Sets of exercises for development of endurance

Sets of exercises for development of endurance

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Long and monotonous physical activity, whatever character it was, demands endurance. Without this quality of people quickly is tired, gets out of a shape and then long time cannot be restored. But even to non-manual workers to remain healthy and active, it is necessary to be able to hold a distance. In a huge variety of physical exercises and training complexes exist also such which help to train an organism on long loadings, that is, simply speaking, to increase his endurance.

General concept endurance

It is the simplest to define the concept endurance, having replaced with its synonym working capacity. In fact, it is about how long the person can carry out not the really creative, but rather monotonous work defined, as a rule, with identical good result (conditionally speaking, not distracting and without bungling).

Get acquainted with types of endurance and their characteristics.

Traditionally the level of such ability is defined by five factors:

Advantage of its development

High level of endurance — an indicator of the general development of an organism. This quality for many reasons, in particular, such occupations is useful to train:

Harm and contraindications

Any physical activity can do harm if to work thoughtlessly and to ignore the signals sent by own body.

Important! The endurance training according to the intensive program is contraindicated to the people having problems with cardiovascular, respiratory and blood systems as the main loading is the share of them during the similar occupations.

Besides, performance of power and gymnastic exercises, especially with violation of the correct equipment, can bring to:

With extra care the people suffering should treat similar loadings:

Learn what to do if muscles after the training hurt.

Anyway, even absolutely healthy person needs to begin occupations only under the leadership of the experienced trainer who, having estimated training of the client, will be able correctly to calculate for him individual loading.


Endurance — a concept collective. It is two types — the general and special. Therefore, making the plan of trainings, it is important to understand accurately what of these types needs to develop.

The general endurance characterizes ability of the person throughout long time, without being tired, to perform the same physical activity of average complexity. Level of the general endurance is defined not so much by degree of development of specific groups of muscles, how many individual functionality of an organism of the specific person, mainly, of his respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

It is important! To develop the general endurance, it is necessary to conduct healthy and active lifestyle, to get rid of addictions and to regularly have routine medical examinations for the purpose of prevention of development of diseases by their early diagnostics.

The special endurance, figuratively speaking acts as some kind of superstructure over the general which is the base. This type of quality assumes ability to take out not moderate, but very intensive, but at the same time narrowly targeted loadings. For this reason the special endurance is subdivided into several categories:

  1. High-speed. It is about a possibility of the person to make certain actions at very fast speed, as long as possible without losing at the same time either the speed, or the equipment.
  2. This look assumes ability of muscles of the person long time to be in constant tension, being reduced again and again without interruption. Sometimes this version is called muscular endurance. It is shown when we perform some hard same work, for example, we transfer cargo, we dig a kitchen garden, etc.
  3. Dynamic (subspecies power). Assumes that heavy exercises have two phases — positive and negative, for example, rise and lowering of cargo. In the first phase of a muscle stretch, in the second — contract.
  4. Static (subspecies power). Characterizes an opportunity to be long in a state when muscles are constantly strained, and their situation remains invariable, for example, long keeping of a heavy subject on weight.
  5. High-speed and power. As it is possible to guess from the name, characterizes a combination of weight of work and speed of its performance.
  6. It is shown when it is necessary to carry out long time not heavy physically, but actions, difficult in terms of the equipment (for example, to catch the objects given by someone).
  7. Characterizes ability of the nervous terminations quickly and accurately to react to brain signals in conditions when such signals arrive often and chaotically.
  8. Some allocate also such version, meaning the motivation forcing the person to continue to perform a certain work at the moment when his muscles are still able to do it, but the lack of motivation forces to be given. In a different way it is accepted to call this quality will power.

It is necessary to understand that special types of endurance in general exist separately from each other, but any of them cannot fully develop without the general. For example, in boxing which traditionally does not belong to those sports where the endurance is the defining factor, definitely not to do without excellent anaerobic preparation (excellent job of heart and lungs). Told, generally, it is fair concerning any kind of activity where it is required to work long without interruption and not to lose at the same time performance and efficiency.

