Names and the description of the simplest and difficult poses for occupations yoga

Names and the description of the simplest and difficult poses for occupations yoga

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The yoga is one of the most popular and widespread east the practician worldwide.

In this article the main features of the most known asanas in yoga, subtleties of their correct performance will be considered to appreciate this practice and to understand what its advantage, and to whom it can do much harm.

Main asanas of yoga

As nothing else, the yoga helps to balance energy of soul and a body and also to bring an organism into a necessary tone and physical shape. The first what the beginner in yoga faces, are so-called basic, or the main, asanas.

With their help it is possible to prepare an organism for further physical activities and also to restore an imbalance of an organism and to eliminate manifestations of a depression. Many beginners when performing these exercises often make mistakes which perniciously affect health — in that case the yoga can bring easily not only benefit.

Read in more detail about what is asanas in yoga and what their role.

Padmasana (Lotus pose)

Padmasana is considered one of the most known and popular poses which are found in yoga. Often associate not only a pacification, but also all practice with it in general. First this pose at many causes pain and discomfort, however for only several trainings its effect has instantly an effect.

The main advantage of a padmasana for an organism such:

sometimes become the reason and serious frustration of an organism:

Important! When performing a pose of a lotus of a heel it is necessary to direct up, otherwise the desirable effect of an asana will be hard to achieve.

To execute a padmasana it is correct, it is necessary:

  1. To sit down on a floor, to straighten a back and legs. It is necessary to touch by heels a floor surface, and socks need to be directed to themselves.
  2. Bending a knee, to put a heel of the right leg on a hip of left.
  3. To replace situation.
  4. To become straight and record a body for several minutes.
  5. To change position of legs, having bent at first the left, and then right leg (it will help to distribute evenly loading during exercise).
  6. To return to an initial position.

Video: warm-up for a pose of a padmasan

Siddhasana (Perfect pose)

Siddhasana is less known, than a lotus pose, however it has a number of advantages (for example, perfectly is suitable for the first training and also is less injury-causing).

It should be noted that the siddhasana is often used for meditations as often does not cause any painful feelings even at the person, unprepared to yoga-exercises. The main advantage of a siddhasana for an organism can be felt practically at once.

Learn what there are directions in yoga and in what their main differences.

It consists in the following:

Happens so that desires to carry out asanas a little — need to be known in what state there is an organism and whether there are deviations in health. So, the perfect pose is contraindicated:

Read in more detail how it is correct to sit down in a pose of a siddhasan.

It is simple to execute a siddhasana. For this purpose follows:

  1. To sit down on a floor, to straighten a back and legs. It is necessary to touch with heels a floor, and to direct socks to itself.
  2. Bending the left leg, to wrap it so that the sock was directed to a hip of an opposite leg, and the heel lay in a zone of a crotch and looked up (between genitals and an anus).
  3. To bend the right leg, having arranged it so that the sole was between the left hip and a shin.
  4. To become straight, put palms a reverse side on knees.
  5. To record a body for several minutes.
  6. To begin an asana with other leg (thus, it will be possible to load one-dimensional both extremities).

Video: technology of performance of a pose of a siddhasan

Svastikasana (The twisted pose)

The svastikasana is considered one of the easiest relaxing poses. As well as the asanas described above, she helps to relax and also to bring a body into full harmony.

Besides, its performance practically does not demand from the yogi of any preliminary physical training therefore the probability of possible harm from it is much lower, than from other poses. That is why this asana is often recommended even to those who have diseases of joints, for example, or the musculoskeletal device.

We recommend to esteem how to begin to practice house yoga.

Svastikasana is useful to an organism thanks to properties:

Svastikasana is shown not all as:

To accept a pose of a svastikasan, follows:

  1. To sit down on a floor and to become straight.
  2. To undertake foot of the left leg and to develop it outside so that the sock touched the right hip, and the heel was directed up.
  3. To put right a leg by analogy with left. As a result of it a foot have to be passed between a hip of the left extremity and a shin. At the correct position of a body the knees will touch a floor.
  4. To make a deep breath and to record a body in this situation.

Sukhasana (Easy pose)

This asana is most of all known as a pose in Turkish or an asana with the crossed legs. It is most popular not only among the beginning yogis, but also among skilled judges of this practice.

Whether you know? The yoga is considered one of the oldest the practician. The first mentions of it meet at the time of an ancient Indian civilization (the 3rd millennium BC).

It conveniently fixes a body in a sitting position without any physical activities that instantly helps to relax for meditation or breathing exercises. The advantage of a sukhasana for the person as is indisputable:

the sukhasana is harmful if it is available the following factors:

Important! When performing a sukhasana it is forbidden to press hands on knees as it can lead to serious injuries.

