Useful exercises for a neck: complex of effective gymnastics"

Useful exercises for a neck: complex of effective gymnastics"

Every day we twist the head in different directions, we watch the step, we look back, without thinking of what muscles at the same time are involved. We begin to pay attention to cervical muscles, only when simple movements already stand considerable efforts and hurt therefore for prevention of headaches, osteochondrosis and other serious diseases of a muscle of a neck it is necessary to develop and strengthen. The developed muscles do a female neck beautiful and promote an equal bearing. For men strong cervical muscles, especially too are important for the bodybuilders and athletes who are engaged in different types of fight. Let's consider several groups of trainings which will help to train a neck.

Anatomy of muscles of a neck

To be convinced of that, the gymnastics for cervical muscles is how effective, consideration of their anatomy will help. The design of a neck consists of 7 vertebras and 16 pair muscles which are in a special way fastened among themselves. Such building provides the easy and free movements of a neck, head and jaw.

Whether you know? The longest necks at women from the tribe padaung (Myanmar). Since five years to girls put on a metal spiral which increases with age. At girls from rich and influential families of a neck is longer, than at others.

In the location the cervical muscles are divided into three groups:

  • superficial (hypodermic and grudino - clavicular and mastoidal muscles) are responsible for turns and inclinations the head;
  • median (over - and subhypoglossal muscular groups) ensure functioning of a throat and the movement of a jaw;
  • deep (side and prevertebral groups of muscles) are responsible for inclinations of cervical department of a backbone forward and in the parties.

The neck is the channel connecting the head to the case. Through it there pass the trachea, a throat and a gullet. There is a set of 8 large nerves and 4 important arteries on which blood delivers oxygen in a brain. Neck muscles, intertwining with each other, protect a backbone, and these are the vital ways of supply. The best way of strengthening of this protection are regular loadings for cervical muscles.

Learn how to pump over neck muscles.

Contraindications to performance of exercises

The gymnastics to a neck is useful in every respect, especially to prevention of osteochondrosis. But under certain conditions it can be and harmful. Exercises are contraindicated at:

  • sharp osteochondrosis with severe pains;
  • neurologic violations;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes with high temperature;
  • hemophilias;
  • existence of oncological formations;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • injuries of a backbone;
  • emotional and psychological violations.

Exercises on neck muscles

The purposes of exercises can be different:

  • strengthening of muscles (for fighters);
  • pumping of muscle tissues for increase in their volume (bodybuilding);
  • prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis.

All trainings of cervical department can be divided into two groups:

  1. Static (isometric) loads during which the cervical department remains motionless strain only neck muscles. Sometimes doctors allow such exercises even at exacerbation of osteochondrosis as at the same time vertebras do not move that excludes their damage.
  2. Dynamic exercises, unlike isometric, mean movements by a neck. They are carried out to develop a backbone and to improve blood circulation and also for creation of a beautiful shape of a neck.

We recommend to you to learn why are necessary and how to do statodinamichesky exercises.

Before starting any set of exercises, it is necessary to execute warm-up. It is necessary to accelerate inflow of blood and to warm muscles of cervical department, preparing for the main training. Warm-up is useful to flexibility of muscle tissues, their overstrain and stretching can warn.

For warm-up and an extension

Before training a neck, it should be warmed properly warm-up. Dynamic exercises are for this purpose used most often:

  1. Inclinations head forward and back.
  2. Inclinations in the right and left parties.
  3. Turns by the head in different directions.
  4. Movements by the head around.

Exercises are done standing or sitting, having straightened a back, slowly and smoothly. Each movement repeats from 3 to 5 times, but it is no more. Warm-up can include also exercises on an extension:

  1. To put palms in "lock" on a nape. Pressing on the head, to incline it to a breast. To remain in such situation for 7 or 8 seconds.
  2. From above to put a palm on an opposite ear. By effort of a hand to incline the head to a shoulder. To be late. To repeat inclinations in an opposite direction.

It is necessary to repeat all stretching movements on 2 or 3 times. Now it is possible to start power loadings.

Read also about a set of exercises for all body.

Power exercises for pumping

It is possible to be engaged in power trainings in gym with the exercise machine or the workmate and in house conditions. The complex can include dynamic and isometric loads, with cargo (pancake from a bar, thick volume of the encyclopedia) and without it, creating pressure the hands.

Dynamic occupations:

  1. Study of a back surface of a neck. Hands are put in the lock on a nape. Slowly to incline a nape back, resisting pressure of hands. Then pressure of hands to return back the head, overcoming at the same time the small resistance of cervical muscles. To make 2 or 3 repetitions with pauses on half-minute.

Video: study of a back surface of a neck

  1. Study of side cervical muscles. Pressure of the right hand upon the left temple it is slow to incline the head to the right against the stop, it at the same time resists a little. From the right shoulder the head with effort and without haste passes a way to the left shoulder, resisting palm pressure. After that a hand, applying force, returns the head in initial situation, continuing to resist tension of cervical muscles. To make 2–3 repetitions. Then to execute the same movements by the right hand. It is possible to alternate loads of the right and left side.
  2. Exercise with cargo for development of front cervical muscles. To lay down a back on a bench so that the head hanged down. On a forehead to put pancake from a bar or other cargo of comfortable weight. Holding with hands pancake, to move smoothly the head up and down. Breath mode: hanging the head down, to take a breath, and raising it up, to do an exhalation. To make several repetitions in 2–3 approaches.
  3. Training of back muscles with cargo. To lay down on a bench on a stomach, the head and shoulders have to hang down, on a nape to place pancake. Holding cargo with hands, to move slowly the head down and up. Breath mode the same. To repeat several times 2 or 3 approaches. At first it is possible to do exercises without cargo. Then to increase loading additional weight.

