It is pleasant to feel graceful and flexible. The plasticity of movements gives to the person of charm and charm. Will help to develop it to you one of the directions of fitness - stretching.
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- Rug, the subscription in fitness club
1. Be engaged in stretching. For this purpose register in occupations, but it is possible to be engaged and independently. Specially picked up exercises help you to solve two main tasks: slow and smooth extension of muscles and strengthening of all body. Extension of muscles leads to the fact that your body grows thin, gains flexibility and plasticity. You find the beautiful bearing. Besides, these occupations aren't traumatic at all and don't worsen warm activity, and it is rather on the contrary.
2. Stretch correctly. In these exercises not the quantity, but quality is important. Surely concentrate on that group of muscles which you stretch. Each postural pose has to keep not less than 30 seconds. If you are well trained, then hold the pose up to one and a half minutes. Never stretch the muscle to feeling of pain or appearance of spasms. Receive steady positions of the body that will exclude the possibility of injuries. Be focused on breath. Except trunk bendings, carry out all exercises on the breath. At trunk bendings it is necessary to exhale. It is necessary to breathe smoothly and evenly.
3. Remember several simple exercises. Get up exactly, having slightly bent knees, at the same time legs arrange shoulder width apart. At first raise the right hand up and pull it for 30-40 seconds. Further provide to the hand freely to fall down and relax. Do the same the left hand. Repeat 6-8 times.
4. In the back-lying position bend legs in knee and hip joints. Part hands in the parties. At the same time the corner between the hand and the trunk has to make 90 degrees. Smoothly and slowly lower legs to the right, to the left, without tearing off heels from the floor. It is necessary to hold position of legs 45-50 seconds. Perform exercise of 6-8 times.
5. Cross legs before yourself, sitting on the floor. Pull the hands linked in "lock" up. For 50-60 seconds detain situation. Execute 5-6 times.