The loss of consciousness during the training can cause the real shock. However it not always is the signal of the serious disease. Perhaps, the schedule of trainings was made incorrectly or loading didn't correspond to physical capacities. Sometimes it is required to make only small corrections in order that this situation any more never repeated.
The faint, or syncope, occurs in case the brain has deficiency of oxygen which arrives with blood. The brain needs continuous cross of oxygen. If for any reason the brain blood circulation is broken, the person tests the symptoms preceding the loss of consciousness. This dizziness, orientation loss, blackout, and the extreme point is directly the faint. Of course, consciousness is restored in several seconds, however the general state can be restored within 15-30 minutes.
The reasons of the loss of consciousness during the training
There are several situations which can lead to the loss of consciousness. One of them - organism dehydration. If loading during the training is high, the person loses a lot of water through sweat. Dehydration leads to lowering of blood pressure. Such symptoms as dizziness, weakness and directly the faint result. Therefore specialists in fitness recommend to have always at themselves the bottle with still water of room temperature. By that moment when the person begins to feel thirst, it already for 20% is dehydrated. The situation in which there takes place the training is of also great importance. Closeness, bad ventilation and the big congestion of people can cause the shortage of oxygen. In such atmosphere, even at small loading, there can be the loss of consciousness.
High level of the exercise stress, especially at irregular trainings, leads to refatigue of the organism. At unreasonably sharp increase in loading the warm rhythm considerably raises, so the cardiovascular system works very hard. Such pace forces you to breathe more often, sometimes is even too frequent. There is the state called the gipreventilyation of lungs. Such substances as oxygen and carbon dioxide, are distributed on the organism through blood only in partially optimized look. And it can also lead to the loss of consciousness. Long or intensive trainings promote lowering of the level of sugar in blood. There is the gipogleykemiya. As well as all other bodies of activity, the brain also needs sugar. At deficiency of this substance normal work of the brain is broken and there can be the state close to the faint.
What to do at the first symptoms of the faint
If during the training you began to whirl the head, there was nausea, you were thrown into sweat, the sight lost clearness or the feeling pricking in lips and finger-tips appeared, then it can be the symptoms preceding the faint. You need to get it together and to make everything to avoid damages or injuries when falling. First of all, call to the aid. Depart from exercise machines as far as it is possible. Lay down on the floor and don't move. Don't resume the training before consultation with the doctor.