How to skulpturirovat the body

How to skulpturirovat the body

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It can create the beautiful relief body to any person. Doesn't matter what heredity at you or the structure of the body - you can always ""stick together"" the figure by means of regular trainings and healthy nutrition.


1. To understand how to skulpturirovat, "mould" the body, define the type of the figure. The type of the figure is put genetically, but it doesn't mean that it is impossible to correct the figure – to remove superfluous and to add volume in those places where it lacks. Several types of figures are characteristic of women: "pear", "hourglasses", "triangle" and "rectangle". How to define the type?

2. Undress, approach the mirror and look at yourself in the fullface. Women of H-shaped type have ("hourglasses"), as a rule, the slender waist, and hips on width are equal to shoulders at the expense of what the figure looks very in proportion and is womanly. This type is considered classical. Fat is mainly laid on hips, buttocks and the breast. The waist always remains pronounced. Women - "hourglasses" can bring the body to perfection thanks to the proportions. Don't neglect power loadings – they will help you to tighten muscles, to make them more elastic. You can safely experiment with different training programs, vary quantity of sets (approaches) and repetitions. At the same time don't forget about cardiotrainings – run at moderate pace or fast walking, the stepper, the elliptic exercise machine. Cardiotrainings after power loading promote more effective combustion of fat.

3. At women - "pears" (And-shaped type) the heavy, pronounced bottom in combination with quite narrow (often sloping) shoulders. Fat is laid generally on hips and buttocks, "pears" are much more subject to cellulitis, than other types. For the skulpturirovaniye of the figure And-shapedly the type needs to develop the upper body that will help "to facilitate" the bottom visually. Safely swing the back, shoulders and hands, work with the heavy weight and the small amount of repetitions in the set – no more than 6-8. And here with the training of legs it is necessary to be more careful: exercises for legs with the big weight are contraindicated to "pears". Only the multirepeated training – 20-30 repetitions in the set will be suitable for the lower body. Optimum kardio – where legs work: walking, elliptic exercise machine, step aerobics.

4. The figure - "rectangle" (H-shaped type) differs in the korenastost, even in athleticism. At such figure the waist is poorly expressed, the breast, hips and the waist are approximately identical in the grasp. Excess fat is distributed evenly, but the main problem of "rectangles" - it is "sides" on the waist. What it isn't necessary to do to women of this kind is strongly to swing the press in hope to find the treasured bend. Beefy muscles of the stomach, on the contrary, add volume in the grasp. To improve the figure, train all body, but avoid heavy exercises on the waist and the press. The best aerobic loading for "rectangle" - the racetrack and the stepper. Women of H-shaped type can become "dry", but they can have no slender waist. Therefore safely to the skulpturiruyta all other parts of the body.

5. Women - "triangles" (T-shaped type) are by nature allocated with big shoulders and narrow hips. The waist is expressed slightly. Fat is laid in shoulders, hands, the breast. The purpose of "triangles" is to balance top and the bottom for what it is necessary to train strongly the lower body. Heavy leg training will help to add it muscular volume. Top train in the multirepeated mode. You hold cardiotrainings on the racetrack with the bias.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
