Taoist yoga: description, advantage, asanas

Taoist yoga: description, advantage, asanas

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The yoga as absolutely special approach to improvement of a body and spirit based on combination of physical exercises, the correct breath and meditation accurately is associated in our consciousness with India. However it turns out that the Chinese option of physical and mental self-development is not less interesting, than Indian. In recent years it becomes more and more popular in Europe, especially among women who by means of Taoist yoga have an opportunity as much as possible to strengthen and order the femininity and vital energy.

What the direction and in what its essence is

The author of Taoist yoga the legendary Juan-Dee famous also as the Yellow Emperor who was living in ІІІ the millennium B.C., created the first Chinese state and based Taoism is considered.

Whether you know? Dao is one of the main philosophical categories of Ancient China which can very conditionally be translated as the Way. Dao symbolizes perpetual motion, creation of the world, unity and duality, contrast of Yin and yang thanks to which life on the earth is provided.

The essence of Taoist yoga is in helping the person to find harmony which he loses because of the rage poisoning him and other negative emotions (fears, offenses, complexes, vain experiences, misunderstandings of the place in the world, etc.) and also the wrong way of life and irrational food.

According to the Taoist doctrine, all in the world, from the Universe to a tiny blade, is filled with Qi's energy. If Qi's sex in the person is in equilibrium state, he is healthy. But as soon as this balance is broken, we are ill, then we die, and our bodies begin to decay.

Video: about Taoist yoga the Stress and other negative emotional experiences as ancient east wise men considered, create in our organism the peculiar blood clots, traffic jams and knots interfering a free current of a power flow of Qi and, respectively, blocking our vital force.

The Taoist yoga is directed to release of the person from negative emotions, unblocking of his vital force and providing the free movement of Qi in an organism.

Having learned to operate own energy, we find harmony and we restore health without any drugs, but full concentration of all forces is for this purpose necessary.

Learn what there are directions in yoga and in what their main differences.

Than it is useful also for whom it is necessary

In spite of the fact that the Taoist yoga is called Dao-Yin, it approaches not only to women. Designation of a feminine in the name means only that it is about the softest and slow direction directed first of all to full relaxation, fatigue removal, release from a negative and physical tension.

The Taoist yoga, in addition, allows to restore blood supply of all bodies. For this reason, by the way, it is the best of all to do it in the evening, upon termination of unlucky day and before departing for sleeping.

By means of Taoist yoga, besides, it is possible:

But the main result from occupations is that the person, regardless of gender and age, begins to feel young, the lung tightened, strong and healthy.

We recommend to esteem how to begin to practice house yoga.

And as the main obstacle in a way of the movement of Qi in our organism creates a stress, first of all Dao-Yin is useful to choleric persons and melancholiacs, that is people quick-tempered and irritable, inclined to be upset on trifles or to see the world in black paints.

The increased fatigue and strong physical or psychological activities — one more direct indication to practice Taoist yoga completely to relax a body and mind after the shocks postponed during the day. Ancient Chinese practicians are a good way of restoration during the postnatal period when traditional sports exercises are contraindicated to the woman while the organism after the endured loading is in a condition of a certain imbalance.

As a result of occupations the yoga stabilizes the weight and a hormonal background, internals of young mother return to places, and the emotional condition of the woman is stabilized.

At last, Dao-Yin perfectly will suit those who just want to take pleasure from comprehension of management science own body and thoughts and also to begin to look at the world in a new way, without irritation and rage.

We advise to esteem about what is asanas in yoga and what their role.


Passing to the description of concrete exercises (asanas), it should be noted what in Taoist yoga is focused on maintenance of elasticity of joints and connecting fabrics (sinews) as, in terms of the Chinese medicine, through them as through peculiar gate, gets into the person and then space energy of Qi circulates from one body to another. The same gate serve for an exit of the dirty, poisoned with negative emotions energy. Chinese consider that sinews, unlike muscles, do not grow decrepit with age, they are more durable and reliable.

Important! The held-down, clamped joints and sinews which lost elasticity interfere with passing of energy and are, thus, the reason of development of diseases of other bodies and systems.

