Very powerful mantra for meditation: value of a mantra of Ohms

Very powerful mantra for meditation: value of a mantra of Ohms

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Mantras are specific forms of the speech which according to Hindu beliefs affect reason, emotions or even on surrounding objects.

The mantra of Ohms is considered one of the most important mantras, and further we will try to understand why and what its advantage before other mantras.

The mantra of Ohms is considered basic, as well as several similar interpretation in different branches of Hindu religions have many spiritualistic and religious elements.

It is often interpreted as the beginning of the beginnings, a sound which of vibration the foreseeable Universe was created. According to one more interpretation which, however, does not change initial understanding of a mantra as is fundamental a symbol of a divine triad — Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma.

Trimurti, that there is a Divine triad — not the only Trinity which is symbolized by a mantra, it also:

According to a legend the mantra of AUM, as well as all others, is cast by deities to yogis and monks who were in the highest condition of consciousness — a turiya. This state is not similar to a trance, it is rather on deep concentration and concentration.

The yoga helps to wake up quickly, to remember information better, to become joyful and to get rid of fatigue.

Some people of creativity claim that they test similar during inspired creativity, but in Hinduism such state can be connected with the confidant to a divine condition of spirit.

As the mantra is basic, any ritual or a prayer does not do without her singing. The chant of Ohms is intended to connect at the same time the person to the Universe, to counterbalance their energy and kind of to show the person in the context of this Universe.

Ordinary the mantra is sung independently or at the beginning and at the end of other rituals or prayers. Sometimes the mantra of Ohms alternates with other mantras, everything depends on the purpose of a chant and its purpose.

Important! The tattoo of the Ohm symbol is quite popular, and in the majority respecting themselves a tattoo salons of the master know on what part of a body and what tattoo it is better to carry. The Ohm symbol can be carried only on an upper body, but belts are not lower at all. The most suitable places: humeral belt, neck, breast.

The sign Ohm is the symbol consisting of three letters, written in Sanskrit. Not only each of letters, but also each of parts of a separate letter matters:

1 — a material world, wakefulness. Reflects all material, symbolizes a spirit projection to the outside world.

2 — the deep sleep symbolizing the person at rest, free from passions and desires.

3 — a dream. In this state the look of the person is directed in itself, and he is capable to behold the inner world.

4.5 — symbolize unity of all known states, an absolute state. A half moon with a point also symbolize the universe.

In Hinduism of Ohms exists as an independent mantra and as the opening and closing part as a part of other prayers — such that kind of serves as a background for other context.

As the prayer is independent, the mantra of Ohms symbolizes clarification and a unification of the person with the Universe, from the beginning of the beginnings. Hindus believe that the mantra helps to clean mind and to rise over Sansa — surrounding reality, illusion to which the person gets at the birth.

The detailed, prepared interpretation of a mantra is given to Mandukya-Upanishad — one of 11 Hindu religious and philosophical treatises (Upanishad).

Specialists in Sanskrit transfer the interpretation as equating of AUM with soul written in this ancient text, and each of its letters symbolizes feet (party) of soul of the person. And soul, or Atman, has 4 feet, but AUM reflects only 3 of them, and the fourth — the highest — the person has to comprehend itself, developing given it three.

  1. The sound And — designates a condition of wakefulness of spirit, its activity. Symbolizes achievement of the goals, superiority.
  2. The sound At — a condition of a dream (tayzhas) symbolizes the continuity of existence and the continuity of sacred knowledge which passes from father to son.
  3. Sound of M — a condition of a deep sleep, dissolution in the Universe and dissolution of the Universe in, absorption.

In Jainism the mantra of Ohms does not warm up as independent, but is a part of other prayers. It is connected with the fact that the Jainism not completely divides philosophy of Hinduism and does not recognize destruction for the sake of creation.

In Jainism each being has soul whom to kill a sin. Therefore in this religion the mantra acts kind of as a background of other prayers which contain the main sense and the main message to the Universe.

Whether you know? Non-recognition by some adherents of religion of a system of classes became the main reason for branching of Hinduism on a number of currents. In particular, the Jainism rejects division of society into classes and preaches equality philosophy, division into classes is present at classical Hinduism.

