How quickly to wake up by means of yoga

How quickly to wake up by means of yoga

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It is not a lot of such people who, having woken up on an alarm clock call in the morning, are vigorous and ready to fulfillments. The majority needs some time to depart from a dream, to cheer up by means of a shower, a cup of tea or coffee, music, morning exercises — at everyone the rituals. The conventional means invigorating and loading with energy is the morning yoga, only laziness to be engaged in it in much since the morning. For such idlers in yoga there are compromise options which performance does not demand even rise — they can be carried out without getting out of a bed. What is represented by yoga for awakening that gives to the person performance of a complex since morning, suggest to consider in more detail.

Advantage of occupations

Not everyone is capable of morning exercises, kind of to us since the childhood imparted love and a habit to it.

Whether you know? Archeological excavations not only in the territory of India, but also in Latin America testify to yoga antiquity.

Undoubtedly, it loads with cheerfulness, but charging is how to come into cold water: then it will be good, but at first it is necessary to decide. For it there is eternally not enough will power, determination, precious morning minutes or still something, undoubtedly, very valid. In this meaning of the yogi in the mornings — more suitable thing as allows to pick up intensity, duration and quantity carried out proceeding from individual preferences, opportunities and requirements.

Important! Even the yoga deprived of spirituality brings improbable benefit to both a body, and spirit.

Using the most net morning energy, the yoga in general and a morning complex for beginners, in particular, renders advantage in the following directions:

Learn about advantage and harm of yoga.

Time on Ayurveda

It is hard for modern person to pick up the yoga instructor suitable on mind and heart and at all ultraboundary it is represented to find the correct time for practice implementation. The majority uses time to or after work for the lack of another. However not everything is so simple.

The Ayurveda learns that each part of days is good for dedication of concrete activity.

The interval between 2 and 6 o'clock in the morning is Cotton wool time.

Following it, with 6 to 10 — time of Kapkhi.

The interval between 1 and 14 hours belongs by the time of Pitta.

The cycle becomes isolated, and Cotton wool time in a time interval from 14 to 18 o'clock, after it — Kapkhi and Pitta is started over again.

Whether you know? It is proved that at the people practicing yoga, sexual life is brighter also ability to become pregnant above, thanks to it the blood-groove, in particular, in bodies of a small pelvis becomes more active.

Proceeding from change of the periods it is necessary to plan the activity in general and types of yoga, in particular, that the result was the satisfactoriest.

Cotton wool

Time of Cotton wool is ideal for implementation of spirituality, meditations — it is carried out most easily during these periods.

Trying to meditate in the period of Kapkhi, you risk to fall asleep. Pitta's time — the hottest of all, a condition of spirit stays in an active phase and the person cannot relax properly.

It will be interesting to you to learn about yoga dance Mandala.


The motive practicians differing in activity are ideal for performance in the period of Kapkhi, that is time before work perfectly for this purpose will approach.


Pitta's time — lunch, it just perfectly approaches to digest food. Systems already work at full capacity, there is no sense them in addition to stimulate. Thus, a lunch break — improper time for yoga.

What to begin morning with?

Ideally for occupations practicians of yoga it is necessary to wake up till the sunrise, to drink warm water, to make the morning exercise including clarification of a body and skin.

It is not obligatory to make all this, especially to beginners though performance of a full cycle of practice is more productive. Performance not only asanas, but also pranayam and meditations will give the best effect of occupations.

Important! Movements in yoga cannot be carried out sharply and fitfully, they differ in smoothness, naturalness and do not give an inconvenience to a body.

The earliest morning, till 6 o'clock when most of people still sleeps and the mental field is not taken, and air is not polluted and fresh — the best time for meditations. Advanced yogis consider that the morning hours rather at dawn devoted to deep meditation — guarantee of success of all practice, and without meditation of the practician is anything, but not yoga.

They recommend in the conditions of deficiency to time for a full yogovsky complex to stop on pranayama and meditation, previously having executed Surya Namaskr — The Greeting to the Sun, multiple we rub number of times.


Pranayama — breathing exercises by means of which the body wakens from a dream and is filled with vital energy. You should not neglect them, otherwise morning occupations will seem difficult and exhausting. If time is not enough, for several cycles pranayam it needs all the same to be allocated.

Morning pranayama warm, remove slags and stimulate digestion. Pranayama it is necessary to carry out, realizing breath and its process, having concentrated on him attention.

When performing a pranayama a direct backbone — an indispensable condition. Such situation creates conditions for the correct course of energy in a body.

Are engaged morning pranayamy before practice of asanas as the purpose it is worth awakening an organism and to induce it to activity.

Whether you know? The yoga plays a role of morning exercises in army of the United States, at us she practices in the program of training of rescuers, submariners and intelligence agents.


It is necessary to begin with something and if there are no forces on traditional morning exercises and you decided to practice yoga as a compromise, then it is worth paying attention to asanas which do not demand to get out of a bed. It is the peculiar morning yoga for beginners allowing to be involved in process, to begin to feel from it pleasure and to begin to enjoy.

