Prana yoga — respiratory practicians in yoga

Prana yoga — respiratory practicians in yoga

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In the modern world of machines and computers, the world of the won western civilization of people, apparently, it is lost in a storming tuft of events, its communications with the nature, space and by itself are torn off.

Which of us at least once did not think that he not only is restless, unfortunate, but also does not see a way for an exit from a vicious circle of actions and events?

To stop, think, experience every moment, to realize itself — this requirement conducts us to depths of ancient wisdom of the East. The yoga a prana (pranayoga) can become the answer to a question of our life and way to its harmonization.

What is yoga a prana

When you come to the decision to practice yoga, it is very important to define for itself what direction to choose. To be convinced that the prana yoga is suitable for you, it is necessary to understand accurately what is it.

In the narrow meaning of the yogi the prana is a work with breath, exercises which allow to control, harmonize a prana in our body and also to attract it from the outside, cleaning the channels and deleting negative energy from a body. In a broader sense is an interaction through prana currents (attraction and return, a breath and an exhalation of physical and astral bodies), expansion and clarification of streams for the purpose of achievement of power perfection.

Whether you know? The yoga is very popular in the world and is far outside India. Only in the USA more than thirty million people practice yoga

What is a prana

Prana in pure form is energy of the Universe, force that penetrates all layers of life, all processes in the world move and followed by a prana, and all of them result from the general source.

Prana is also in each of us, it flows on our body on the so-called rivers (Nadia). What the prana matters for us?

Occupations yoga will help you to wake up quickly and even to cure a sore throat.

Prana in an organism also is obese

Prana is the vital strength of the person that gives the chance to existence and action (even such insignificant as blinking). Prana svyazut and holds together in a harmonious unification a physical human body, his bones, a muscle, skin and other parts, and subordinates him to a body astral that many call soul. When this communication is interrupted, the person dies.

Types of pranas

Depending on arrangement in the body of human and actions accompanying their manifestation it is possible to allocate ten types of a prana. They are also divided into two equal groups: Vayyu, or Pranadi — the winds of an internal body, and an action prana permanently inherent in a body and its activity.

Five Pranadi:

Other pranas:

All types of a prana are interconnected. If from one of them at the person of a prolbema, then it is possible to forget about harmony. The balance of energy in an organism is necessary for purity of thoughts and spirit. Working with all pranas, developing them, the personality is counterbalanced, finding sincere forces and harmony.

How to change a prana

Change of all way of life of the person — food, thinking and actions is the cornerstone of high-quality change of a prana. To be cleaned, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all products received as a result of murder live i.e. meat and fish. It is the best of all to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products are allowed. In cogitative activity it is necessary to get rid of a peel, alluvial, unimportant, everything that interferes with achievement of harmony and happiness. In affairs be guided by the principle of universal harmony and an order — do not do harm to live, do not show anger and aggression, you are not angry. Do not hurt others and you will be healthy and quiet.

Except a prana today often practice such types of yoga as: Ayengara, Kundalini, Uddiyana of a bandh and to yogi dance Mandala.

Types prana yoga

Prana yoga is divided into three views: Mantra, Prana and Dhyana.

  1. The mantra-prana-yoga is based on the Veda which claim that an essence of a prana are unsaid words. Practice a mantra-prana-yoga consists in the correct combination of breath and pronouncing mantras.
  2. Actually a prana yoga — work with a prana by strong-willed management of breath, carrying out streams of a prana through chakras.
  3. The Dhyana-prana-yoga is based on a combination of control of a prana and the technician of meditation.

Pranayama bases

The aspiration to reach harmony through management of the prana, Nadia's clarification, enrichments of a thin body with a prana by means of special respiratory the technician is the cornerstone of a pranayama.

Breathing exercises of yoga for balance of a prana

The main technicians a prana yoga are ordinary as bricks of which the most difficult, monumental and majestic buildings are under construction. Three general exercises are connected with pulmonary breath:

Whether you know? In the Soviet Union it was officially forbidden to practice yoga for ideological reasons, however it did not stop persons interested of an enlightenment who got illegal books and were engaged on them.

The main pranas in this direction

As we already know, on Nadia's system in a human body five main Vayyu circulate: Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana. The main efforts on accumulation, change and clarification which are made in the course of application the practician a prana yoga are also directed to them. Reduction of these pranas in harmony — the main objective of occupations yoga.

Advantage practician and contraindications

Exercises a prana yoga promote finding of harmony of a body and spirit, improve a blood-groove and enrich internals with oxygen, ventilating lungs.

However, as performance of exercises demands physical efforts and also work with breath, including its delays and tension of different groups of muscles, they are contraindicated in the following cases:

It is important! To receive desirable result, after practical exercises the rest is necessary. Without it all efforts are nullified.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
