How to make legs ideal

How to make legs ideal

Sport Hits: 161

Ideal legs – here the dream which doesn't leave alone any woman. Of course, pay attention to women's beautiful legs of the man first of all. And they look at the breast, the neck, eyes, the smile in the last turn. Each woman needs to know how to make legs really ideal, beautiful and harmonious, having spent for this process only several weeks.


1. For receiving ideal legs only 5 exercises will help. They can be carried out both in the morning, and in the evening, and even during morning jog. Important what it is necessary to give to legs not less than 4 days a week. It is necessary to begin with 10 repetitions of each type of exercises, and subsequently gradually to increase the number of repetitions to 30 times. Now about exercises:

2. It is necessary to place legs as it is possible more widely and, most widely having developed knees in the parties, to begin to make slow squats. You shouldn't squat too, it is enough to carry out squat to the middle. The most important is to stop in the lower point of exercise, and, having counted exactly to 5, to begin to rise slowly up. This exercise will give the good shape to buttocks and outer sides of legs.

3. To put legs together, to put hands on the belt, to establish socks of legs on the support lying on the floor. Then slowly to fall up and down, yet there won't come the feeling of burning in calves of legs.

4. By means of this exercise, buttocks and the back top part of legs well develop. We set the body to position legs shoulder width apart, we put hands on the belt and we begin to raise the leg back. It is necessary to stand in the final point, then to count to 3, to slowly return the leg to the home position. At first to do this exercise by one leg, and then - another.

5. It is necessary to put legs shoulder width apart, but now to bend the leg in the knee joint and to raise it so that it nestled on the stomach. It is impossible to bend as the back has to be the straight line! This exercise gives the ideal form to all muscles of the leg, and influences stomach muscles, saving them from unnecessary fat.

6. It is necessary to strike the pose of the fighter of sumo. And to begin to do the same movements, as they – not quickly, it isn't necessary to change position of all body. It is just necessary to tear off from the floor at first one, then other leg. The above at the same time the leg rises, the result will be better. This exercise is useful for muscles of hips and internal muscles of legs.

7. This set of exercises helps strengthening of muscles and gives them the necessary form. If there is the need to lose weight in legs, it is better to complement these trainings with cardioexercises (such as aerobics or dances) – it very much will accelerate process of combustion of fat. Kardiotrenirenirovki needs to carry out at least 3 times a week 30 minutes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