Therefore the majority of asanas of Taoist yoga are directed not to extension of muscles, namely to an extension that allows to save joints and sinews from a clip and to open them for Qi's movement.

Restoration source

This general exercise of Taoist yoga. It is carried out in a standing position. Hands along a trunk, are completely relaxed, legs at shoulder length, the head a straight line, a look — is strict before himself.

  1. At first the deep breath is taken.
  2. Then, without exhaling, follows as it is possible to straighten better shoulders and to rise on toes.
  3. Exhaling, you come back to a starting position, at the same time pulling in a stomach a little and slightly bending legs in knees for the maximum relaxation.
  4. Again a breath with rise on socks and an exhalation with lowering on heels.
  5. You repeat exercise of 16 times.
  6. In conclusion you hold the breath so much how many it turns out (you do not tire yourself out, but in process of occupations try to increase delay time up to 60 seconds).
  7. You relax, having freely stirred up hands and trying to exempt each muscle from stiffness.

Experts recommend to master technology of blocking of an internal monologue at once, otherwise occupations will not yield the necessary result. Various methods are for this purpose used.

Important! The correct technology of performance of all exercises in yoga assumes full concentration. It is not as simple to achieve it as it seems. Thoughts in the head should not be any, only complete silence and emptiness.

For example, advise to try to concentrate a look on some subject which is directly before eyes, at the same time side sight trying to control the objects located on each side.

Other equipment assumes simultaneous fixation of attention on several objects. Anyway, it is necessary to achieve that the look will begin to get through the objects located on its way and to direct in space, and in fact — in itself.

Mrigasana I (deer pose)

The purpose of exercise is to relax as much as possible a backbone and to prepare it and also all other bodies, for other asanas which are carried out in sitting and lying position. In a pose of a deer there is a soft twisting of all upper body from a skull base to a tailbone that allows to remove stress from a back and coxofemoral joints and also it is very useful for internals.

Whether you know? Sanskrit is a literary language of Ancient India which is still very widely used in yoga. The name of many asanas is connected with animals. So, for example, a tank is a crane, a shvana — a dog (from here Shvanasana mentioned above), a kurma — a turtle, mardzhar — a cat, Makar — a crocodile, a bkheka — a frog, a sarpa — a snake, etc.

The asana begins with acceptance of a pose of a dog (Adho Mukh Shvanasan):

  1. You go down on all fours. Hands are completely straightened, there are at shoulder length, legs — on width of hips. You rest palms and all toes against a floor, thumbs of hands at the same time have to be directed to each other, other fingers — strictly forward. Shoulders are divorced in the parties, but not raised, the thorax is completely open at the expense of the cramped shovels.
  2. With effort pressing fingers of hands on a floor (the main tension has to fall on big and a forefinger), kind of you stretch hands, at the same time straightening legs and pushing out a basin vertically up. Heels have to remain on a floor, socks do not rise, tension in sural joints is felt. Legs and elbows are straightened, shoulders reach for a waist.
  3. The correct pose of a dog represents almost equilateral triangle where one party is a floor, two others — top and a lower body, top — a basin. The head at the same time has to be freely hung, a palm and a foot firmly rest against a floor.

Having mastered a pose of a dog, you level breath and you pass from it into a deer pose:

  1. You tighten the right leg to a stomach, bending it in a knee which it is necessary to arrange between hands.
  2. Without changing position of legs, carefully you fall to a sitting position. You hold a back directly.
  3. You bend the left leg in a knee and as much as possible you get back, for a back. The right hand is on the right knee, left — on left.
  4. Holding a back directly and easily helping itself the left hand, you continue to be twisted, tightening a chin and behind it all case to the right. Having achieved the maximum turn, you relax and late in a deer pose for one minute (in process of development of the equipment gradually you increase fixing time up to two minutes).
  5. You carry out all earlier described movements upside-down to an exit to Adho Mukh Shvanasana, then you carry out the same exercise with other leg.

For certain will interestingly read you about advantage and importance of the turned asanas.

