How quickly to pump up calves

How quickly to pump up calves

Relief and beefy calves give to male legs special appeal. Playing sports at insufficiently trained gastrocnemius muscles, you risk to be traumatized in the form of the rupture of the sinew. The similar trauma it is rather easy to avoid if to pay to calves due attention.

It is required to you

  • - Gakkenshmidta exercise machine;
  • - post;
  • - platform;
  • - bench.


1. One of the simplest and appropriate exercises – rise on socks. Correctly to arrange load of both legs, you have to get up directly. It can achieve if to lean on the wall hands. Smoothly and slowly begin to rise on toes, don't make abrupt and prygatelny movements. Then also slowly fall to the home position. To increase efficiency from this exercise, take away hands from the wall and pick up the heavy subject (dumbbells or bottles with water). Make four approaches on thirty rises.

2. The following exercise for the rating of muscles of calves – the same rising on toes, but only in bending. For this purpose get up before the table and rest against it palms, bend slightly less, than by ninety degrees. Slowly rise on toes and then slowly fall. You watch that all movements were fluent without breakthroughs. For the best efficiency make the maximum rise. Do on thirty rises in three-four approaches.

3. To pump up gastrocnemius muscles in the gym, you will need the Gakkenshmidta exercise machine. Put legs a little forward and undertake hands exercise machine handles. Make the deep breath and begin to unbend legs slowly. You watch that weight was such that from it legs at the first rise didn't shiver (about twenty percent more with your body weight). Then slowly fall down. It is important to perform at the same time this exercise with the proper technique, but not with high speed (as many think). Execute on ten repetitions in three approaches.

4. Put the platform under the signature stamp of the post and at distance of thirty centimeters place the horizontal bench. Sit down on the edge of the bench and bring knees under the post signature stamp, put socks shoulder width apart on the edge of the platform. Lower heels as low as possible and, slightly holding the signature stamp with hands, begin to squeeze out weight knees, lifting feet on socks. In the topmost point make the pause and return to the initial position. Repeat exercise on ten times in two-three approaches.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
