Healthy nutrition for the beginning yogis: mode and basic principles

Healthy nutrition for the beginning yogis: mode and basic principles

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The opinion as if the person is what he eats, is the cornerstone of the principles of food of yogis. Healthy food, the correct diet and a direction of use of food not only affect health of the person and a condition of an organism, but also influence the spiritual sphere when through clarification of a body there is a clarification of mind. Yogis consider that a mitakhara (letters. the moderate diet) – the culture of food in yogichesky practicians meaning strict regulation of food – suits also the people inclined to obesity, and those who has a lack of weight.

Principles of healthy nutrition of yogis

The great value as weak, sluggish, excessively well-fed, or on the contrary, the thin body is a consequence of improper feeding is attached to food in yogichesky practice. Food is not a cult of pleasure, but a subsistence therefore the diet has to include only necessary amount of food.

Only at the balanced healthy food of people will feel inflow of forces and cheerfulness, it will be cheerful, active, physically strong and spiritually open.

Whether you know? During the day thoughts of food take a lot of time the person. So, most of people thinks more than one hundred times in a day of products and meal.

Each product bears in itself vital energy – a prana, and the product is cleaner and healthier, the it is more in it than this vivifying force, so, and advantage for an organism.

Therefore how yogas eat, depends on some general principles:

  1. It is better to give preference to the vegetable food which underwent the minimum heat treatment, or even crude. It is worth placing vegetables and fruit in a diet basis, however meat is not taboo. Restriction for meat is imposed because of in what conditions animals live and die before getting on a table. It is considered that the fear which is felt by an animal before a face, is transferred it to meat because of what the product bears negative power and therefore it is undesirable to the use.
  2. At least one meal a day has to be completely vegetable. For lunch, for example, it is possible to eat vegetable salad.
  3. Table salt is undesirable in food. It is recommended to limit its quantity or to replace sea, rich with minerals and iodine.
  4. It is necessary to exclude narcotic substances from a diet. And not only drugs in traditional understanding, but also coffee, tea, chocolate belong to them. These products increase excitability of nervous system and cause accustoming.
  5. Flour products can be used, but in a small amount and only from coarse flour. It is the best of all to give preference to rye bread or black bread with bran.
  6. Milk – the best friend of the yogi. It is not considered an animal product, but contains a large amount of digestible animal protein which is necessary for an organism. Milk can make one full meal, it is possible even once a week to spend dairy day when nothing is used, in addition a product.
  7. It is desirable that food was regular and meals occurred approximately at the same time. However if time has come, and there is no wish to eat, then you should not force yourself, to miss this reception better.
  8. Transition to a mitakhara has to be gradual as the diet is quite strict, and at the person, unusual to it, can provoke a stress. It is necessary to begin with gradual replacement of products and slow reduction of portions.
  9. When the yogichesky diet becomes norm of life, it is possible to arrange fasting day once a week. This day it is necessary to refuse completely food and only to drink water.
  10. It is always necessary to go to bed with feeling of easy hunger. In principle, each meal should not cause feelings of glut, however and it is not necessary to be malnourished too.
  11. The diet has to contain all necessary vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to diversify it with various products and to watch that there was no deficiency of any given nutrients.
  12. Food has to be not greasy, not fried, not sharp, without spices and not tinned. However it has to be rich, balanced and always prepared with love. Often the way of preparation defines quality of a dish.
  13. Products at the use always have to be warm. It is not recommended to eat hot or cold dishes, and in particular to alternate that and others. It negatively affects digestive system, raises its tone and destroys tooth enamel.
  14. You should not warm food. It is the best of all if it is always freshen, at warming up its nutritional value is lost. Same concerns and the frozen products – they always have to be fresh. And fruit and berries are most useful if they wild-growing and ripened on trees and bushes, but not on shelves of supermarkets.

Video: food of yogis Besides these principles from which deviation can be allowed occasionally in yogichesky practice there are also more strict rules of food.

The basic rules of healthy food in yoga:

1) Meal only at emergence of feeling of hunger

You should not eat when there is no wish. It is quite admissible to miss some meal if there is no feeling of hunger. We eat to sate a body with energy necessary for it, but not to be charmed by taste of food.

2) No more than 2-3 meals a day

Food has to be moderate, and its appointment – maintenance of an organism. Having a snack between the main meals does not bear advantage to a body. It is necessary to eat no more than 2-3 times a day in the small portions.

3) Feeling of malnutrition

After each meal there has to be a feeling of slight malnutrition. Only a half of volume of a stomach intends for food, one quarter – for water, and one more quarter has to remain empty – for gases.

