Fat deposits in the stomach – the problem of which many want to get rid. It is possible to cope with it, using the integrated approach. Healthy fractional food and regular exercise stresses will help to achieve the flat stomach in short terms.
1. For performance of the first exercise lay down on the back. Hands arrange behind the head. Slowly bend legs in knees, bringing up them to the breast. Accurately lift them up so that between the case of the body and hips the right angle was formed. Record this situation within 5-7 seconds. Pay attention: when performing exercise the waist has to be densely pressed to the floor surface. Return to the home position. Repeat exercise 10-20 times.
2. Lay down on the back, having bent legs in knees. Hands arrange along the case of the body. Having executed the breath, as much as possible tuck the stomach in. Record this state within 5 seconds. Exhale. Repeat respiratory gymnastics of 10-15 times. It is the excellent discharge for prelum abdominale muscles which can be carried out between general exercises.
3. Lay down on the plain surface of the floor. Extend hands along the case of the body. Raise legs a little, having crossed them. Accurately lift the case of the body, having involved prelum abdominale muscles. Slowly return to initial situation. Repeat exercise 10-20 times. To increase loading, hands arrange behind the head.
4. For pumping of muscles of the lower press perform the following exercise. Lay down on the back. Hands arrange along the case of the body. Raise legs up, without bending them in knees. Pay attention: between the case of the body and hips the right angle has to be formed. Slowly lower legs in the home position. Repeat exercise 10-12 times in 3-4 approaches.
5. Lay down on the stomach. Clasp with hands anklebones of legs, trying to bring up them as it is possible closer to the head. Rock on the stomach within 1-2 minutes.
6. Lay down on the right side. The right hand arrange behind the head, without bending it in the elbow. Left – on the waist. Gradually lift and lower the left leg, without bending in the knee. After that execute it bicycle movements. Return to the home position. Repeat exercise on the right leg.
7. Lay down on the back, having enclosed palms under buttocks. Pay attention: the waist has to be densely pressed to the floor surface. Raise straight legs at right angle up. Gradually lower at first left, then the right leg. Repeat exercise 15-20 times.
8. Sit down on the floor. Hands execute the emphasis for the back. Quickly press knees to the thorax and be bent at the expense of press force. Exercise is performed at the same time: legs – to the breast, the case – to legs. Return to initial situation, without lowering the leg on the floor surface. Repeat exercise 20 times.