Taoist practicians: 10 gold exercises

Taoist practicians: 10 gold exercises

The way of life of modern men and women often leads to the fact that at the age of 30 years many begin to suffer from heavy illnesses, stop being active and to feel full of energy, as in youth. Taoist practicians are directed to keeping health (including sexual) and to prolong active life. It is possible to study the main aspects of the doctrine by means of parables or ancient treatises. About practicians, how it is correct to carry out exercises in what result Taoist practice can result, it will be a question in this review.

History Taoist practician

Taoism — the Chinese traditional doctrine with elements of religion and philosophy. Distinguish Taoism as a world outlook system and also as set of spirituality. In this article the speech attention will be paid to the second part of the theory though it is worth understanding that this division of Taoism into parts is conditional, and spirituality has to be combined with a certain philosophical outlook harmoniously. To comprehend an essence of the let philosophy and on himself know all advantage Taoist the practician, it is necessary to get acquainted with the history of the doctrine surely.

The Taoism arose in the 5-3rd century BC then some elements of the doctrine were prepared. In the 2-3rd century Buddha's doctrine began to gain popularity therefore Taoist schools were forced to simplify the system of outlook, having turned the doctrine into similarity of religion that the Taoism could compete with the Buddhism.

Whether you know? The Taoism is the only widely known religious doctrine in which concepts of Paradise and Hell are not used.

Mentions of the most famous Taoist master — the emperor Juan-di — are dated 2600. The legend says that he lived 300 years. There are classical texts which authorship is attributed to this emperor: Juan-di Nei a jing (the main treatise about traditional medicine in China, acupuncture, outlook of daos); Su-nyuy a jing (the work in which the story is kept how to keep sexual energy); The boor a jing (the treatise about treatment of people by means of impact on certain points in a body).

It is necessary to notice that Taoist masters never spoke about the age as they do not consider that the figure which designates the number of the years lived on Earth something means. They measure age by quantity of dykhaniye and blows of heart. Human life comes to an end when these quantities of dykhaniye and serdtsebiyeniye allocated for any given person come to an end. On it to the reason of the master and adherents of this outlook try not to hurry anywhere and advise to do everything at slow rate.

It is worth paying attention to one adherent of the considered philosophical and religious system, the gerbalist by the name of Li Jing-yuen. Throughout all the long life (too lived about 300 years) it continued to conduct active sexual life, remained with the forces and was quite healthy. The master died in 1933. In spite of the fact that Li Jing-yuen did not give the age, year of its birth in China consider the 1677th.

Learn what is Dzhivamukti yoga.

Thus, it is possible to assume that duration of his life is about 256 years. In the life the gerbalist followed such installations which remained firm under no circumstances:

  1. Never to hurry.
  2. To avoid situations in which it is possible to experience excessive emotions.
  3. Not to forget that exercise Chi kung should be carried out daily.

Today Taoist practicians gather popularity, the increasing number of people from all corners of the globe is interested in them. They are used for rejuvenation of an organism, achievement of longevity, activization of sexual force.

Advantages of exercises

As the Taoism as outlook and set of spirituality gathers popularity (there was a speech about it above), we will consider what benefit this doctrine can bring to representatives of both floors and as performance of the exercises given below influences an organism.

For men

The advantage of practical Taoism cannot be underestimated as by means of Taoist the practician it is possible for men:

  1. To learn to keep ejaculation under control, thus prolonging duration of sexual intercourse.
  2. To increase the general energy potential of an organism.
  3. To improve blood circulation.
  4. To prevent impotence.
  5. To develop the correct breath.
  6. To establish the normal level of men's hormone — testosterone.

Read also what is the Himalaya yoga and than it is useful.

For women

As for women, Taoist exercises can help:

  1. To lift a pelvic bottom that prevents emergence in the future of problems in with genitals and an urethral system. Also the training of muscles of a basin is important for future women in labor.
  2. To rejuvenate face skin, to prevent thereby appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Breathing exercises assume work with a diaphragm at the expense of what train endurance of an organism, his resistance to physical activities and various stresses.
  4. To prevent frigidity.