For the purpose of development of endurance and improvement of physical indicators use a training mask.

Ways of development of endurance

There are five types of the trainings aimed at the development of endurance:

  1. Their purpose — strengthening of walls of vessels, a training of a cardiac muscle, increase in the operating volume in lungs and also disposal of excess weight. Such occupations, in fact, develop the general endurance which, as the base, is necessary for increase in level of any kind of special. Exercises in such trainings are carried out with low intensity — not at the expense of load of any given group of muscles, and due to the energy developed by an organism at the expense of the strengthened enrichment of all its cages with oxygen.
  2. High-speed. Perfectly help to get rid of excess weight and to intensify exchange processes in an organism. Represent programs of exercises which need to be carried out as fast as possible, taking at the same time shorter break.
  3. Allow to reach the maximum effectiveness when moving heavy weight. As stock at the same time it is not obligatory to use dumbbells, weights or a bar, there is a number of the power exercises providing work only with a weight of own body.
  4. Circular (cyclic). Simple, but the most various exercises which are formed in a short complex are selected. They are carried out in several approaches consistently with the stipulated number of repetitions (for example, 5 exercises, everyone repeats on 10 times, after performance of all complex the cycle is repeated 3 — 4 times again and so).
  5. In fact, it is any sports trainings in which each exercise is aimed at the development of specific group of muscles.

Learn in more detail about muscles synergists and antagonists.

Sports on endurance

Certainly, the endurance is necessary in any sport, but nevertheless there are its such types in which the result nearly directly depends on this quality.

It is possible to carry to them:

The speech as we see, goes about situations when the athlete needs to experience a long time the same strain causing increase of breath and acceleration of oxygen exchange. It is accepted to call such sports cyclic, as opposed to acyclic where movements of the athlete are not the same repeated (the weightlifting, gymnastics, boxing, sports dances, figure skating, all game sports, for example, concern the last).

Whether you know? It is proved that these sports provide the maximum training of cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The so-called PWC170 test used for determination of quality of work of heart and lungs and showing what muscular strain is experienced by the person at pulse rate of 170 beats per minute at cyclists yields result of 1670 (kgm / mines), runners on averages have distances — 1694, at skaters — 1710, and at biathlonists — 1760. For comparison, the average man far from sport, but not having heart troubles can expect result within 1027.

Endurance trainings

For each type of endurance there are sets of exercises and concrete technology of their performance. Most often three types of trainings meet — on force, on speed and on breath.


Power trainings — a classical way of development of endurance.

Heavy dynamic exercises with an additional weight and without that are their part, for example:

Important! The principle of a power training is in that load of muscles was the most intensive throughout long amount of time. For achievement of this purpose of exercise are usually carried out in the circular way, and after a difficult complex follows easier, zaminochny, allowing to restore normal work of breath and heart.

For example, it is enough to the strong man weighing 90 kg to include three exercises which are carried out by four cycles to a stage of muscular refusal in a power training:


Unlike power, this type of trainings always has explosive character: all movements are expedited very much and with the maximum intensity. For this purpose the difficult exercises including set of several actions loading different groups of muscles are often used.

For example, the explosive training can include:

Important! During the explosive training it is necessary to control pulse rate. For this purpose it is necessary to count the number of its blows before the occupation. The maximum allowed norm at loading should not exceed an indicator which is calculated by a formula: 220 minus the full number of years, however safe is considered the number which is not reaching a maximum for 25 — 30%.

Such complex is carried out not on the number of repetitions, and for a while: each exercise needs to be done very quickly within 30 seconds and, after a short break — as much again.

Breathing exercises

Often it happens so that in process of increase in intensity of a training of people begins to choke. It means that its organism is not able to take force, necessary for continuation of occupation, at the expense of the oxygen coming to lungs any more. This state has the scientific name crossing of an aerobic threshold, in life we say that the person lacks dykhalka.

