Easy acrobatic exercises for beginners: characteristic, types and technology of performance

Easy acrobatic exercises for beginners: characteristic, types and technology of performance

Acrobatic exercises not only look beautifully in operation, but also considerably improve physical capacities of the person. In this review article the simplest acrobatic exercises which enter fundamentals of physical education are considered and form base of gymnastics.

Acrobatics essence

The acrobatics as ability is available not to everyone therefore begin to be engaged in it with the childhood. It is a kind of sports activity and a special type of gymnastics which is aimed at the development of certain physical characteristics of the person, namely:

  • forces;
  • balancing;
  • orientations in space;
  • flexibility;
  • dexterity;
  • spring ability;
  • accuracy of movements;
  • speeds of commission of actions;
  • trainings of a vestibular mechanism.

Besides physical characteristics, also psychological qualities are cultivated:

  • sense of duty;
  • organization;
  • responsibility;
  • courage;
  • care;
  • determination;
  • will power;
  • consistency with the partner.

This sport is quite universal and is a part of many other types of sports activity:

  • as basic elements at physical education classes at school;
  • as a part of the all-strengthening sports exercises;
  • in a complex of the occupations connected with weight loss;
  • in vocational training of athletes of various directions – from gymnasts, to swimmers and hockey players.

Important! The acrobatics is base for any physical activity. It includes the elementary exercises available to performance practically everyone. In process of development of skills and improvement of physical training they considerably become complicated.

Occupations acrobatics increase the muscular force and extensibility of muscles, strengthen a muscular corset, a cardiovascular system and the articulate and copular device that allows to improve motive abilities and to reach good physical development.

All complex of acrobatic exercises has division into 3 big blocks:

  • balancing;
  • jumps;
  • broskovy exercises.

Occupations always begin with a preparatory part in which there are a warm-up and warming up of muscles. After that there comes the main part with performance of directly acrobatic abilities.

For beginners it is elementary exercises like the bridge, somersaults and a twine. In process of development the simple exercises become complicated from level to level. Occupation comes to an end with warm-up when the weakening exercises when which performing the muscles have a rest are given.

Learn, about effective exercises and gymnastics for weight loss of the person.

Types of exercises

Concrete special tasks enter each of 3 blocks of acrobatic abilities. So, to balancing which essence is in keeping own balance or to counterbalance the partner, such types of exercises belong:

  • single — the simple and complicated twine, bridges and racks;
  • steam rooms are exercises for two when one of partners (usually that which from below), counterbalances also itself(himself), and the partner from above;
  • group — here enter the pyramids built by group of partners from three people and more.

The block of tumbling stunts means bouncings which are followed by rotary or semi-rotary motions of a body and also with use of a support and without it. Enter the block:

  • rifts;
  • somersaults;
  • semi-revolutions;
  • revolutions;
  • somersault.

The last block of broskovy tricks includes:

  • partner's throws;
  • I catch the partner.

Whether you know? In the ancient time the somersault was called valto to a mortala that is translated from Italian as a deadly jump. Then this exercise really was considered as deadly and was carried out head over heels in air from a thrown up springboard.

Main groups

All acrobatic exercises can be divided into two big groups — those which are carried out in dynamics, and static character.

Dynamic exercises

Dynamic acrobatic exercises are carried out in the movement and represent rotation of a body of the athlete. It (as well as turning through the head) can be both full, and partial.

Concerning existence of a support or its absence the turning happens:

  • with a support (somersaults);
  • with an intermediate support (revolutions);
  • without support (somersault).

Let's consider in more detail each exercise from dynamic group:

  1. When performing this element there is a serial contact of a support with any rotating part of a body, however turning through the head does not happen. It can be executed with a deflection and without, one by one and in group, forward, back and in the parties.
  2. The body consistently turns over through the head. It comes continuously from a floor and is followed by serial contact of a support with separate parts of a body. Somersaults happen as in the direction forward, and back or aside. Are carried out solo, parno and in group.
  3. Movement by an arch or extension. Of this element it is characteristic that the acrobat from lying situation passes into a rack standing. Having bent in shovels and having transferred to them an emphasis.
  4. So full turning in air through the head without support is called. It can be carried out solo and in couple; forward, back and aside.
  5. Semi-revolution (without full rotation of a body). There is a leaping from one part of a body on another: for example, from legs on hands and back.
  6. Carry out with full turning through the head, but support touch only an extremity — a hand and a leg or only hands. It can be carried out in the direction forward or back, standing on one place or in the movement with running start.

Whether you know? The most significant factor of decrease in flexibility is not aging of an organism, and a sedentary life when muscles atrophy.

Static exercises

This group contains exercises which are carried out without the movement, in static situation, and consist in maintenance of a body so that it accepted a certain pose, and in maintaining its balance.