Rules of performance of exercises

To feel positive effect from occupations Taoist practicians, it is necessary to follow the following basic rules:

  1. Carry out exercises daily, without skipping classes.
  2. You do not hurry, be engaged when you have enough time to focus on exercises.
  3. Surely control breath.
  4. You approach at trainings honestly, do not bungle and do not try to facilitate occupations for yourself.

Whether you know? For certain, all saw the image of a circle which symbolizes unity women's and men's began — Yin and yang. However not all know that authorship of the well-known sign is attributed to Taoist monks.

10 gold exercises

So, having got acquainted with history Taoist the practician, rules of their performance and having considered what positive impact they can have both on men's, and on a female body, it is possible to start a practical training. All listed below exercises are central in practical Taoism.

The restoring source

This trick helps to accelerate metabolism processes that reduces risk of adjournment of a hypodermic layer of fat. Exercise is carried out as follows. Become exactly, put legs on width of shoulders, lower hands in the weakened state down. Do not think of anything disturbing, your breath (through a nose) has to be deep and equal. Inhaling, every time rise on socks and as much as possible stretch thorax muscles.

At an exhalation it is necessary to involve all muscles of a stomach. Slowly exhaling, fall by all plane of foot, then, squatting, gradually bend the lower extremities. It is necessary to repeat this manipulation sixteen times. The following part of exercise assumes stirrings by extremities. Lay down, having completely relaxed a body. In turn stir up each extremity for a minute.

Flight of a bird Rukh

To execute this exercise, it is necessary to rise, having lowered hands and having a little bent legs, kind of semi-squatting. Imagine that you hold with the upper extremities a big sphere. Slowly lift it so that fell into a final state of a hand flush with a thorax.

Then, also imagining that you hold a sphere, describe in air figure 8 (serially in each party). Then, doing turns of a trunk, lift, lower the upper extremities. It is necessary to repeat this exercise on eight times on each party.

The turtle pulls in the head

This part Taoist the practician involves a backbone and the main joints of an organism that helps to improve blood circulation in certain parts of a body. Become exactly, pull in a stomach and level a back. Give hands before yourself so that palms were turned to a floor. Then each of palms needs to be lowered to a stomach, slowly overturning it up.

Body weight has to be transferred gradually to the leg opposite to that hand which you lower, and the case — to bend forward and in the opposite direction. Final element of exercise such: to slowly raise hands, and to lower the case so that it was parallel to a floor.

We recommend to you to learn about advantage and harm of the Baby yogis.

The floating dragon

This exercise helps to strengthen a backbone, to reduce a waist and hips, to increase flexibility back a muscle and to improve work of kidneys. To execute the floating dragon, it is necessary to become exactly, to squeeze hips and to reduce a foot. Lower hands, having squeezed fingers, then bend them so that palms were put at a breast (to accept a pose of praying).

Begin the movement with a hand to the left side, at the same time the right palm has to lie on left. Raise the right elbow, move the head to the left, and the right hip — to the right. The hands also close in a pose for a prayer, extend to the left and spin them over the head, moving to the right. Then continue to carry out movements, following pictures:

So, it is necessary to execute 3 cycles and to rock hips of 6 times. Your palms have to be in the final provision over the head then it is possible just to lower them down.

It is important! As some exercises are quite difficult, with many subtleties of performance, better to address the master who will teach you even to the most difficult practicians and will prompt how to do any given movements it is correct.

The floating frog

The following movement is imitation of movements of a floating frog. It makes positive impact on a shchitovitka. The starting position repeats the previous exercise. Standing exactly, connect palms at a breast, close fingers, pull in a stomach. Being in a semi-squat, slightly raise heels, hands forward so that they remained at the level of a thorax. Both hands describe big circles as if you float a breast stroke. Repeat such manipulations 8 times then each hand it is necessary to describe 8 circles, but already in the opposite direction.

