, and then return smoothly to initial situation. The break between approaches (in 1 approach of 8 repetitions) is not less than two minutes.
Rules of performance of an improving system
Despite the available nuances of each exercise, Valentin Dikul developed also the general recommendations which have to help the person to execute correctly all complex in general.
It is important! If performance of this exercise is given hard, it is possible to spread under itself an oilcloth which will significantly facilitate sliding of a trunk on a floor.
This list includes the following councils:
- Never independently change the sequence of exercises, the specified order has to remain always.
- Do not exceed the number of repetitions specified in recommendations and if any action seems too easy, it is possible just to increase loading, but without changing the principle of performance of a task.
- If on performance of several approaches there are no forces, it is possible to carry out only one, but it is obligatory with the number of repetitions specified in the description and concrete amplitude of movements.
- All operations are performed smoothly and slowly, without breakthroughs and sharp movements which can quite aggravate a condition of the person.
- Before performance of the main objectives the warm-up (slow run or fast walking) surely has to be carried out.
- Throughout all training the breath has to remain superficial, and in the highest point of tension the place of a breath is taken surely by an exhalation.
- At sharp backbone and joints pains, use of a crossbeam is strictly forbidden, otherwise additional traumatization of a backbone is possible.
As practice shows, the described exercises are really effective and help to cope with various problems of the musculoskeletal device. Observing V. Dikul's instructions, you not only improve the physical state, but will be able to get rid of a set of illnesses, the main thing, it is correct to pick up the program of trainings and to discuss a possibility of its use with the attending physician.