Bakasana (crane)

Bakasana — one of the most beautiful and effective poses in yoga. Literally it is translated from Sanskrit as a crane pose. The asana assumes a handstand with drawn in to a breast and groundless legs therefore to execute it to the beginner who is not the professional gymnast it will be difficult.

However it is necessary to take into account, that there are three levels of development of a bakasana — zero, classical and advanced. It is necessary to begin development, of course, with the very first level. Technology of performance of zero level of a bakasana is directed to disposal of natural fear of unnatural standing on hands when legs do not feel the earth, and hips are located above the head. For this reason at first perevyornutost has to be minimum.

Important! Contrary to the first impression, the main secret of exercise consists not in strong hands at all, and in ability to keep balance that in yoga in general is very important, in balance, balance and the harmony consists.

For development of the simplified version of a pose of a crane the following operations are performed:

  1. You squat. Knees get divorced in the parties, hands from the opened palms densely nestle on a floor at shoulder length (knees are outside). Elbows are a little bent, transferring body weight slightly forward so that brushes and elbows were on one line, and knees densely nestled on elbows.
  2. You transfer weight to hands even more, having slightly risen on finger-tips of legs and trying to convince himself that at present legs do not hold a body, and only allow it to keep balance. For strengthening of this thought carefully you raise one, other leg, being adjusted on the fact that force of hands is enough for deduction of the case in air.
  3. Responsible moment: a separation both foot from a floor. As much as possible you transfer the weight forward. If position of a body correct, and load distribution uniform on both hands, at the expense of the shift of the center of gravity of a leg have to come off a support without additional efforts.

Video: how to master a bakasana the Subsequent stages assume a back raising more highly, with gradual straightening of hands in elbows.

Important! Development of zero level of an asana can be considered finished if it is possible to keep on hands, having torn off legs from a floor, not less than 30 seconds.

The main mistakes which are not allowing to achieve success:

Kurmasana (turtle)

Kurmasana — too very impressive exercise at first seeming to the beginner absolutely impracticable. It is very useful to disposal of excess weight, especially in a stomach, improvement of work of intestines and kidneys, activization of blood circulation, toning of nerves, normalization of a menstrual cycle. As well as other exercises of Taoist yoga, a pose of a turtle allows to achieve flexibility of joints, to relax a backbone and also to get rid of insomnia, irritability, a stress and fatigue.

Important! Kurmasana is exclusively useful only in case the backbone and joints in general are healthy, however in the presence of injuries of a back or extremities and also sciatica or arthritis she is contraindicated.

There are two options of an asana — idle time (half pose of a turtle) and difficult (a pose of the sleeping turtle). It is better to master the last option under the leadership of the experienced trainer and only after acquisition of serious skills of occupation yoga.

Technology of implementation of the simple version of a kurmasana:

  1. You sit down on a floor. You straighten legs and you part them in the parties in the greatest possible way.
  2. You bend forward, kind of trying to rest a breast against a floor.
  3. Continuing an inclination, you get hands under knees, kind of pressing them legs to a floor. Hands have to lie on a floor, crossing with legs at the level of knees and armpits, and the forehead — to touch a floor.

The pose of the sleeping turtle assumes an institution of hands back and their crossing behind the back in the lock, at the same time the head is pushed between anklebones. The final provision of an asana has to keep not less than five minutes though skilled yogis can be in it as much as long.

Video: how to master a kurmasana

Eight charts

Exercise allows to strengthen shoulders and a neck and also to improve work of a cardiovascular system. Helps from headaches and nervous tension.

Technology of performance:

  1. You accept the main rack of exercise a restoration source. You adjust the mode of internal silence.
  2. Very slowly raise hands forward, having opened palms and having developed them to each other as though being going to take them a large subject.
  3. You bend legs in knees.
  4. You part hands diversely: left continues to move up, right falls with a brush bias down to the right, kind of describing an arch behind the case.
  5. Keeping a straight line upper body, you do a half-turn aside, having strongly bent the left leg and slightly — right.
  6. You raise the right hand before yourself to vertical position up.
  7. You develop a palm of the right hand back and you spin a hand then you do an arc-shaped figure in the form of the imagined letter S from below up as if imprisoning her in the circle described earlier. The movement has to terminate strictly over the head.
  8. You describe the right hand one more circle, previously having developed it forward.
  9. You bend the right leg, walking forward, left remains bent only slightly. You make transaction of the description of the sign Eight Charts, the left hand this time.

