Meditation – one of ways to relax, calm nerves and to distract from vanity. As we know, all diseases from nerves. She approaches and to recover enough to plunge into silence and to abstract from the problems.
What needs to be known
At the first stage the meditation represents process of release of consciousness from unnecessary thoughts and partial disconnection from the physical world. Many study this art for years to reach peace of mind and harmony.
Preparation is in this case very important. Without it it is impossible to achieve desirable result. That interfered nothing with you, put on the comfortable clothes which aren't constraining movements and it is desirable from natural fabrics. Switch off all electric devices. In advance warn relatives that nobody disturbed you.
You don't seek to enter on the first session of meditation the trance. It is harmful to unprepared consciousness. It is necessary to comprehend meditation art gradually. In the course of meditation it is necessary to get rid of all excess thoughts and to try not to think of anything. In the beginning to make it it will be difficult, but over time at you everything will turn out.
For a start it is necessary to work with breath. For a long time direct attention to series of breaths and exhalations, to breath process. Thus, you will distract, and the mind completely will focus on breath. In process of practice continuation the attention will become deeper. At this time try to forget about all problems. Only the unity of mind will bring you exclusive peace of mind.
What needs to be done in the course of meditation
Meditation can last of 15 minutes till 2 o'clock, depending on your opportunities and desire. To achieve result, all process has to pass through 4 stage.1. Be prepared, adjust lighting in the room. The night lamp is the best of all to turn off or include the light. The bright lamp will only distract you. Deeply sigh and sit quietly within 5 minutes. Relax and receive the pose.2, convenient for you. Focus on breath. Try to feel how air flow enters and leaves in the natural way. Don't pay attention to foreign sounds.3. Be exempted from all negative energy. Plunge into silence. Continue to monitor natural process of breath. Forget about the world around, feel only and the internal energy.4. Make the exhalation and slowly open eyes. Don't do any abrupt movements. Sit two more minutes until eyes get used. Then slowly get up not to intrude upon the state leisure. Remember that the certain instruction for meditation doesn't exist. This practice can happen absolutely differently, it is important to find what suits you. After this procedure you don't hurry to come back to the commonplaces. Afford the cup of tea with the favourite book or walk on the park or the square.