How to do gymnastics

How to do gymnastics

If you made the decision that you from tomorrow will begin to do gymnastics, next day not to forget the most important about the made decision. It is optional to begin to do gymnastics since morning, instantly jumping from the bed as soon as the alarm clock rings out. You can do gymnastics at any time convenient for you. The main thing - correctness of performance of exercises. Your mood, good health and symmetry of the figure depends on it.


1. Doing gymnastics can be divided into several stages. It is necessary to begin gymnastics with warm-up, then to do the main set of exercises and occupation comes to the end with relaxation. Warm-up is necessary to warm muscles, gradually preparing them for the greatest loading. To warm up before exercises it is necessary just to resemble or take steps on the place, it is also possible to wave.

2. After warm-up you can start the main set of exercises. Usually begin with those exercises which are done in the position standing. It exercises for hands, the neck, legs, bendings, etc. Then pass to exercises on the floor. In the conclusion it is necessary to allow muscles to relax and remove stress. For this purpose it is necessary to walk about the room slowly and to breathe exactly and deeply.

3. Carrying out the gymnast it is necessary to monitor the breath. Exercise is done on the breath, and at the exit you come back to the home position. Try to acquire this rule at once. The correct breath in combination with gymnastic exercises will have the positive effect on your organism in general.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
