The pose of fish in yoga is considered one of the most popular asanas as it makes the sparing impact on an organism, and even the beginner can execute it. The pose of fish, still known as Matsiasana, is used for strengthening of joints, a warming up of muscles and makes in general salutary impact on an organism. In this article the advantage and restrictions to use of this asana, the correct technology of its performance and also possible variations of a pose will be considered.
Biomechanics of joints and muscle work
Performance of this asana demands disclosure of a thorax, lowering and data together of shovels. The case is thrown back with assignment of the head back, forearms are twisted, palms keep within the back down. Elbow, knee, ankle and coxofemoral joints are bent and developed to the outer side.
Most intensively muscles stabilizers and sgibatel of a neck, backbone, shoulders are involved in Matsiasana. Belt, suboccipital, awned groups are involved. Front bunches of cervical muscles and deltas are exposed to stretching, intercostal groups, front belly and small chest muscles are reduced. As the pose of fish demands reversing of shoulders, big chest and round muscles and also the widest and longest muscles of a back get into gear.
Important! At women after 50 years the elasticity of articulate bags decreases and, respectively, the flexibility of joints decreases. To avoid possible injuries, it is necessary to do preliminary warm-up, and to master an asana gradually, without allowing emergence of discomfort.
What advantage for an organism
Salutary influence of this asana affects not only muscles and joints, but also the internal systems of bodies:
- the elasticity of muscles of a stomach, back, thorax, shoulders, necks increases, spasmodic pains are eliminated;
- the bearing is leveled, muscles stabilizers train;
- the volume of lungs increases, the thorax reveals, SARS are eliminated and mucous masses from bronchial tubes departs;
- blood circulation in bodies of a small pelvis and digestive tract improves;
- the endurance of an organism increases, work of nervous system is stabilized;
- the stimulating impact on work of thyroid and pancreatic glands, adrenal glands, ovaries is made.
Contraindications and restrictions
The advantage of this asana is indisputable, but she is recommended for use not to all people:
- It is not recommended to carry out to Matsiasan to people with diseases of cervical departments of a backbone, osteochondrosis.
- That who is in the recovery postoperative period.
- At hyperfunction of a thyroid gland, pancreas, violations of work of a gall bladder.
- It is recommended to avoid Matsiasana at severe migraines, a hypertension, hypotonia, vascular diseases and violations of brain blood circulation.
Whether you know? The yoga as spiritual and physical practice, arose in the 7th century BC. In the fifties the last century in the territory of modern India household items of an ancient Indian civilization with images of figures of people were found in various yogichesky poses. In total it was revealed 16 images excellent from each other. It is supposed that these 16 poses became a basis for modern physical education of yoga.
Correct equipment and breath
To execute this asana it is correct, you need ability to sit down in Vadzhrasana (a pose sitting on a lap). Begin entry into an asana with slow warm-up to warm and prepare muscles. During all asana you monitor the breath. It has to be equal, but superficial. Leave in a thorax the place for one more average breath to reject the case and it was simpler to be late in this pose.
- Sit down in Vadzhrasana, rest palms against a floor. On an exhalation begin to reject the case back until forearms lay down on a floor completely.
- Rest elbows against a floor and slowly you part them until your top concerns a floor.
- Undertake palms heels of the feet enclosed under a basin and begin to be curved in a back.
- Smoothly lift the case and shoulders, caving in in a waist, to a boundary point of comfort.
- You hold the head exactly, displace on it the main emphasis, you look there where your person is directed.
- Detain this pose for 40–60 seconds, then gradually straighten a back, falling it by a floor.
- Put hands on both sides from a trunk, rest them against a floor and smoothly lift yourself in a sitting position.
Other variations
There are simple and complicated options of performance of Matsiasana. To be defined what pose suits you at this stage of preparation, try to execute them serially.
Learn what is asanas and how to begin to practice house yoga.
It is recommended to performance by that who suffers from diseases of knee or ankle joints, has no sufficient extension.
- Sit down on a floor, having deviated back, and rest against it elbows, stacking forearms along a body. The case at the same time has to be inclined at an angle about 45 degrees.
- Smoothly reject the head back, rest its top against a floor.
- Concentrate on reference points — the top, buttocks, heels. Be late in this situation for 30–40 seconds, then smoothly fall a back by a floor and lift yourself in a starting position.
Performance of this variation of an asana demands ability to sit down in a lotus pose. If you are not able to carry out to Padmasan, then you will suit the simplified Matsiasana's variations.
- Fall to Padmasana. Leaning palms in a floor behind buttocks, smoothly deviate and lower hands on forearms.
- Throw back the head, rest elbows against a floor and undertake fingers of hands feet.
- Begin to curve the case up, caving in to a limit of your opportunities.
- Detain this situation for one-one and a half minutes, smoothly return to Padmasana and finish exercise.
It is important! If during Matsiasana's performance you feel a headache, noise in ears, feel that your breath is at a loss, smoothly leave an asana. Perhaps, your organism is not ready to such loading yet and needs additional physical training.
The pose of fish is one of basic asanas in yoga which is recommended to performance to both skilled yogis, and beginners with insignificant physical training. Regular performance of Matsiasana will increase flexibility of your backbone and will make salutary impact on an endocrine system. Adhere to technology of performance of this asana to minimize traumatism and to receive the maximum advantage of occupations.