Treat to static group:

  1. Twine. It is a pose when both legs form one line, or one moves forward, and another — back (or both legs — in the parties). The good muscular extension is required. It is carried out sitting on a floor or with assistance of the partner.
  2. Bridge. The name speaks for itself. It is necessary to cave in a mostoobrazny arch back (by means of the hands bent in elbows. Legs are bent the Back too at the same time looks in a floor.
  3. Rack. So call a pose when the body is in a static pose headfirst with an emphasis only on hands or on hands and the head.

Also it will be useful for you to learn about a complex of morning exercises and also what is game stretching.

Conditions and stock

Classes are given in acrobatics in sports or the gym in which the following conditions have to be met:

  • temperature indoors from +15 ℃;
  • humidity of air up to 40%;
  • lighting from 200 lx.

All students have to be dressed in sportswear and have special footwear for occupations acrobatics. The clothes have to conform to the following requirements:

  • easy, from natural fabrics;
  • convenient, not constraining movements;
  • under clothes the bandage in the form of rubber tapes / belts is put on area of a stomach.

Important! Most often the suit of acrobats represents a cotton undershirt and pants or a gymnastic bathing suit for girls both a gymnastic undershirt and sports trousers for young men. Such form does not constrain the movement and allows the trainer to see whether all combinations are correctly carried out.

Footwear for occupations is sewed special. These are boots from soft skin, canvas or tarpaulin with a soft reversible leather sole. Boots, but not shoes as protect an ankle joint from stretching and injuries are used. Otherwise not to avoid injuries of a shoulder, neck and partner's head when performing racks and also pair or group exercises. As option of footwear gymnastic slippers can be used. Obligatory stock in the gym for occupations acrobatics are:

  • gymnastic mat;
  • path for jumps from felt and sheathed by tarpaulin;
  • the Rhine wheel — represents two hoops fastened with brackets;
  • bars;
  • trampoline;
  • springboard;
  • ceiling and manual safety belts are the long ropes which are used as an insurance (are necessary for performance of especially difficult elements);
  • bagels and felt hats — additional elements for performance of racks on the head.

Whether you know? All injuries arise from a lack of flexibility and deficiency of an extension.

Functions of acrobatics

Acrobatic occupations, first of all, perform such 2nd main functions:

  1. Improvement of the motive sphere of the person that allows to revitalize an organism, to improve own physical capacities. Then practically any kind of physical activity even if it is not connected directly with acrobatics, becomes can do.
  2. Creation of staginess that brings acrobatics to more difficult level of sports discipline and circus art and also acts as an unforgettable show for the audience (especially if movements are made to the sound of music).

Besides above-mentioned functions, this kind of gymnastics:

  • improves physical shape;
  • trains all muscles of a body;
  • improves control over a body;
  • strengthens heart and vessels;
  • promotes increase in immunity;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • forms the correct and beautiful posture;
  • allows to support a body in sportswear and not to gain weight;
  • creates esthetically attractive appearance of a body.

Important! Never start performance of twine without good warming up, otherwise this attempt will be fraught with injuries, stretching or even a rupture of muscles.

Exercises for beginners

Not all acrobatic elements are difficult performed by. Protozoa can carry out not only children, but even adults without special long preparation (it is enough to have an extension).


Swallow — general exercise which enters school physical education classes. Its essence consists in ability a long time to keep balance, standing on one leg. There is easier way of performance which suits the beginning adults, and more difficult — for children.

Simple swallow is carried out in a knee and elbow pose:

  • to rise on all fours, to lean elbows in a floor, keeping them at right angle and strictly under shoulder joints;
  • to take away one leg back and to straighten so that a leg, the back and the head formed a straight line;
  • to stand for 5 seconds;
  • it is possible to complicate exercise assignment of a leg even above that foot it was possible to touch the head.

Video: technology of performance of acrobatic exercise Swallow More difficult swallow is carried out with balancing on one leg which is the basis for many more difficult tricks:

  • to rise, holding a back exactly, and knees — straight lines;
  • one leg, pulling in a knee and holding it a straight line, to take away back;
  • to incline a trunk forward, a back equal;
  • to part hands in the parties (they have to be with a trunk in one plane);
  • to keep on one leg (other leg and a back have to form a straight line);
  • to keep balance, without bending a knee and a back;
  • to be late in a position for 5 seconds;
  • over time it is possible to increase the time spent in a position.

Video: technology of performance of exercise Swallow


When performing this element, front muscles of hips and a trunk stretch. To arrive as follows:

  • to take a position lying on a stomach;
  • to bend legs in knees, having lifted a foot towards the head;
  • to raise the head and a thorax over a floor, having reached hands back to legs and having clasped with foot palms;
  • to pull legs to the head, caving in in a back;
  • to hold a basin on a floor, and hips, to try to tear off the top part of a stomach and a thorax from a floor, forming a body a so-called basket.

This exercise quite simple performed by, effectively stretches a large number of muscles and trains to hold balance.