Video: dynamic occupations for study of a neck

Isometric exercises for strengthening and inflating of cervical muscles:

  1. To put the right palm on the head over the right ear. A hand it is careful to press on the head, and the head suit. Such tension to detain up to 10 seconds, then carefully to relax. To repeat the movement on the left side. Then rest of half-minute (it is possible to do without pauses). To do no more than 3 repetitions and 3 times a week are not more often.
  2. To put "lock" from fingers of hands on a forehead and to press carefully on the head which puts reciprocal pressure. In such situation to stiffen about 10 seconds, then to relax for half-minute. To make 3 repetitions.
  3. "Lock" presses behind on a nape, and the head resists. To stiffen for 15 seconds, to have a rest 1 minute. To repeat 3 times.

If the purpose of exercises is the rating of muscles of a neck, then it is gradually possible to increase duration and the number of approaches of isometric exercises. The feeling of fatigue in muscles has to be a limit of tension.

Important! When performing static loads it is impossible to strain too neck muscles to avoid jamming.


Sedentary life, dream in the wrong pose, physical reloadings, frequent stressful situations — all this can provoke tension cervical vorotnikovoy zones. The hardened muscle tissue interferes with normal blood circulation and other processes. The headache and pain in a cervicobrachial belt is result. Will help to remove stress and to get rid of pains gymnastics for cervical department.

For relaxation

It is possible to exempt a neck from tension at home after work, and it is possible also in the workplace, having taken a small break.

We advise you to esteem about a set of exercises for a neck by Bubnovsky's method.

Dynamic movements are warm-up, but can be also the main complex of trainings:

  1. Standing or sitting with a direct back, to stretch the top up, stretching cervical vertebras. To stiffen for several seconds and to relax. To make 3 approaches.
  2. To hang the head, having relaxed a chin. To scroll slowly the head in different directions.
  3. To incline a nape back and again to twist it several times.
  4. To straighten a neck, to slowly turn the head to the left and to the right. To execute several times, gradually increasing turn radius.

Very effectively isometric loadings relax muscles. They can be carried out, sitting at a desktop:

  1. To incline the head to a breast. To put hands "lock" on a nape. To strain a neck, trying to raise the head, and hands to interfere with it, pressing on a nape. To stiffen in tension from 5 to 10 seconds. To relax for 20 seconds. To do 3 times.
  2. To incline the head as low as possible to the right shoulder. To put the right palm on the left ear. By effort of a neck to try to raise the head, and pressure of a hand to interfere with it. To be late in such situation for 5 or 10 seconds, then 20 seconds to have a rest. To make 3 approaches in each party.
  3. To put elbows on a table, and to put a forehead on a palm and to press on them, trying to lower a chin. To detain tension for 10 seconds. To execute 3 times.

After such exercises, it is necessary to relax a neck the stroking movements.

For removal of pain

During the hours-long work at the computer the cervical department flows and hurts. Several simple movements will help to get rid of pains.

Whether you know? According to researches of the Swedish scientists, pain in cervical department disturbs men less than women. Perhaps, stresses which the women has more often are the reason of it.

We often do some of them unconsciously:

  1. To straighten a bearing: to straighten shoulders, to level a back and a neck. Then to relax. To repeat from 15 to 20 times.
  2. To straighten a back, to take away a nape a little back, to press a chin to a neck. To strain for several seconds and to relax. To repeat 10 or 15 times.
  3. To extend a neck and to look up. To stiffen for couple of seconds and to relax. To execute 10 repetitions.
  4. To become directly, a palm to put on a waist fingers down and to cave in back. To execute 10 repetitions, every time increasing an inclination.
  5. To lay down a stomach on a plain surface (on a floor). To relax all body and to lie down so 3 minutes. Then to accept a pose of a sphinx: to bend hands in elbows, to lean on forearms and to curve a back. An equal neck, the look is directed forward. To remain for 2 minutes and again to lay down. Then, resting palms about a floor near forearms, to straighten hands and to curve a back. In several seconds slowly to lay down on a floor. To repeat the last reception about 10 times.

Video: technology of performance of exercises for removal of pain in necks Daily performance of these exercises will help to kill pain in cervical department after the whole day of sedentary work. Very effectively anesthetize the isometric exercises described above: tension of front, back and side cervical muscles and at simultaneous resistance hands.

Recommendations and councils

When performing exercises it is necessary to consider the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to avoid sharp movements, turns and inclinations are carried out slowly and carefully;
  • it is impossible to strain cervical muscles excessively;
  • before a complex of isometric exercises the cervical department needs to be warmed warm-up;
  • for accumulation of muscle bulk it is necessary to do intervals in one or two days, daily occupations and multi-day breaks will not make success;
  • before doing remedial gymnastics at osteochondrosis, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Read also about a set of exercises for a back and a waist.

Exercises for cervical muscles are simple in performance, are available in gym and in house conditions. People of all age and of both sexes can carry out them. Paying attention to such gymnastics, it is possible to strengthen the health and to improve the appearance.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
