How to learn to break bricks

How to learn to break bricks

Many of us saw how pupils of schools of karate or officers of special troops broke bricks some hands. However it is important to realize that the whole years of persistent trainings can be necessary for achievement of such progress. At the same time it should be taken into accountit should be taken into account several important points.

It is required to you

  • - mentor;
  • - school;
  • - makivara;
  • - bandage;
  • - boards;
  • - red bricks.


1. Find vocational school of karate and the experienced mentor. If you decide to learn independently such skill as dissecting by fists of bricks, that is high probability that you injure hands and won't be able to be engaged in general long time.

2. Work for a start kicks from the case by air. You watch that each kick was sharp and on the exhalation. Return the hand in initial situation on the breath. Over time this simple, but effective exercise will allow you to increase the shot power repeatedly.

3. Begin to strengthen fists. As soon as you put technology of kick, begin to work on the makivara. Squeeze as it is possible stronger the fist and strike with the right hand the direct strike to the apparatus.

4. You watch that only index and average fingers touched the makivara. Each subsequent kick has to be sharper and stronger. Always you put it on the loud exhalation and quickly return in the first position. Be engaged so until you are sure of the fortress of hands and wrists.

5. Train at first on usual thin boards. It is already more serious stage of trainings. Here it is important to break psychological barrier. So, pick up 1 thin board. Do warm-up and reel up the rag on the fist.

6. Put the board on two bricks. Then strongly clench the fist, rise on toes legs and stick kick from top to down. Beit besides only the 2 first bones. Your task is to break as much as possible boards and to prepare hands for work with bricks.

7. Pick up one brick. At the first stage it is better for you to train with the red brick as it is much easier to break it, than white. It is important that it was dry. Put it on two other bricks on each side. Train the movement of kick on air.

8. Follow the same technique, as in the case with the board: the blow is struck by only the first two bones of the hand, the elbow and the wrist – completely direct at the time of kick. Break the brick when you are ready to it. You hold the hand very strong and strike the blow so strongly as far as it is possible. Try to pass the hand "through" the brick. Do kick only on the deep exhalation. Improve the abilities constantly.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
