Practice of yoga in 30 minutes: exercises for beginners in house conditions

Practice of yoga in 30 minutes: exercises for beginners in house conditions

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The yoga becomes more and more popular rule among people who seek to bring closer to perfection not only the body, but also I smother. For occupations it is optional to visit gym or to work with the trainer. It is possible to practice yoga and in house conditions.

As well as other systems of exercises, the yogi has a number of advantages and shortcomings. Let's consider them in more detail.

Advantages of yoga

Distinguish such from advantages of yoga:

As we see, the list impressive. It is natural what at incorrectly organized occupations of the yogi can do also harm.

Possible harm

Except advantage of occupation yoga can do also harm:

Not to do harm to the health, it is necessary to follow yoga at occupations certain rules.

Rules of occupations yoga

As in any kinds of physical exercises, in yoga there are rules:

  1. It is the best of all to be engaged in it in the morning before sunrise (on an empty stomach).
  2. Before occupations it is necessary to perform all morning hygienic procedures.
  3. It is possible to start performance of exercises during the day only in 3–4 hours after meal.
  4. Carrying out the equipment, it is always necessary to look at the East.
  5. Beginners for occupations have enough 10–15 minutes, skilled — about 1 hour.
  6. Exercises need to be carried out slowly, not to hurry, not to do sharp movements.
  7. There has to be an ideal silence and absence of strangers in the room.

Important! The main council for beginners: it is necessary to begin occupations with the trainer or the skilled person in yoga questions.

  1. The aired cool room — an indispensable condition.
  2. It is better to give classes in the fresh air in the summer.
  3. All exercises are made on a rug of natural material.
  4. The clothes have to be free, not holding down movements, legs — barefoot.
  5. It is necessary to remember that in yoga there is no competition or rivalry (if you work in couple or in group).
  6. Exercises are carried out carefully, taking into account the state of health, age, readiness.

The exercises for beginners which are carried out in 30 minutes

It is possible to begin occupations with yoga at any age, at all seasons of the year, in any place. Duration of the first occupations — 10–15 minutes, then it is possible to bring time of a training to half an hour gradually. So, for beginners the 30-minute occupation will consist of several simple, but very useful exercises.

Surya Namaskar

It is a set of exercises which helps to stretch, stimulate and tone up all main muscles. It is also effective spirituality if it is carried out in a complex with meditation. Includes 12 asanas consisting of serial inclinations back and forth. They slowly bend and extend a backbone.

Whether you know? Surya Namaskar in translation designates to welcome the sun.

Those who has a nonflexible body should carry out exercises especially slowly, trying to relax as much as possible. That the body became gradually more and more flexible, it is necessary to use this one of the most effective complexes. Breath when performing Surya Namaskar special: the breath is carried out at inclinations back, and exhaled — at inclinations forward.

Video: Surya Namaskar


For beginners it is one of the main the technician of yoga. Its advantage that at regular performance abdominal organs, muscles and joints of hands, legs, airways become stronger and toned up the equipment also promotes weight loss, restores blood circulation at those who work hard in a sitting position. It is especially useful to carry out exercise to children.

Whether you know? The name of the same name — — also the Old Indian game which is considered by the primogenitor of chess, Sega and many other games has Chaturanga.

Exercise in an emphasis is carried out: legs and hands at shoulder length, all body is inclined on a straight line. The body is located on four reference points parallel to a floor. Palms need to rest against a floor, to press elbows to a torso, to lower the case as low as possible. To detain this position, having leveled breath as far as it is possible, increasing the number of seconds each time.

Video: Chaturanga of an andasan

Important! When performing this equipment do not raise a buttock above a back, do not bend a waist and do not lower a breast below elbows.


This pose is much more difficult previous, not everyone can execute it from the first, but its advantage is obvious. It helps to strengthen joints and muscles on hands, does more flexible a backbone, brings into a tone of a muscle of a press and also if to do it regularly, improves concentration, coordination and sense of equilibrium. To execute to Bakasang, it is necessary to sit down, part knees in the parties and to incline a body a little forward. Hands need to be extended forward and, having bent them in elbows, to rest them against a floor so that sides of shoulders touched shins.

Then it is necessary to shift smoothly shoulders down to shins so as far as it is possible. After that, bending forward further, to transfer weight to shoulders, to round a back. Exhaling and leaning on hands, it is necessary to try to tear off legs from a floor that the body balanced on hands. Be not upset if it did not turn out to make this asana from the first.

Video: how to master Bakasana


Tittibkhasana is another asana with balancing on hands. The person who has a good extension of popliteal sinews and strong hands can execute it. This asana promotes strengthening of hands, stomach muscles, improves sense of equilibrium, stretches muscles of a back, hips, popliteal sinews. Successfully to execute exercise, it is necessary to place legs slightly more than width of hips, to deliver to a palm with thumbs up on a floor behind heels.

Whether you know? Tittibkhasana is a pose of a glowworm therefore during this practice it is possible to present how you radiate light.

To bend legs and elbows. On an exhalation to lower a basin down, to slowly straighten legs (as far as it is possible) and to transfer weight from legs to hands. To raise the head so that the neck did not strain. Breath is deep and equal. The position of 30-60 seconds is held if it can do. Without tension of muscles of a neck it is necessary to raise the head and to look forward. It is necessary to breathe at the same time deeply and quietly.

Video: Tittibkhasana

Paripurna Navasana

This asana helps to strengthen, first of all, muscles of a stomach and hips and also perfectly influences chakras. To execute exercise, it is necessary to sit down on a rug, having extended legs. Body weight needs to be transferred forward, having formed a right angle close legs and a torso. To bend legs, tightening knees to a body, then to straighten them, having formed between legs and a floor a corner in 45 °.

Learn what there are directions in yoga and in what their main differences.

Toes have to be higher than the level of eyes. The back should not be rounded. To extend hands parallel to a floor forward, to hold a pose within 20–30 seconds. If at once it is ideal to execute it is impossible, it is possible to hold legs by means of hands.

Video: Paripurna Navasana


Shalabkhasana — a pose of a locust or grasshopper. Promotes digestion, strengthening of muscles of a back, neck, flexibility of a backbone. For performance it is necessary to lay down on a rug facedown, to extend hands back, to raise over a floor. On an exhalation at the same time, but it is not sharp, to raise the head, a torso and legs. To try to rise as it is possible above. To strain muscles of buttocks, to straighten legs. It is necessary to hold a pose so much, as much as possible, at equal quiet breath.

Video: Shalabkhasana


It is one of the most weakening poses, a so-called pose of the dead. Relaxation when performing this asana is reached full that is very useful after any complex of the previous exercises. The pose is especially useful to the people having diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems and also to the people working in a sitting position.

Whether you know? The most difficult in Shavasana — shutdown of a brain and total absence of thoughts.

It is necessary to lay down on a back, to extend hands along a body. At a deep breath to strain all muscles, to exhale. Without relaxing, to make several breaths exhalations. Then to relax, put hands palms up, having removed from hips, a leg — at distance from each other bigger, than width of shoulders. To listen to itself. To relax all muscles which still remained in tension. Breath at first deep, later — convenient. The body has to be in a condition of absolute rest.

Important! More than 15 minutes it is not recommended to stay in Shavasana's condition.

It is clear, that for beginners such exercises are not so simple. A little persistence is necessary — and everything will turn out. On condition of regular trainings the result will come quickly. For those who decided to practice yoga it is especially important to know that this practice unites in itself ways to strengthening of health, improvement of a body and spiritual harmony.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
