During the monotonous work as brush hands usually pretty fast are tired, and their muscles become numb. If in time not to remove from them stress, at best efficiency of the carried-out activity considerably will decrease, in the worst – there can be the pinching of the nerve which is fraught with strong painful feelings. Special exercises will help to prevent such succession of events.
1. Their serial tension and relaxation will help to remove stress from brushes. For this purpose lower hands down and clench fists. Record such situation for 2-3 seconds, then sharply unclench the fist, having parted equal fingers as it is possible more widely. Repeat exercise not less than 5 times.
2. During the monotonous work behind the keyboard exercises for the wrist effectively help. Part hands in the parties and execute circular spins by brushes at first in one, then in other party within 1 minute. Brushes at the same time have to remain in the weakened state. When performing such exercise it is very important not to bring to painful feelings.
3. Then link wrist lock grips before the breast and execute brushes rotary motions up-down so that above serially it appeared one brush, another. Fingers at the same time can't be unclenched, hands have to remain weakened. Perform exercise within the minute.
4. One more exercise from the same series is performed as follows. Leave hands before the breast, press palms to each other. Lower them finger-tips from yourself down, then lift up and, at last, to yourself. Repeat 10-15 times.
5. After that unclench palms and extend straight arms before yourself. Lower brushes down, record situation for several seconds, then lift up. Repeat exercise of 20 times.
6. Exercises for removal of tension from fingers. Press palms to each other and set aside little fingers aside, without unclenching other fingers. Then also treat anonymous. Return them on the initial position and set aside thumbs, then index. Repeat exercises of 5 times. After that, without changing the initial position, slightly press fingers of one hand on fingers another. Then make on the contrary. Repeat not less than 10 times.
7. The exercises including friction of palms the friend about the friend and vtryakhivaniye them will help to strengthen inflow of blood to brushes. Without unclenching palms, lower hands down and rub palms the friend about the friend up-down. It will perfectly warm them. After that unclench hands and shake by them as if you shake off them from water. Thanks to such exercises in brushes the normal blood circulation will quickly be restored and tension from muscles will fall down.
8. If it is necessary to restore activity of brushes after any injuries, it is the best of all to be engaged with such exercise machine as the carpal expander. It represents the ring of the small size made of rubber. Take it in the hand, squeeze as it is possible stronger, then relax the hand. Perform such exercise for 10-15 minutes with breaks, it is desirable several times a day.
9. Plus the expander is that it is possible to be engaged with it anywhere. Besides, it strengthens and develops also forearm muscles. Only if you use it after the trauma, it is necessary to consult at first with the attending physician.