4) Slow chewing

Digestion begins in a mouth. Chewing – process on which success of digestion of a dish depends. It is necessary to chew long, slowly and carefully – then food is plentifully moistened with saliva which already in a mouth begins to split food. The consistence has to become liquid, without firm pieces.

5) Minimum heat treatment

Food which is exposed to the minimum heat treatment is considered the most useful, crude is steamed or in general. At heat treatment a large amount of vitamins and minerals is lost therefore a diet of yogis mainly vegetarian and includes a rawism.

6) Minimum of spices

Any spices and spices badly influence food power, excessively excite nervous system, increase activity which is not creating. Using many spices, the person becomes excessively excitable, unbalanced, even inclined to aggression.

7) Drinking mode

Waters it is necessary to drink about 1.5-2 l a day. It has to be crude and cleaned, it is allowed mineral not aerated. However it is impossible to wash down food as it worsens digestion and provokes ingestion of insufficiently chewed food. It is recommended to drink in 1 hour prior to food or in an hour later.

8) Replacement of sugar

Sweet is possible and it is necessary to eat, but here it is better to refuse crystal sugar. It is successfully replaced by honey, fruit and juice.

9) Separate food

It is ideal if one meal makes one product. If it cannot achieve, then it is necessary to monitor optimum selection of ingredients that they were combined.

10) The meal mode

The breakfast has to be not earlier than in a couple of hours after awakening, and a dinner – in 2–3 hours prior to withdrawal for sleeping.

To slow chewing it is paid much attention in the principles of food of yogis. At slow chewing the process of digestion begins already in a mouth that considerably facilitates digestion in a stomach. Food gets to it already in absolutely liquid state so efforts for commission of the glotatelny movement are not even required. At slow chewing the feeling of saturation comes much quicker that allows to reduce serving size considerably. For this reason there is an opinion that the yogi can be sated only with one fruit.

Slowly it is necessary to absorb not only firm food, but also water, drinks. It is necessary to sip, kind of chewing each of which language, overtaking liquid on all oral cavity.

Learn what there are directions in yoga and in what their main differences.

Mitakhara imposes a number of restrictions for some products which need or to be excluded completely from a diet, or to limit as much as possible in quantity.

Treat such products:

Despite a large number of the bans, the basis of a diet of yogis form such products:

Important! The insignificant amount of not hot spices is quite allowed, and onions and garlic can be used restrictedly after heat treatment. The vegetable oil which is (not refined) quite will be suitable for preparation of dishes and seasoning of salads.

If all these products enter a daily diet, then food will be balanced and vitamin-rich and minerals.

Types of food for yogis

According to a yogichesky system there are three types of food which correspond to three main qualities defining its influence on a condition of an organism. It:

  1. The rajah – allocates with hyperactivity and excitability, provokes a splash of emotions and aggression. Is a source of animal instincts. Such food is not considered creating as provokes voluptuousness, immoderation, negative emotions and conflictness.
  2. Tamas – is the embodiment of ignorance, darkness, stagnation. Such food provokes laziness, dullness and also repays aspiration to development and creation.
  3. Sattva – the salutary, spiritual beginning. Is creating, creating, embodies light and kindness, leads to development, growth, improvement, joy. Such food is considered the healthiest and salutary.

Whether you know? To chew food to liquid state, about 30-40 chewing movements whereas most of people, chewing firm food, from only 5 to 10 chewing movements make are necessary.

Depending on to what look food belongs, it has certain impact on an organism. This influence extends not only to a physical body, but also to the spiritual beginning in the person.

Video: osattvichesky, tamastichesky and radzhastichesky in the nature and the person


This food is most widespread and forms the basis practically of any kitchen of the world. Its basic purpose – receiving pleasure from a meal, and without caring for quantity of portions, their size, contents and frequency of food.

Will read you about whether it is possible to practice yoga at cold and cold.

Here such food belongs:

Such products enter a basis of radzhastichesky food:

This type of food has an adverse effect on health, causes various a trouble of heart, vessels and digestive organs, becomes the cause of obesity, accelerates aging and leads to premature death.

Important! The fact that even the sattvichesky food eaten on the run, in a hurry and without appropriate chewing, becomes radzhastichesky is remarkable.


Everything that underwent excessive heat treatment belongs to this type of food. These are products which owing to intensive preparation too strongly changed the structure, appearance and qualities.

Tamastichesky food:

By the nature treat tamastichesky products:

We recommend to esteem how to begin to practice house yoga.

Meat, undoubtedly, belongs to tamastichesky group and is not used by yogas.