Eight charts

The considered occupation influences key acupuncture points in an organism. A starting position — a rack directly, hands are lowered, legs at shoulder length. Without hurrying, begin to squat. Record the left hand over the head in curved situation, and slightly rounded right lower to a knee. Turn the case on 45 ° aside.

Bend the left leg so that its foot leaned against a side part of a knee of the right leg, having formed in relation to a floor a corner in 90 °. The right hand slowly draw an octagon in air. In turn carry out exercise in each party, changing hands and legs. It is necessary to repeat such action, at least, 8 times.

Exercise Deer

Many centuries back Taoist masters defined three animals who differ in longevity. The turtle, a crane and a deer were them. The last, in turn, differed also in sexual energy, extraordinary ability to a reproduction.

Long watching this animal, wise men noticed that he, making swishes, trains the anus, providing sexual stimulation. Daosa applied such principle to people. So there was an exercise under the name Deer.

It consists in the following. It is necessary to become exactly. Press middle fingers of hands on a depression in the ground at a skull base, massing an acupuncture point of GV-16. It is necessary to repeat massage movements 49 times. Then lower hands, strain muscles of a pelvic bottom, having brought up them up. At the same time make a deep breath (15 seconds), then hold the breath for 10 seconds then make an exhalation through a mouth (it has to take about 5 seconds) and relax tight muscles. Fingers which all this time were in tension too can be relaxed at the end of exercise. It is necessary to repeat such manipulations 21 times in the morning and in the evening.

We advise you to esteem what is Shivananda yoga.

Vital energy (compression of the yin)

Such manipulation will allow to increase amount of vital energy by means of compression of external genitals hips. First of all, slowly raise the bent left upper extremity before yourself so that the palm looked up. While the left hand continues roundabout up, raise other hand. Having brought the left upper extremity to skull level, turn a palm down and lower a hand as if you scoop it water.

Execute the same manipulation the right extremity. During the movement of the left hand up the left leg should be raised and the arc-shaped movement to move up to inside of the right leg. Thus hips are shifted so that external genitals clench. Repeat exercise of 8 times and replace the direction of the movement. Make the same number of repetitions.

Important! When tightening hips in this exercise it is important to apply as much as possible force.

Heavenly circles

The given exercise easy also assumes a simple opisyvaniye palms of circles over the head. However it brings considerable benefit to an organism, stabilizing work of bodies. Standing exactly, raise the upper extremities up (palms below). When hands appear over the head, draw circles in air in one, then in other party (on 4 times).

L-shaped circles (Kot and Tiger)

Such movement is the complicated version of the previous exercise. Become exactly, put legs on width of shoulders. This starting position. Bend knees a little, lower hands. Raise the upper extremities bent in elbows up. When hands appear over the head, develop palms to the sky. Put emphasis on the right lower extremity, and left remove to the left. Tear off the right heel from the earth and, having developed it on 45 °, all trunk make turn to the left. Hands describe an arch, as shown in the drawing. Conduct close palms up, then develop hands. So you will appear in a pose for a prayer. Put emphasis on the left leg. Then it is necessary to part palms and to raise hands up. Do the same movements, only in other party. It is recommended to be engaged about 20 minutes.

Video: technology of performance of 10 gold exercises of Taoist practice

Recommendations to Taoist exercise

Adapting itself for Taoist practicians, follow such recommendations of already skilled masters:

  1. It is not necessary to hurry.
  2. Before performance of exercises clean the consciousness from burdensome thoughts, as much as possible concentrate on the body, try to feel it.
  3. Try to smile throughout all occupation.

Read in more detail about Taoist yoga.

Taoist practicians (as shows experience of masters) are very effective for improvement, obtaining energy, extension of life. However all advantage of them can be received only when you seriously approach business, you are engaged regularly and correctly you carry out movements.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