If you want to execute a sukhasana correctly, it is necessary:

  1. To sit down on a floor, to extend legs forward.
  2. Bending the right leg, to direct a heel under a hip of the left leg.
  3. Bending left, to direct a heel under the right leg.
  4. To relax, become straight and record the accepted position of a body.

Video: technology of performance of an asana of a sukhasan

The turned poses in yoga

The turned asanas in yoga are considered as one of the most effective and fast ways to make active vitality and also a metabolism. Such exercises increase a brain blood-groove thanks to what activization of an organism is reached. As a result of it such kind of asanas eliminates various chronic illnesses, including a backbone and a back.

For certain will interestingly read you about advantage and importance of the turned asanas.

Viparita Karani

Viparit Karani is carried to some of the few physical exercises which are safe and useful not only at various diseases, but also to pregnant women.

The asana results in full harmony and tranquility, the optimum balance between a body and consciousness is reached. As a result the emotional state improves, the resistance to stresses increases.

The main advantage of the Caroni viparit for health consists in the following:

However it is necessary to refuse this exercise in a case:

It is important! If not to listen to councils, then it is fraught with serious collateral consequences for health.

It is rather simple to execute the Caroni viparit. For this purpose follows:

  1. To lay down on a floor, to become straight (palms at the same time have to be directed to a floor).
  2. To rest palms against a floor and to slowly raise legs (it is allowed that socks were taken away for the head or were at the level of a basin).
  3. To slowly tear off a palm of one hand from a floor and to touch a basin, and then to repeat action with other hand (elbows, the head and a neck have to nestle on a floor).
  4. To record a body to the first signs of fatigue.


Halasana enters a basis of exercises of so-called ayengar-yoga which is aimed at all-round development of reason and a body. This exercise was included in all basic occupations by both professional, and amateur schools. It is caused by its complex impact on an organism. At the same time the halasana does not demand special skill that successfully popularized it among the beginning yogis.

Halasana is useful to health thanks to ability:

It is important! If your extension does not allow to touch socks to palms, for simplification of exercise use a support (for example, a small stool).

The asana can be some and is harmful as it:

Video: technology of performance of an asana of a halasan Main stages of performance of a halasana simple. For this purpose it is required:

  1. To lay down on a floor to straighten legs.
  2. It is deep to inhale, extend hands for the head.
  3. To close legs among themselves and to slowly raise them over a floor (that the corner in 30 ° was formed).
  4. To slowly get socks of legs for the head so that they were parallel to the hands pressed to a floor.
  5. To pull socks to brushes and to touch them palms. If the pose causes at you unpleasant feelings, the step can be passed.
  6. To record a body in the reached situation for several minutes, and then to return to a starting position.


Sarvangasana together with halasany enter the list of general exercises for development of a body as for beginners, and advanced yogis. It is one of the most useful asanas among all existing as, except physical qualities, develops patience and emotional stability.

Whether you know? The subject of modern philosophy of yoga was for the first time touched in the 19th century by the world famous German philosopher Artur Schopenhauer.

But for effective implementation of a sarvangasan demands physical training (otherwise health can do much harm seriously). Sarvangasana is useful as:

It is necessary to carry out it with extra care. On it there are bases:

To execute a sarvangasana it is correct, it is necessary:

  1. To lay down on a back, to straighten hands, legs and to relax.
  2. It is deep to inhale and on an exhalation to raise legs over a trunk.
  3. When the waist comes off a floor, to put palms on a waist, and to rest elbows against a floor.
  4. To level legs and a back to the uniform flat line and to fix position of a body (the chin at the same time has to be strong pressed).
  5. Several minutes later to return to a starting position and to relax.

Video: technology of performance of an asana of a sarvangasan

Poses for weight loss

The yoga is a great way to bring into harmony not only health, but also appearance. In this practice the set of ways of impact on the most problem zones of men and women is known. It should be noted that such exercises can actively be used also in case of diseases when wearisome physical activities are forbidden.

Bridge pose

Such kind of an asana is known to much since the childhood as it is one of the main exercises of active physical education. Despite rather high effect, it is admissible to be carried out even to women in situation as it is considered one of the safest in yogichesky practice.

But the pose of the bridge is effective only in case of constant performance as even the short break in trainings instantly reduces the results achieved earlier.

The asana is useful thanks to the following positive factors:

The main harm from performance of a bridge pose such:

Onakomtes with the best asanas for a healthy sleep.

It is necessary for performance of an asana:

  1. To accept a prone position on a back (legs are close, hands are located parallel to a trunk). To make a deep breath.
  2. Bending legs, to press a foot to a floor, and heels — to a sciatic zone.
  3. After a deep entrance to rest palms against a floor and to cave in smoothly (a waist — above, buttocks and hips are raised).
  4. To curve up chest department of a backbone. Thus, the body has to describe the correct semicircle, leaning on two points — a foot and chest department.
  5. To record a body in the reached situation for several minutes, then to return to a starting position.

