What man Skorpion in love

What man Skorpion in love

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Scorpion — one of the brightest zodiac signs. It is contradictory and many-sided. Can be persuasive and vindictive, but also loyal, tactful, supporting, compassionate and improbable in a bed.

What it, the Scorpion when loves and what waits from the relations for — we will consider in this article.

Characteristic of features of this sign: qualities

The scorpion is born passionate and energetic. On its qualities, as he loves or as is jealous, the operating elements and planets influence. He is patronized by water, providing extraordinary developed intuition and the need for honesty. He is not simply acute, but also we will gain search of the truth.

Water also does his behavior "fluid" therefore, knowing the truth, the Scorpion always chooses line of conduct, proceeding from personal criteria for evaluation of a situation therefore his decisions can seem unmotivated or mystical.

Existence of knowledge and ability to control emotions make him the absolute leader. But if it is necessary to keep your secret or a secret, then Scorpions are the best keepers.

Pluto — the planet of transformation and revival patronizes representatives of the sign. Mention in some editions that it is also connected with Phoenix, a symbol of death and the subsequent revival.

Pluto is a symbol of the concentrated force. It makes Scorpions strong and hardy in all aspects. But this property forces to be shown as much as possible to both the best, and worst lines of mankind in this sign.

Important! Psychologists consider that only 4 seconds will be required to estimate the interlocutor and to make the opinion. And it will be constructed not only on external data, but also on style, a behavior manner, a voice timbre, a smile and other nonverbal signs of communication.

Honesty and justice are two qualities which do the Scorpion by the excellent friend. They extremely devoted both in friendship, and in work. Bright and clever, they prefer the same witty and cheerful people. Also are ready to provide any resources, but if you at least once deceive, then you will forever lose their arrangement.

Strengths of the man Skorpion:

To draw attention of the Scorpion not easy. For this purpose the task has to comprise a certain secret which he will go to study. If you want to attract and keep its attention, then it is necessary to work over an intellectual component of your relations.


The attitude towards people around very much depends on what the man reached in the life. The same aspect also explains whether it is jealous or not, is vindictive or simply fair.

Whether you know? Loving couples are capable to synchronize the warm rhythms in only 3 minutes of a look eye to eye.

Losers become vindictive, poisonous and vindictive. They not only destroyers of everyone and everything, but also often destroyers. Those who achieved goals — strong, independent, fair and wise. A basis of their activity — creation.

The third type is those Scorpions in which life the crisis is observed at present. They are closed and shipped in themselves. It is similar on cancer without armor. It needs time to pass to the next stage of life.


Merits of the man Skorpion:

  1. One of the main strengths is the ability to be focused. If he solved something, he cannot be distracted.
  2. Brave irrespective of, the situation is how difficult.
  3. Cheerful and passionate, but not careless. His intelligence just does not allow negligence or obvious nonsense.
  4. Absolutely true. It will always be near you if promised.
  5. The power, situation and money are key motives for the Scorpion. Such man always strives for result, and its investments are subordinated to achievement of the goal.
  6. His intuition is so developed that it seems as if the man Skorpion can read mind of other people therefore he almost always makes the correct decisions.

The scorpion loves the truth, the exact facts, loyal friends and passionate women. And awfully does not love nonsense, passivity, dishonesty, gossips and disclosure of secrets which did not belong personally to you.


Negative lines of the Scorpion:

  1. He is attractive, but the proprietary instinct can be shown here thus. Often it destroys its relations.
  2. He will not allow people know what occurs in his consciousness or life. It is very difficult to it to trust people.
  3. Excessive emotionality and sensitivity. The scorpion is very sensitive, and it is easy to injure him negative behavior and the comment. Also be not surprised if after that the Scorpion decides to finish the relations with you.
  4. The combination of ambition, authoritativeness and intelligence develops sooner or later excellent ability to manipulate people. It can become ruthless, especially if it is necessary to make tough decisions. And no emotions in it will prevent it.

Scorpion man and manifestation of his love: psychology

The scorpion is attracted by sure and coquettish women. But to tempt him, there has to be something bigger, than physical inclination. Without intelligence or at least sincerity, it will not be simply interesting to it to develop the relations. Being the most sensitive sign, it also needs an emotional attraction.

Important! Both cocaine, and love affect a brain equally. There is a feeling of euphoria which does not allow the person to assess the world around or a situation crucially.

He likes to control completely a situation, but does not suffer the similar attitude towards himself. Also you should not try to control it if only you do not look for a way how quickly to leave the Scorpion.

When he fell in love, becomes very attached to the partner. He is a one-woman man. If the relation with it, so in them there is no place to someone yet. Otherwise his love can turn into hatred. Positively the fact that the man Skorpion is capable of compassion and emotional understanding. And his fidelity is at the highest level.

