The training dairy – one of the most important means of self-checking allowing to plan thoughtfully the trainings, to watch the state and to see all the progress, achievements and failures. Even experienced and advanced athletes don't leave the habit to keep diaries, using them for search of individual reserves to further progress.
Usually as the diary the separate thick notebook or the daily log in which the handle makes entries is got. Many keep the diary in electronic form – on the cell phone or the tablet.
Training records
Usually before each training the athlete plans the forthcoming occupation: writes what exercises and in what sequence to carry out what weight to take as the worker how many repetitions and approaches to make.
If in the course of the training it wasn't succeeded to perform any exercise, to make the planned number of repetitions, registers how many repetitions are made upon. This information is very important for the correct selection of operating weight in each exercise. If exercise is performed in the planned volume, operating weight can be increased by 0.5-1 kg for beginners and for 5-10% for experienced athletes. If it wasn't possible – operating weight better to lose. Or to give to the organism more long rest.
Many beginners try to train according to one program. In the week, without having noticed results, change it for another, then for the third, etc. It is the mistake. To referee about efficiency of any given training scheme it is possible to referee not less, than in the month of regular trainings. And the diary is also means visually, in figures, to show this efficiency.
Records for self-checking
Also in the diary it is useful to write down other parameters directly or indirectly relating to trainings: health before and after the training, desire to train also many other things. The bodybuilders seeking to gain muscle bulk and using for this purpose various diets write down the weight, being weighed on an empty stomach. Thus, find out whether any given diet suits them, modify them under themselves. Many bodybuilders write down anthropometrical indicators – the neck grasp, width of shoulders, breasts, hips, the waist, the circle of bicepses and forearms. Many athletes in trainings are guided by the heart rate. If it is insufficient, the intensity of trainings is increased, that is try to execute all planned work volume during shorter period. The written-down values of pulse to, after and during the trainings allow not only to control their intensity, but also in time to notice the condition of overtraining. If the pulse rate prior to the training day by day grows in the quiet state, muscles are considered overstrained and it is better for them to give day of additional rest in order to avoid decrease in sporting achievements. Each training registers and estimated on the 5-mark scale. It is necessary subsequently to count: how many trainings were missed how many classes are given wholeheartedly and how many – "carelessly".