Bkhekasana (pose of frog)

In yogichesky practice the bkhekasana is considered a universal pose. If to carry out it daily, then it is possible to observe therapeutic effect which it renders on the whole complex of systems and bodies. As a result it is possible to normalize successfully a state the ODE and internals for only several weeks. The main advantage of a bkhekasana for the person was marked out for a long time by those who apply to the yoga-expert in the life.

Learn whether Orthodoxy and yoga are compatible.

It consists in the following:

Even prior to performance of this asana it is necessary to consider that:

The wrong approach to its performance can have undesirable consequences.

Video: technology of performance of an asana of a bkhekasan it is technically truly simple to Execute a bkhekasana:

  1. To lay down on a stomach, along a body to arrange hands.
  2. To execute a breath several times. On an exhalation to bend legs, and to move heels to the area of buttocks.
  3. Leaning all over on a stomach and a breast, to undertake socks. To raise the head up.
  4. To record a pose then to return to an initial position.

Dhanurasana (pose of onions)

Is an advanced form of a pose of frog, however has the features. First of all, it is designed for yogis with certain skills as demands good physical shape.

Besides, this asana provides excellent health as quite often exacerbations of illnesses negatively affect the general condition of an organism.

Advantage of a dhaurasana for the person is as follows:

Also harm of a dhanurasana for a female / male body is possible:

The main steps of performance of a dhanurasana are often clear, but there are cases when beginners have to explain and show on an example:

  1. To lay down on a stomach, to straighten legs and hands.
  2. To bend legs in knees and to raise shins.
  3. To undertake anklebones, to raise a body (it touches a breast and a basin). As much as possible to direct the head back.
  4. To record situation, then to return to initial.

Important! The pose of onions stirs up activity of nervous system therefore before going to bed do not recommend to carry out it.

Adho Mukh Shvanasan (Pose dogs muzzle down)

So call the exercise directed to relaxation and restoration of an organism after the wearisome trainings. The asana does not demand compensation of physical activity and also compulsory fixing of a body that is rather important for beginners or yogis with chronic diseases. It in Hatha yoga is called classical. Adho Mukh Shvanasan it is useful to the person thanks to ability:

Not all asanas are equally useful. So, their vra consists in the following:

To understand how it is carried out, it is necessary to follow the rules:

  1. To rise directly, to put legs at shoulder length.
  2. To bend, having leaned against a floor hands (to hold palms at the level of shoulders, having directed fingers forward).
  3. Leaving legs straight lines, to cave in in a breast and a waist.
  4. To record a pose, to return to initial.

Video: technology of performance of an asana dog muzzle down

The most difficult poses in yoga

Resort to the most difficult options of asanas after the long and long weekly trainings. Enough often such asanas are beyond a limit of opportunities of average citizens, but at the same time give the chance to prove infinity and width of human abilities.

You should not forget that difficult poses at the minimum movement create rather high physical activity on an organism, and it helps to develop a good tone of muscles.

We recommend to get acquainted with ten of asanas of professional level.


Bakasana is most known as a pose on hands. At first sight, it is sufficient is simple, and technology of its performance should not raise profound questions, but actually she demands strong hands and the prepared waist from the yogi.

Bakasana is aimed at the development in the person of balance (thanks to optimization of work between separate parts of a body). Bakasana is important for the yogi, and she is capable:

Whether you know? At weekly trainings in only 2-3 months of the yogi helps to lose the total weight of a body on average for 10-20%.

Possible harm of a bakasana should be provided:

Carry out a bakasana, following the strict rules.

Not to do much harm to an organism, it is necessary:

  1. To squat, having parted as it is possible more widely than a leg.
  2. To extend hands forward, to put them at shoulder length. To rest palms against a floor, having slightly bent hands in elbows.
  3. To bend. Without bending knees, to put a shin on a reverse side of a hand, is closer to armpits.
  4. To slowly tear off feet from a floor, transferring the mass of all body to hands.
  5. To record a body in situation on 20-30 sec., then to return to a starting position, but upside-down.

Video: how to master a bakasana

Parshva of a bakasan

Parshva the bakasana can call the complicated option of a classical bakasana. As well as previous, it is directed to improvement of interrelation between separate parts of a body that positively influences functioning of all organism in general.

However quite often only the most skilled yogis as at the wrong performance it can become the cause of serious injuries resort to this exercise.

Refer to merits of exercise:

Also harm of this exercise for an organism is possible, namely:

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