Pay attention to the Kalmyk yoga, exercises across Strelnikova, oksisayz, belly diafragmalny breath, holotropny breath, respiratory yoga.

For this reason, training endurance, it is necessary to pay a close attention to aerobic exercises and respiratory gymnastics.

As the simplest breathing exercises it is possible to use:

More difficult respiratory techniques are directed not just to increase in volume of lungs, and on acquisition of skill it is correct to breathe. Here two classical examples of such occupations:

  1. Alternative breath by one nostril (Nadia Shodhana). Technology of performance following: it is necessary to take seat in the convenient pose suitable for meditation, to close the right nostril a thumb of the right hand and to make a deep breath a nose. Then to open the right nostril, instead of it to clamp left a forefinger and to make an exhalation. Without changing the clamped nostril, again to make a breath, and for an exhalation to open the left nostril and to close right. This exercise has the invigorating effect and adjusts for long work, that is, in fact, trains endurance.
  2. Kapalabkhati (The shining Breath of the Skull, or Shine of the Skull). The breath through a nose is carried out very slowly so that at first air filled a stomach, and then — lungs then air is pushed out by the sharp whistling movement outside that tension of the lower muscles of a press was well felt. For achievement of desirable effect the exercise repeats at least ten times, the breath and an exhalation have to take only several seconds.

Technology of performance of Nadia Shodhana: video

Set of exercises for increase in endurance

It is possible to train endurance as at home, and in gym. In the latter case, of course, it is much more opportunities to diversify occupations therefore sets of exercises for house occupations and the hall look differently.

For the house

To increase endurance, training at home, it is possible by means of the system called crossfit. The physical exercises which are carried out in the circular way are defined by this term and it is very important that as little as possible time was spent for all complex.

Whether you know? The homeland of the crossfit are the United States of America, and initially the system was developed for training of firefighters. However circuit functional trainings were so effective that soon they became popular also in broad masses, and still after a while crossfit began to be considered as independent sport on which even the world championships are held.

As a rule, loading is packed so that occupation included the power block, an extension and a training of a cardiac muscle in different combinations. Such occupations, besides endurance, allow to develop force and dexterity. Crossfit in house conditions it is good the fact that it does not require any special exercise machines and other difficult stock. It is enough to get:

The question of the optimum frequency of trainings has no definite answer. Everything depends on an objective, readiness to be given it to the decision entirely and also from the level of initial physical training.

Crossfit — quite difficult program therefore to torture itself daily as it is done by the professional athletes working for a record, does not follow.

Get acquainted with a crossfit-complex with weights.

It is the best of all to begin with three trainings a week, then if forces and time allow, it is possible to increase this number to four or five, slightly increasing cardioloading and fulfilling the equipment.

Well proved the complex including continuous performance of 3 — 4 circles from five exercises, each of which is carried out from 12 to 15 times. But at first — warm-up. In this quality jumps on a jump rope are used, they perfectly warm a body and allow to pump over blood. Begin if preparation allows, from hundred jumps and you do not hurry to increase this quantity. Other option — jumps for a while, it has to remain standard, and the quantity of jumps can be added gradually.

Important! On a warming up before a training it has to be spent on average one sixth time from all duration of occupations. As much it is necessary to spend for a so-called hitch — the exercises which are slowing down pulse in end of charging.

And now we will consider a complex. One circle includes:

  1. Squat with a weighting compound (we use heavy dumbbells). It must be kept in mind that technology of the correct squats for women and men different, it is connected with gender features of a figure. The man looks handsome with the strong and developed legs while the pumped-over muscles on calves spoil the woman rather, and here it is very desirable for girls to have elastic buttocks. Therefore women are recommended to put legs for squat as it is possible more widely, than to men and to squat much more deeply, to a right angle.
  2. Push-ups. Men carry out exercise from a floor. Women can use a bench or to use the facilitated option, having bent legs in knees from a position lying and raising at push-up not all body, and only its part to knees.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
