How to do the Romanian draft with a bar?

How to do the Romanian draft with a bar?

Sport Hits: 215

There are so-called general exercises for a set of muscle bulk. To it also the Romanian draft belongs. It is done for various purposes both girls, and guys, professional athletes and just fans. Let's learn what exercise as it is correct to carry out it is.

The Romanian draft or rise is the exercise directed to pumping of the top surface of bicepses of hips, providing an esthetic sheaf with muscles of buttocks it it is not necessary to confuse with dead draft which is carried out on direct legs.

Whether you know? The Romanian draft is called quite so because came to us from the Romanian weight-lifter of Nicu Vlad. He used it as auxiliary exercise for strengthening of a waist. It was noticed for the first time behind performance of this type of draft in 1990 to San Francisco and since then this name and remained to the most popular.

There are various variations of performance of exercise from the point of view of used stock:

Performance with a bar is the most difficult option as during its performance the load of biceps of hips and buttocks is raised.

The Romanian draft forces an endocrine system to produce anabolic hormones, such as testosterone and hormone of growth which disperse metabolism and promote growth of muscle tissue.

One of the most injury-causing power exercises is the stanovy draft on direct legs.

Regardless of the purpose, regular performance of this exercise at the correct equipment and food will provide harmonious study of muscles of the top part of legs.

Let's consider in more detail what muscles are involved when performing the Romanian stanovy draft.

Exercise very well loads a biceps of a hip and all its back surface. Therefore the following muscles of a back part of a hip belong to target group:

All above-mentioned muscles when performing the Romanian draft participate in extension of a coxofemoral joint, namely take away a torso from a hip and lift it from an inclination.

Besides the main group of muscles at the Romanian rise also other muscles work, namely:

If you want to have the beautiful tightened legs and elastic buttocks, the Romanian draft with a bar is an ideal exercise, but the main thing to know the correct technology of performance both for men, and for women.

We advise to learn more about a giperekstenziya, an extension and a crossfita.

Otherwise instead of appeal you get injuries and pain.

Technology of performance of draft of this type for men or women differs in nothing essential. The weight, the number of approaches and repetitions can be different.

Here it should be noted that the Romanian draft is loved most of all by a fine half of mankind because this exercise helps girls to reach appetizing forms on the fifth point. But to men who want to strengthen the muscles standing, to make them more relief, too it is recommended to include such exercise in the occupations.

Before starting performance of exercise it is necessary to prepare for itself a workplace. Consider the bar sizes, has to interfere nothing with you at its rise.

Important! It is necessary to carry out the Romanian draft in footwear which fits a leg, practically without heel, at most 1 cm tightly. The sole has to be flat, fingers should not be raised concerning a floor. Otherwise back injuries are possible.

  1. Accept a starting position: legs at shoulder length, knees are a little bent, feet stand in parallel.
  2. On a breath bend a back in lumbar department and bend. Legs at the same time have to remain straight lines.
  3. Undertake a bar signature stamp, using direct capture. Hands put slightly more than width of shoulders on distance and slightly bend in elbows. A direct back, shovels are cramped.
  4. On an exhalation lift a bar, height – is a little higher than the middle of a hip.
  5. Further on a breath straighten the case, and on an exhalation do an inclination and lower a bar approximately to the middle of a shin. Surely keep a deflection in lumbar department, and a bar dispose closer to legs.
  6. You make all movements smoothly and evenly necessary number of times.

As experts advise, it is not recommended to do more than three approaches when performing the Romanian draft. And here in each approach the number of repetitions every time can be changed from 6 to 15 depending on a goal. These are the general instructions both for women, and for men.

Important! Do not overestimate the opportunities, it can lead to serious injuries. In case of doubts at the choice of the weight of a bar, the number of approaches and repetitions address the trainer.

You theoretically studied technology of performance of the Romanian draft, it is remarkable. But before getting to direct work, it is necessary to listen to opinion of professional athletes and fans of sport experienced in this case. It will help to seize even better the equipment and to avoid injuries.

Important! Raising of a bar is carried out not due to straightening of the case, and by means of a push by floor legs. If at you at first bicepses of legs, but not a back were tired, then all of you do correctly.

Whether you know? During the researches in Wayne State University in Detroit found out that one of the most useful products for heart and muscles is dark chocolate. Substance epikatekhin, contained in it positively influences growth of muscle fibers.

People who have problems with the musculoskeletal device cannot carry out the Romanian draft with a bar at all. Performance of this exercise in the presence of any curvatures, hernia, a protuziya and so on is very dangerous as powerful axial load is made. Also a contraindication is presence of any diseases of joints of shoulders, elbows and brushes. As well as people are forbidden to carry out any power exercise, dead draft with diseases of a cardiovascular system and the increased blood pressure.

Squats with a bar involve more than 200 muscles of all body.

Let's understand, than the classical stanovy draft and its version – Romanian differs:

Drawing conclusions, one may say, that the Romanian draft is a great exercise for a training of a back surface of hips and buttocks. It is used in the trainings by female representatives.

Squats are an irreplaceable element in the course of any training.

However many men also use it in the trainings for various purposes, whether it be target pumping of certain muscles or just entering of a variety into the trainings. So now with business understanding you can try the forces in gym.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
