Quickly it is possible to gain body weight by means of suralimentation and regular trainings by sport. To achieve good result, you have to increase amount of the consumed protein and not less than two times a week to visit gym.
1. Quickly it is possible to gain body weight by means of occupations in gym and suralimentation. Increase the number of meals. Eat not less than 4-5 times a day. Professional bodybuilders for maintenance of the form eat about 7-8 times. Each meal has to contain 50-60% of carbohydrates (it is desirable "slow"), 30-35% of proteins and only 10-20% of fats.
2. Use the large amount of protein, he participates in growth and development of muscles. For this purpose eat the following products: pork, chicken meat, bean, mushrooms, egg powder (in it the squirrel, than in boiled eggs is almost three times more), nuts. But place particular emphasis on two products: on hard cheeses and eggs (including quail). The protein which is contained in them is easily acquired by the organism. So, these products best of all are suitable for the set of body weight. Enter into the daily diet not less than 6 eggs and 200 grams of cheese. Of course, these products have to go addition to your usual food.
3. 2-3 times a week be engaged in gym. The organism has to not only receive loading, but also be restored after it. Therefore it isn't recommended to hold trainings daily. Time for occupations has to be 1-1.5 hours, including 2 warm-ups on aerobic exercise machines.
4. Consider also intensity of occupations. Work with the maximum weight which you will be able to sustain. Time between approaches has to be 60-90 seconds. The maximum effect can be reached at high intensity of occupations. The set of body weight depends on how muscles during the training were strongly loaded, and how qualitatively they have a rest during the recovery period.
5. Include general exercises which involve the large number of muscles in the program. It is the bench press, squats, stanovy draft. You give all classes with the maximum weightings, surely use posts and dumbbells.
6. You shouldn't spend too much time on exercise machines, they only give to muscles relief, but don't help to increase body weight. Be engaged with the free weight more, only it will help you to achieve result quickly.