Technology of throwing of a grenade on range"

Technology of throwing of a grenade on range"

Sport Hits: 147

Despite high complexity and technical skill the throwing of a grenade does not belong to widespread sports disciplines today, however is quite often used by many trainers as auxiliary exercise. At first sight throwing seems simple and does not demand additional skill, but the neglect to trainings can lead to serious traumatizing. In this article we will in detail consider the main subtleties of training in throwing of a grenade and also we will point to the main defects of athletes when performing exercises.

Additional exercises

Additional exercises are what it is necessary to begin before active preparation for throwing of a grenade with. They give the chance to prepare a humeral belt for future loadings and also to involve those muscles and sheaves which often perform passive work in work.

As a result of it the athlete manages to develop for only several trainings in himself all those necessary qualities which will help to give to a grenade at a push necessary inertia.

Learn why physical activity is necessary.

In professional and amateur sport such exercises divide into two main classes:

During the correct work of the trainer such exercises give the chance to develop in athletes:

For pretraining of athletes use a set of exercises. However not many of them found the true popularity among trainers and their wards as rather often excessively active involvement in work of passive muscles leads to painful stretchings.

However, the safe exercises which are not causing muscle strain and sheaves are also known today.

Examine the best exercises for warm-up before a training.

To develop flexibility and muscles of a shoulder joint use the following exercises:

It is possible to develop coordination with the help:

Will help to improve high-speed and power qualities:

Important! It is necessary to carry out each of additional exercises throughout 4–5 approaches and not less than with 3–4 repetitions.

Technology: sequence of performance of elements

As well as any other sports discipline, in throwing of a grenade exists not only own technology of performance, but also a subtlety which distinguish it from other throwing disciplines.

Therefore before that how to start introduction of exercise in the general training process, it is necessary to study in detail each of separate stages of its performance.

Video: technology of throwing of a shell

Shell continence

The correct hold of a grenade plays one of key roles of giving to a shell of the correct trajectory of flight what also the final distance sharply depends on.

There are two types of successful fellows:

The first way among athletes is considered more preferable, it gives the chance to show good results for athletes with the developed brush. At the same time the brush remains weakened thanks to what the athlete during a throw can control position of a grenade with ease.

Capture in a fist is simpler for performance and though rather seriously enslaves a brush, but gives the chance to unprepared athletes to show worthy results. It is reached thanks to lengthening of the lever of throwing during such successful fellow.

Running start

During running start the athlete reaches a certain speed which is extremely important for giving to cargo of necessary inertia for safe flight.

At this stage of pomegranate has to be surely at the level of a shoulder as only in this case its successful throw is possible. Besides, only at the level of a shoulder the athlete can control most effectively the provision of weight at a push.

We advise to esteem how correctly and quickly to run and also learn how to make warm-up before run.

Divide running start into two main parts:

  1. From start to a control mark. Duration of this way is about 10-15 m (8–10 running steps). At this stage the athlete gathers that speed which will be required to it for an effective throw. Such run has to be accelerating, rhythmical, rectilinearly directed, without sharp jumps.
  2. From a control mark to a throw level. A final part of a razbegochny path — no more than 5-10 m long (about 4-5 broskovy steps). Having reached a control mark, the athlete begins preparation for a shell throw. Time for a final throw often is reckoned from the left leg, thus, during throwing the grenade will manage to give the largest force of a push. With a step of the right leg to a throw the athlete needs to give to the direction of a metayushchy hand optimum situation which will help cargo to get the correct trajectory.

Final effort

This stage begins after achievement by the athlete of the vertical lowered through the basis of the right leg against the stop on the left leg during the fourth step after a control mark.

Begin final effort after compulsory turn of position of a body so that shoulders and a basin were most in parallel to each other, and the hand with a grenade was perpendicular to a basin.

No more than one movement have to hold this position and be carried out by the athlete instantly, otherwise the throw can not turn out. Some of the most important elements of final effort can call work of the left leg.

It should not:

The final stage of final effort is the cargo push. By this time the athlete most close approaches a throw level. At the same time his body as much as possible stretches and accepts a pose of "the thrower of onions".