It is possible to begin with Balasana, or the child's Pose with the divorced legs. It is possible to start its performance without opening eyes after awakening. Its purpose is to stretch hips, anklebones and a back.

Whether you know? The turned poses render anti-aging effect thanks to the fact that change the direction in which the person is constantly affected by gravitation force.

By the following pose elect Supt Baddh Konasana, or the Pose of the lying butterfly. The pose promotes improvement of blood circulation and work of heart. Stretches inguinal, femoral and knee sheaves.

Anand Balasan, or the Pose of the happy child, continues a morning cycle. This situation promotes stretching of an internal surface of a hip, inguinal and knee muscles and also softens a stress and consciousness calms. Supta Matsiyendrasana, in a different way the Pose of twist lying, will stretch a back, will remove stress, will massage internals, will promote a conclusion of toxins from an organism, will improve digestion.

Gomukhasana, or the cow Pose, will stretch anklebones, muscles of hips and buttocks, shoulders, hands, breasts.

Pashchimottanasana, in a different way — the Inclination to legs sitting, helps to stretch a backbone and shoulders and also popliteal sinews. Also promotes digestion improvement.

Important! Breath has to be equal, measured and deep, thoughts — a leak quietly, without negative and fears.

Sukhanasana, that is the Pose with the crossed legs, will help to pass to the following practicians at whom the sitting position and a direct back is required.

Morning complex of yoga

Surya Namaskar is, speaking simply, the yoga which is carried out in the morning quite available to beginners which consists of 12 asanas and becomes in 10–15 minutes which are not so difficult for allocating if desired. The name of a complex is translated as the Greeting to the Sun — very poetically and inspiring. The number of repetitions of exercises has to be multiple to three.

Learn about a diet of yogis.

The asanas following one by one in Surya Namaskar have everyone own value. The order of their performance allows to be filled with solar energy for further day.

Carrying out a cycle, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the respiratory mode which promotes relaxation, blood enrichment with oxygen, and bodies — energy. Pranamasana. The direct back, legs nearby, the head reaches for the sky, extending for itself a backbone, palms before a breast are connected among themselves. The breath, a thorax is filled and extends, the stomach is pulled in by means of press muscles — a breath delay — a smooth exhalation on which there is a transition to the following asana.

Hasta Uttanasana. A breath, hands are raised and got for the head, remaining parallel each other on the highest point, the back caves in — an exhalation, return to a starting position.

Important! Observe smoothness and ease of movements, without allowing excessive tension.

Padakhastasana. The breath, an inclination forward, a stomach touches hips, the person of knees, palms clasp from back side of a leg, the back stretches as much as possible, but is not overstrained — an exhalation and transition to the following asana.

Ashva Sanchalasana. A breath, a step backwards the right leg, leaning on her sock, the basin falls to a state in which it is still comfortable, the back becomes straight, the head at the same time lasts up — an exhalation. Akhdo of a mukh of a shavanasan. The breath, the left leg goes back and becomes near right, buttocks rise, the head is hung to level between elbows — an exhalation.

Namaskar's Ashtanga. The breath, legs are bent in knees and fall by a floor, concern a floor also a breast with a chin, and buttocks rise up — an exhalation.

Important! First without due preparation it is difficult to be bent so to touch by a face of knees therefore it is allowed for beginners knees a little to bend. At the same time it is necessary to seek nevertheless for the correct performance in the future.

Bkhudzhangasana. The breath, hands push out a thorax forward and up, buttocks fall down, the back forms an arch, the trunk leans on hands — an exhalation.

Adho of a mukh of a shvanasan. The breath, legs become straight, buttocks rise up, an emphasis on palms and feet — an exhalation. Ashva Sanchalasana. A breath, a step backwards the left leg, leaning on her sock, the basin falls to a state in which it is still comfortable, the back becomes straight, the head at the same time lasts up — an exhalation.

Padakhastasana. The breath, an inclination forward, a stomach touches hips, the person of knees, palms clasp from back side of a leg, the back stretches as much as possible, but is not overstrained — an exhalation and transition to the following asana.

Hasta Uttanasana. A breath, hands are raised and got for the head, remaining parallel each other on the highest point, the back caves in — an exhalation, return to a starting position.

Pranamasana. The direct back, legs nearby, the head reaches for the sky, extending for itself a backbone, palms before a breast are connected among themselves. The breath, a thorax is filled and extends, the stomach is pulled in by means of press muscles — a breath delay — a smooth exhalation on which there is a transition to the following asana.

Yoga or just charging?

The usual morning exercises demand remarkable will power, besides its performance is dullish while and especially without straining the yogi, taking not enough time, will give a charge of cheerfulness and strength for new day. The yoga has the mass of advantages before charging, here some of them:

If you decided to change something in the life and to begin with yoga — you on the right track. Also it is not important at all if not all turns out and not at once. Here the main thing to come to awareness of need to be engaged in the body and spirit, to self-organize and bring the maximum benefit to itself and the world around. Under these conditions everything will turn out if not at once, then in process of occupations because there is no limit to perfection, but it is necessary to aspire to it.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
