Exercises for a waist: for strengthening and against pain"

Exercises for a waist: for strengthening and against pain"

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Pains in a waist — the phenomenon quite frequent which arises at the people leading mainly a sedentary life and also at those who move a little and finds not enough time for physical activity. Fortunately, the set of exercises helping to kill pain in lumbar department and promoting its strengthening was developed for fight against this problem. Let's consider in more detail that such physical exercises represent and as it is correct to carry out them.

Physical exercises for a waist

Absolutely different factors can be the causes of pains in a waist: spine injuries, inactive way of life, pregnancy, dynamic physical work and many others. In this material we will consider physical exercises for a waist which are intended to help those who lead an inactive life or have sedentary work.

Whether you know? Statistically, 90% of people suffer from a lyumbalgiya from time to time, i.e. feel waist pains.


It is possible to refer to advantage of these exercises:

Harm and contraindications

If it is correct to carry out similar exercises, then they will bring to an organism only benefit. But before beginning their performance, it is necessary to find out what contraindications they have.

Important! Too big loading at active performance of physical education can become the cause of a heart attack or stroke. Before performance of these exercises surely visit the doctor if you have any diseases of a cardiovascular system.

Treat them:

If you have no above-mentioned diseases, during the occupations all of you equally have to follow safety rules: to control loading, to observe technology of performance, before a training it is obligatory to do warm-up.

Rules and recommendations for bigger efficiency

Before a training study rules and recommendations which will help you to reach the maximum effect of occupation:

  1. It is possible to begin a training only after good warm-up and a warming up of all muscles of a body.
  2. Choose comfortable clothes, it is desirable from natural materials which will not constrain your movements and will allow a body "to breathe".
  3. Surely divide exercises into complexes: do not carry out them in a chaotic order, use a system.
  4. First do everything gradually, loading should be raised from occupation to occupation, but not at once to carry out all norm calculated on professionals.

Pay attention to a set of exercises for a back and a waist.

Physical exercises

Exercises for a waist — fine means for prevention of diseases of a backbone and for relaxation of all body at the end of the day of work. They can be carried out as at home, independently, and in the gym, under observation of the experienced trainer.

In house conditions

There are several simple complexes which can be carried out without leaving at home. They will help to get rid of pain during long sitting at the computer, to stretch and restore flexibility of lumbar department, at the same time will not take away a lot of time.

Important! Before any charging in house conditions it is desirable to air the room where there will take place the training.

For strengthening of a waist

For strengthening of muscles of lumbar department of a backbone it is useful to do such exercise: a starting position — lying on a back, hands along a trunk, to strain stomach muscles (as it is possible stronger) and to bend a waist up, without tearing off legs and shovels from a floor surface. Breath has to be quiet, not be interrupted during tension. After that it is necessary to relax completely waist muscles, to exhale, fall down. To repeat 10 times.

It is better to carry out the following exercise right after the first. In the same pose it is necessary to lift the top part of a trunk, at the same time legs should not come off a floor. Situation keeps seconds 10 then the upper body smoothly falls back. The second approach repeats after a break in several seconds for rest. It is possible to carry out exercise 15 times, the main thing that there were no painful feelings in press muscles. To facilitate the equipment, hands connect over a stomach — so tension of muscles of a stomach decreases. One more good exercise for strengthening of lumbar department — pulling up of legs. It is necessary to lie on a back, the body is relaxed, the right hand is directed towards the left leg. The leg begins to be raised slowly, and a hand create it resistance (as if interfering it with approach), it is necessary to carry out with effort. Hold a pose of seconds 15 then the leg slowly falls together with a hand, muscles relax. It is necessary to repeat exercise 10 times, after that to replace a hand and a leg.

Whether you know? Researchers of the Wayne State University finding in the USA found out that bitter chocolate contains a lot of special substance, stimulating growth of muscles. And still this delicacy can be considered as prophylactic from heart troubles and atherosclerosis, certainly, at moderate consumption.