There are main reasons:

  1. Meat imprints fear of an animal at the time of a face and bears in itself its print that reduces quantity of a prana in the person.
  2. The quality of meat products leaves much to be desired as animals are supported in conditions unseemly to a living organism and feed with low-quality sterns, with addition of toxic chemicals and hormones.
  3. In intestines there are processes of rotting during digestion of meat which poison an organism from within.
  4. Meat eaters grow old quicker and wither, they are more rough and more brutal by the nature, are more aggressive, konfliktna also are greedy to sinful pleasures and passions.


Only clean, healthy, fresh and natural food which underwent the minimum heat treatment belongs to this look. It:

The best food is crude vegetables, fruit and berries. The main thing that dishes were boiled or steamed: not digested, not overdried, not fried. Sattvichesky food the freshest.

Study the description of the main chakras of the person and their value.

It is especially good if fruit and vegetables are taken directly from a bed where they were not processed by pesticides, growth accelerators, and ripened on branches. Products cannot be frozen, warmed and to store long, they should not be stale or sluggish. Such food is easily acquired, normalizes work of digestive system, cleans an organism, fills a body with a prana, cleans thoughts.

Hatha yoga food allowance

The Hatha yoga is most widespread in the world today and it is even considered a synonym of yoga per se. This practice includes not only asanas, breathing exercises and world yogichesky outlooks, but also a special food allowance, food – the main component of a healthy lifestyle and longevity.

Therefore the Hatha yoga is ideal both for women, and for men who seek to revitalize the body and spirit and to prolong the life as long as possible.

For certain will interestingly read you about what it is useful Hatha yoga to health of a body and mind and also what to begin occupations with.

Main groups of products

Food of Hatha yogis is based on the main groups of products:

  1. They are eaten both crude, and easily prepared. It can be root crops – potatoes, beet, carrots and also other vegetable cultures – vegetable marrows, eggplants, a cauliflower, spinach, salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens. The main thing that vegetable dishes included a minimum of components or were single-component at all.
  2. Fruit and berries. It is desirable that fruits were wild-growing. They are used crude, but not tinned. Compotes – at will. The main thing is not to digest fruits: to bring water to boiling and to remove immediately from fire.
  3. Peanut, walnuts, pistachios and others. They have rich vitamin and mineral structure and do not need preparation.
  4. Grain – a rye, barley, wheat, rice, porridge enters into this group. Porridges fill with vegetable oils, but not animals.
  5. Lentil, soy, haricot. And here it is better not to use peas as it it becomes frequent the reason of the increased gas generation.
  6. Milk and fermented milk products. It is the best of all to use whole fresh genuine cow's milk. Sometimes the diet can be supplemented with kefir and sour milk, curdled milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese. But it is undesirable to eat butter, fermented baked milk, baked milk as these products are exposed to considerable heat treatment.
  7. Vegetable oils. It have to be the natural not refined vegetable oils of a cold extraction – olive, linen, sesame, peanut, even sunflower.
  8. The beekeeping product successfully replaces sugar and acts as sweets.

It is recommended to eat food in a day regimen by such rules:

  1. Day needs to be begun with water. After awakening it is necessary to drink it 1 or 2 glasses.
  2. The breakfast should be planned in 1–2 hours after awakening; it is ideal if it drops to 7–8 o'clock in the morning. The lunch then is the share of an interval from 13 to 15 o'clock in the afternoon. It is better to have supper closer to 19 o'clock in the evening.
  3. Having a snack between the main meals is undesirable.
  4. Before a training it is impossible to eat. The last meal has to be in 3 hours prior to the training.
  5. After classes it is possible to eat not earlier than in half an hour.
  6. It is possible to drink water at any time, irrespective of trainings. However directly at occupations it is better to refrain from water.

Important! After the morning training it is possible to afford quite dense lunch with porridge, stewed vegetables, juice. However if the training was held in the evening, then the dinner has to be a lung. If there is a wish to eat very much, and you understand that some crude vegetables or fruit not to manage, eat the baked apple, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese or tofu.

Groups of products for weight loss

Transition to yogichesky food will slowly and truly bring any organism into a tone. However, if the purpose is to lose weight, then the diet can be a little more strict.

For this purpose in a diet you leave:

Food is under construction according to the following scheme:

  1. After awakening you drink 2 glasses of water.
  2. Breakfast very easy – a glass of drink from a celery (live drink) and one fruit (apple, banana or grapefruit).
  3. For lunch it is possible to eat oat flakes with nutlets, vegetable salad or one (any) boiled vegetable.
  4. For dinner boiled vegetables with a lemon, a glass of orange juice.

We advise to get acquainted with types of yoga for weight loss.

Some recommendations for weight loss:

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