In such situation the muscles of a humeral belt are as much as possible unbent that gives to cargo when throwing additional inertia. At the correct position of a body collaboration of muscles of hands, a back and legs is reached therefore productive throwing includes only complex work of all departments of a body.

The breakthrough makes the maximum impact on a grenade. At this stage the athlete sharply directs a hand forward, as helps to push out a grenade in flight. At the same time also position of a grenade at a push is rather important.

Whether you know? Throwing of a grenade as sports discipline arose in Europe in the 20th years of the XX century. It joined in many complex military and sports preparation for a training of the general fighting endurance of soldiers.

At the correct equipment of a throw the elbow has to come as much as possible forward at the level of shoulders, and the shell — to bend at an angle to the horizon about 40 °.

Maintaining balance after a throw

Preservation of vertical position of the athlete after a push belongs to not less important stages, than other. Balance loss often leads to falling of athletes that quite often comes to an end with injuries. Besides, in the world of track and field athletics the loss of balance of a body is considered a forfeit defeat which leads to non-recognition of the achieved results. After throwing at the athlete the general inertia of a body therefore it is rather heavy to it to resist standing after a throw remains.

It is sharp fast transition from the left leg to right will help to reduce the movement. At the same time it is necessary to send slightly a sock to the left side — thus, the powerful braking effect which helps to stop instantly within one step is created.

Most often athletes for braking are given no more than 1-1.5 m, at excess of borders of this piece the results often are not counted. Therefore it is the best of all to prepare for braking beforehand, for this purpose the throw is done at distance in 2-2.5 m from a final point of braking.

Important! To maintaining balance after a throw has to be trained together with studying all technique of throwing as during the trainings at athletes the resistant habit which practically does not give in to correction in the future is developed.

Otherwise the athlete when braking can have a balance loss which is often offset moves of hands. In a sporting world it is inadmissible and always leads to a forfeit defeat.

What affects results of throwing

Not always excellent sports training of the athlete promotes ambulances and instant sports results. The reasons for this purpose there can be a weight as several indirect factors can influence the range of a throw of a grenade at once.

First of all, results most often depend on the initial speed of a grenade which is set by the athlete. It is a consequence of a way of application of force and speed of passing of this way. Therefore, the athlete is longer influences a grenade, the it is less than time and efforts by it it is necessary for passing of a certain trajectory.

In the careful analysis of several trajectories of flight of a grenade it is possible to claim that the best results are observed at those athletes who manage to throw a shell at an angle 40 °. Therefore the closer to this value position of a grenade during a final push, the it will manage to overcome a big distance.

This phenomenon rather simply speaks: under this corner the shell is minimum influenced by the earth gravity and also atmosphere resistance. As a result cargo is influenced by the minimum quantity of forces of counteraction that gives it the chance to fly by a big distance.

Typical mistakes

Most often when training athletes of any class the trainers face rather widespread mistakes which reduce efficiency of trainings many times.

You should not be afraid of them as they are natural development of the athlete and his results. However and it is not recommended to neglect such manifestations, otherwise the athlete simply can seriously be injured.

Whether you know? Throwing is one of the most ancient sports disciplines. It was actively popularized at the time of the Ancient Greek Olympic Games (8th century BC).

When throwing a grenade the athletes make the following mistakes:

The following recommendations will help to eliminate the main errors of athletes:

  1. The technician of a push needs to study permanently in front of the mirror that will help the athlete to adjust independently position of his body and also the muscles involved in a throw.
  2. At delay of legs in a broskovy step it is necessary to be pushed by feet forward, and hips — to part in the parties.
  3. If at the athlete problems with a God step are observed, imitation of this element without shell is shown it by a step and run.
  4. When at a throw at the athlete speed is reduced, its throw should be synchronized with the right leg, and on left to transfer the last movement.
  5. If the athlete bends knees before a throw, he needs to work to his technician with use of additional scales (two hands because of the head).

Throwing of a grenade is rather difficult sports discipline. Despite the external simplicity, it demands from the athlete of serious preparation and is long working off of the equipment of a throw.

Throwing of a grenade should be included surely in all comprehensive programs on physical training as it is capable to develop quickly enough in athletes force, coordination and endurance.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