For removal of pain

From back pain, especially in the lower departments, exercise under the name "Hunting dog" remarkably approaches. It is necessary to rise on all fours, position of a back neutral, breath quiet. Further stomach muscles strain, the right hand is raised until it is parallel to a floor, and together with it it is at the same time necessary to raise also the left leg. It is necessary to pull a leg as it is possible above, keeping balance, the back and the head have to be in one situation. The position is held 10 seconds then the hand and a leg slowly fall. After that it is necessary to execute the equipment for the right leg and the left hand. Repeat exercise of 10-15 times. A side level — fine exercise for removal of pain not only in a waist, but also in a back. Lying on one side, be reluctant an elbow accurately under a shoulder, turn in knees a little, raise hips up until the body creates a straight line from a shoulder to knees. Be late 10 seconds, slowly fall and have a rest several seconds. Then repeat on other party. It is possible to carry out exercise 15 times on one and 15 on other party.

One of the simplest and effective exercises for removal of pain in lumbar department — side twisting. Lying on a back, hands are placed, legs are bent in knees and slowly tightened to a breast. After slowly, without interrupting breath, turn to the left, to the right for 5–6 seconds. From 10 to 20 times repeat.

Important! In this exercise only muscles of a waist, not all back have to work.

For flexibility

For an extension not only back department, but also for flexibility of all body, it is good to carry out such simple exercise: in a position on a back, legs are relaxed, the right leg rises up in direct situation, is kept for a heel by a towel. In this position the stretching of all muscles of legs is well felt. It is possible just to raise a leg, holding it under a knee. Further the leg slowly falls. Then repeats for another. In total 10 approaches are made. The equipment perfectly is suitable for removal of pains, fatigue, an extension of lumbar department and legs, it is recommended at waist injuries.

Examine exercises for a back: with a fitball, with dumbbells, with a bar.

Exercise under the name "Sphinx" perfectly is suitable for a deflection of the lower department of a back, removal of pain, finding of flexibility and mobility. It is carried out so: it is necessary to lay down on a stomach and to lift the top part of a trunk, to rest hands against a floor and to put emphasis on forearms. They have to be parallel each other, socks are extended. Situation keeps some time, it is necessary to make several deep breaths and exits then slowly to fall. 5–8 times repeat.

Video: exercises for a waist in house conditions

In gym

In the gym the set of opportunities for a training opens. Experienced trainers can develop the system of exercises individually for each person, check their performance and help if necessary. Plus such occupations — a possibility of use of exercise machines.

Training for beginners

The program of trainings for beginners includes such exercises:

  1. Press — lying on a back, hands behind the head, the top part of a trunk rises (at the initial stage — 10 times).
  2. Exercises for a back "Boat" — lying on a rug, hands and legs rise, the body lasts up, 10 times are carried out.
  3. Exercise "Cat" — consecutive deflections of a waist are on all fours carried out up, the head is hung down, then waist deflections down, the head lasts up, to carry out 8–10 times.
  4. Inclinations are hands on a neck, inclinations down, 10 times are carried out.
  5. Squats — from 10 to 30 times.

Pay attention to the following exercises: level, push-ups, squats.

Training for professionals

The program for more prepared people includes such exercises:

  1. Giperekstenziya on the exercise machine — the top half of a trunk falls and rises down on the special exercise machine, 15–20 times in one approach are carried out, further the number of approaches increases to 3.
  2. The level — is carried out 20 times.
  3. Side dynamic level — 30 times on each party.
  4. Squats — 50 times without interruption or several approaches till 15-20 times.
  5. Inclinations — not less than 30 times.

Giperekstenziya on the exercise machine: video

Whether you know? The strongest muscle in a human body is language, and the fastest — those which help the person to blink.

Certainly, all programs can change, being supplemented with other exercises at the choice of the trainer.

Physical occupations for a waist where they were carried out: houses or in gym, help to get rid of back pains, to stretch and recover muscles of lumbar department, to strengthen a back. It is a little time allowed for a training, will facilitate your state and will save from need of the address to the doctor.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