The finished exercise by both hands should be carried out, without stopping, eight times, and has to occupy all process about 60 seconds.

Flight of a bird Rukh

The asana allows to remove extra kilos and also to get rid of the diseases caused by excessive weight. Stimulates work of kidneys, relaxes a back, strengthens joints.

Whether you know? A bird Rukh, she is bird elephant - it is a fantastic being size about the island, the white bird who is easily lifting in air and carrying away in the den of elephants and huge unicorns (karkadann).

Technology of performance:

  1. Starting position — a rack for exercise a restoration source. The stomach is pulled in.
  2. You raise hands forward the same as in an asana Eight charts. When outstretched arms rise parallel to a floor, part palms: right to a floor, left to a ceiling.
  3. Slowly you turn at first to the left, then to the right, describing hands an infinity sign (the eight lying horizontally): the left hand begins from above, and right moves after it. You look after the movement of hands. The leg is set slightly aside, hands are extended as it is possible further, fingers are a little bent.
  4. You carry out the movement in the opposite direction.

The floating dragon

The name of this asana indicates the correct technology of its execution: movements have to imitate the tail of a dragon freely moving in water.

It will be useful for you to esteem how to make to a namasta in yoga and in usual life.

Technology of performance:

  1. You hold a starting position: you stand directly, legs together, stupnyam and ankles concern each other. Hands on seams, are completely relaxed, fingers are compressed in a fist. Shoulders are straightened, the stomach is pulled in, thoughts are silent.
  2. You put hands on a breast, closing palms, kind of representing entreaty. You displace the put palms aside (the right palm above) and you begin the movement with the right elbow up. The head at the same time moves in the left side, and the right hip — in right. Hands with the palms which are still pressed to each other move through the left side up, and then on the right return to an initial position. It is the first finished circle.
  3. You continue the movement by hands down, but now with participation of hips, swinging them in the party opposite to the movement of hands. Legs at the same time need to be bent slightly in knees, having lowered the center of gravity down.
  4. You describe hands and hips two consecutive semicircles (in the form of the letter S) at first from top to down, then, finishing a figure — from below up, to the finished eight.

It is recommended to repeat exercise four times.

Important! Full exercise of the floating dragon are three cycles, described by hands (circles are located vertically one over another; at first it is carried out top, then a half of an average, full lower, beginning from an opposite half, and at last — end of an average), and six circles hips.

The phoenix spreads wings

Exercise very well weakens and calms, they can finish occupations.

Sequence of performance:

  1. Starting position — the same that for a restoration source. Fingers of hands are slightly bent, the internal silence is adjusted.
  2. Hands are lifted before themselves to different level: right remains at the level of a breast, left — at the level of hips, palms are turned to each other.
  3. You develop palms in the opposite directions, at the same time raising the left hand up (a palm down), and right taking away down (a palm up). The left leg you take aside, having transferred to it body weight. You hang the head down as if a bird before spreading wings.
  4. You come back to situation hands before yourself and you carry out exercise in other party.

The asana eight times is carried out — on four in each party.

Dao-Yin, as well as any other yoga is not just sport or gymnastics. That occupations brought the expected benefit, important not only to observe the correct sequence of movements. Classes have to be in full harmony with themselves, being followed by deep and quiet breath, softly and smoothly, and, above all — with a good spirit, understanding that in the world everything is harmonious and correct, and our health first of all depends on ourselves.

Whether you know? According to a legend, the semi-mythical Chinese emperor Foo Xi made on a tortoise shell fancy marks in the form of an interlacing of straight lines. This drawing concluded in a circle also received the name Eight Charts. It is considered that this sign including a straight line Yang (machismo) and the broken line the Yin (feminine) symbolizes cyclic processes in the world.

If after performance of all exercises there is a feeling of fullness vital energy, and burdens of last day seem insignificant and not costing attention — means, all of you made correctly.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