In the Buddhism the mantra of Ohms also is fundamental and sacred. Use is similar to its use in Hinduism.

The difference between treatments it is rather in sources of religions: the Hinduism had no founder while the real historic figure — Siddhartha Gautama (543 BC) who named later himself Buddha (educated) was the founder of the Buddhism.

Presumably therefore, addressing Hinduism, we find the depersonalized definition in which the Universe and soul appears, and the Buddhism gives quite personalized option in which AUM represent:

Whether you know? It is interesting that in the Buddhism to bring up the child — the woman's task, and the main duty of the man is to provide family, and if desired he can not take part in education of children. Buddha was brought up by the aunt: his mother died when Siddharta (and later — Buddha) was still a child.

In esoterics of AUM designates threefold fire of divine energy. In the person this fire is designed to destroy material desires that is one of main objectives of all currents of Hinduism. It is used during ceremonies.

During singing of a mantra a key indicator of correctness are feelings which the person has. Chant loudness does not matter, moreover, it can and has to change depending on the mood and state of mind singing.

The sound of Ohms has to be comfortable, in it point of its use in meditation.

And now is more detailed about feelings. Of course, the mantra is something that would be good to be listened and repeated, and you can successfully make it by means of YouTube or other Internet resource. We will provide the description which is written down according to the practician of meditation.

Important! It is good to combine meditation with the healthy Vedic nutrition. It is necessary to remove from the diet onions, garlic, mushrooms, meat, alcohol and tobacco, to abstain from sweet. Hindus believe that such food dulls reason and makes the person selfish.

  1. Learn to breathe correctly. Before the first sound And it is necessary to make moderately deep breath, comfortable for you, the diaphragm at the same time will rise up.
  2. Then a characteristic image on a singsong say two vowels And and At, gradually closing lips and passing to the vibrating sound of M. It is necessary to notice that from three sounds a sound At the shortest, more long And and the longest — there will be enough M — so far oxygen.
  3. Sound of M. If you correctly sing this sound, then, having put a palm on a breast, you will feel easy vibration. Vibration will amplify as singing becomes more and more chest.
  4. Move a sound down. With a breath before pronouncing a mantra feel how the sound arose at the level of heart and a stomach and it is ready to come to light with the first And. With a sound At vibration moves on a throat to lips, and with their smykaniye the sound of M forces to vibrate a nose bridge, a forehead and nadvisochny areas.
  5. Provision of language. Between two last sounds the language is thrown back upward, a tip to a throat so that the bottom side of a tip rested against the sky. It is a peculiar lock, something are it seems wise, only executed by language.

Here the approximate description of how your ideal AUM has to look.

At the beginning there was a word. The quote justifies expediency of application of mantras. Hindus believe that each word, each sound has the frequency of vibration which in a certain way influences cells of a human body, adjusting them on the correct rhythm.

The principle of the created vibration is the cornerstone of all existing mantras.

Mantras often compare to prayers, but it is only approximate correlation as the mantra is not the address, but means of achievement of the purpose.

The chant of a mantra of AUM is intended to enter reason of the person into a condition of rest, to clean from the notions of compulsion and to help to look at the world impartially, having rejected a prism of desires, passions, anger and other negative manifestations of human nature.

Also mantra chants positively influence the people having cardiovascular diseases and having problems with respiratory bodies.

Whether you know? Christians believe that for all deeds on this earth after death they will appear before the Last Judgement where the further fate of immortal soul will be decided — it will get to Heaven or to Hell. Hindus believe that all acts of the person form his karma — something like the list of bad and good affairs, and after death of one corporal cover will depend on a karma what will be following.

Speaking about safety rules, it is necessary to consider influence of a chant on an organism. The created vibrations and a special rhythm of breath can cause dizzinesses in beginners.

Also you should not practice a mantra during exacerbations of the chronic diseases connected with cardiovascular or respiratory systems.

So, practice of meditation can have notable beneficial influence on your life, and now you at least know what to begin with about what learns Hinduism and its main currents.

Care for the body and spirit, is what you have in this world, and with what you will begin the following life. Be patient and go towards the aim.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