Video: technology of performance of exercise Basket

Longitudinal twine

Originates in gymnastics. At first sight, it seems simple, however its performance requires a good extension of muscles. It is impossible to reach such level for several occupations. The person is more senior, the his muscles stretch heavier. Several weeks of systematic trainings will be necessary to master this exercise.

Technology of performance of twine is quite simple:

  • it is possible to start exercise only after active warm-up;
  • one leg to rise on a knee, and to bring another forward, having bent it in a knee joint at right angle;
  • to adopt the provision emphasis palms in a floor;
  • leg which costs a knee on a floor, slowly to take away back, trying to level a knee;
  • gradually to remove a front leg forward, too leveling a knee;
  • to make elastic rockings up-down at alignment of knees and cultivation of legs.

Video: technology of performance of exercise A longitudinal twine the Purpose of twine is to sit down completely on a floor that the legs divorced in the opposite directions lay on a floor, forming one continuous flat line. When the necessary extension is reached, elastic rockings will not be necessary, and you will be able to stretch out at once.

Whether you know? There is a myth: to stretch out, rather simply regularly to stretch muscles. It not absolutely so, the muscle fibers deprived of a tone last much worse. Therefore it is necessary to alternate an extension and power exercises.

Cross split

On technology of performance practically same, as well as longitudinal, only legs disperse a straight line in the parties from a trunk on each side, but not back and forth.

Technology of performance almost identical:

  • after warm-up to sit down on hunkers;
  • to put emphasis palms in a floor;
  • to part legs in the parties, leveling knees;
  • to try to lower a basin as low as possible to a floor until completely you sit down;
  • if between a basin and a floor there is an interval, to make several elastic movements, then to accept an initial position.

Video: technology of performance of exercise Cross split When an extension will be sufficient completely to stretch out, kneel or it will on hunkers not be obligatory. You will be able from a position standing on direct legs just to part in a twine.

After the extension becomes good, and you will master longitudinal and cross twine, many other acrobatic exercises will seem lungs as most of them are carried out on the basis of the above basic elements. All these general exercises are used as well in gymnastics.

Learn, than it is useful and as it is correct to do an extension how quickly to stretch out how to stretch for a cross split.

The organization of acrobatic occupations at school

Many general acrobatic exercises are included into the school program of lessons of physical education for children as are quite simple performed by and provide harmonious physical development of school students from the first to graduation classes.

For kids (1-4 class)

Occupations for children of elementary grades are directed to formation of ability to be grouped, own the body, to hold balance and mean performance of simple exercises:

  1. Group — position of a body halfbent, knees are tightened to shoulders and slightly divorced that the head was between knees, palms clasped knees in front, and elbows are pressed to a trunk. It is a basis many other acrobatic exercises.
  2. Rifts — are necessary to bring the pupil to performance of somersaults.
  3. Somersaults — forward, back and aside.
  4. Rack on shovels, and knees are bent.
  5. Birch — a rack on shovels with equal legs.
  6. Bridge — a raising occurs from a floor, later becomes complicated through lowering by hands on a wall.
  7. Visa on a crossbeam.
  8. Jumps through a jump rope.
  9. Long jumps from the place and from height.
  10. Leaping through a log.

Video: acrobatically exercises for kids

For teenagers (5-8 class)

All previous elements remain also in occupations for children of 12-16 years, but become complicated:

  • bridge — is carried out from a position standing, caving in in a back back;
  • to lasagna on a rope;
  • jumps through a horse or a goat;
  • double and threefold somersaults back and forth;
  • the birch which is carried out after somersaults forward;
  • swinging on bars;
  • rack on the head with the bent legs in knees and with the emphasis on the head and brushes;
  • somersaults back with an exit in a half-split (when one leg is directly taken away back, and the second is bent in a knee, the basin is lowered on the bent leg);
  • long somersaults through a jump forward when the contact of a floor with the head comes not less than in 60 cm from socks.

Video: acrobatic exercises for teenagers

For seniors (8-11 class)

Tasks already more difficult also mean that young men and girls have a certain level of physical training — a sufficient extension, force and endurance. Here example of such exercises:

  • rack on the head — legs direct; emphasis is placed on the top and brushes;
  • somersaults back through a handstand;
  • complications of bridge by the turn on an emphasis one knee;
  • somersaults after running start from three steps and a jump;
  • somersaults with a jump through a barrier;
  • side revolution wheel.

Exercises including acrobatic exercises have to is carried out by the highly skilled trainer and with all appropriate equipment. Observance of safety measures is obligatory.

All difficult exercises are followed by an insurance therefore acrobatic groups have to be small — up to 15 people that the trainer could track each student both help performed by and secure him.

Whether you know? Anatomic features allow men easier to master a cross split, and to women longitudinal.

Acrobatics — sport to which the easiest to study in the childhood. It strengthens an organism, stretches muscles, increases force and endurance. However it not only way of improvement of physical education; this also spectacular representation, acrobatic tricks look esthetically beautifully. People of any age at sufficient persistence and desire can master general exercises, however in the childhood they come most easily.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