To what it is necessary to be ready when he is in love:

  1. He agrees only to the best: the best food, the best wine, the best woman. If you are going to buy a sliding wardrobe, then prepare for some emotional costs: The scorpion will begin to specify from what wood this case as long it can exist and whether it is an excellent investment of the earned money. So you will be really surrounded by the best objects if you are not confused by his meticulousness.
  2. If he loves you, then will be devoted, true and unshakable in the feelings. It does not mean that he will never deceive you. But you anyway will be able to count that he nevertheless loves you. And yes, yet you do not do anything suspicious, for example, stir with the former partner, he will not turn into Othello.
  3. In jealousy he completely reminds the Taurus therefore do not provoke the Scorpion in vain.
  4. It will always carefully preserve the personal world and the family against any encroachment from the outside therefore if he keeps back something, then just does not want to upset you.

Relations with women

Without analyzing in details who suits the man Skorpion, we will mark out common features in his relation with women. Having made a date, he will always care for the partner.

In it he wishes to see a delicate flower which needs its protection and protection. He will surely borrow you the sweater if on the street it is cold. But can select him back if you something offend him.

It is important! If you are embraced by darling, then the organism produces hormone oxytocin. Its dose in this case is sufficient to kill a severe headache or migraine within several hours. Try to use it instead of tablets.

Depending on its previous relations it can be absolutely open on the first appointment or be on the lookout again not to be traumatized.

Intimate relations

The sexuality of the Scorpion is very close to instincts and primary sexuality of Arieses. Both signs are under the auspices of Mars. But, unlike the Aries, he is capable of emotional sexual relations.

Characteristic of the sexual party of the Scorpion:

  1. Perhaps because Pluto operates genitals or because of natural magnetism, he is perceived as the most active sexual partner. Actually he "is thoughtfully sexy": does not enter the relations, without having analyzed them. And he will also not deal with less clever woman, than he.
  2. He precisely knows what he and when wants therefore you need only to follow his desires and the ideas.
  3. He can be very hardy. It is connected with a surplus of internal energy. The sport helps it to remove excess stress, but consider that his patience is not infinite.

The loving Scorpion can be cozy, warm, generous, careful and any other. Everything depends on those signals which he receives from the partner.

Expression of feelings

First of all, the Scorpion begins studying an object of the interest, trying to do it as it is possible more imperceptibly therefore, most likely, you will notice its interest not at once. He will listen, ask questions, trying to understand whether you suit it. But if he looks at you more often than on others, it is very probable that you were pleasant to it.

Whether you know? The saying says that contrasts are attracted. And it is partly right. To couples which are too similar or too differ, it is possible to keep the relations much longer.

Other lines of the Scorpion in love:

  1. It is a leader at heart therefore will remain to them and in your relations.
  2. He tries to make your world better, giving all the best for all 100%.
  3. It is ready to execute any your desire.
  4. Readiness to find for you a maximum of the time — the best manifestation of its feelings.

He hates noisy women and those who apply for management of the Scorpion prefers to conduct hunting independently therefore you do not hurry to make scandal because it gave the phone number "here to that girl". He was just polite, and nothing more.

In life and marriage

In the relations with the Scorpion husband all his personal characteristics are considered. Do not challenge its leadership, do not lie, be judicious, and he will remain the best husband in the world. Perhaps, it is old-fashioned, but does not take out dictatorship of the woman. If the man is successful in work, then always supports the wife and children. And he is also always loyal to the relatives. He loves the wife and children, but can never correctly learn to express feelings. Try to help him with it unostentatiously.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Aries and Scorpion. A patron of both signs is Mars therefore their couple is a manifestation of the wildest natural passion. But their couple lacks joy and tenderness of Venus. The aries is more straightforward, fast and is not fond of reflections. If the woman the Aries is clever and will be able to bridle the rushes, then ideal lovers will construct good marriage. At them enough common features that to make it.

Whether you know? Psychologists note that when you look for the short-term relations, you pay attention to the partner's body more, and by search of long communication more attention is paid to a human face.

Taurus and Scorpion. Both signs appreciate the deepest physical pleasure, everyone in own way. It will always be in the center of their interaction as both cannot understand the Platonic or creative relations. Their interaction is a communication of the deepest emotions and sexuality which are not had by any other couple in the zodiac. The Scorpion has a need to love and possess, and at the Taurus the need for that it was loved. The conflict is that the silent Taurus will always cause suspicion of reserve.

Twins and Scorpion. Intimate relations between Twins and the Scorpion are similar to communication of the lowest and highest point of the planet Earth. Air superficial Twins are very far from the deep emotional world of sensitive Scorpions. It seems as if they cannot have nothing in common. Twins — the most superficial and most air sign. The analysis and depth of emotions is alien to them. But at the same time they are capable to unload the man and to add him to thinking and behavior of ease and good mood. Couple can teach each other to see things a little from a different angle sight. The best option for couple will give to the partner that you can and not make counterclaims. Cancer and Scorpion. It the relations of two signs of water and therefore their sexual life has to reflect all emotional connection or its absence. As all water signs, both of them are afraid to tell the truth till a certain moment. But it is not obligatory the evidence of incorrectness or the beginning of the end of their relations. Both of them can ensure each other sufficient safety to construct trust. Actually, does not matter that will be made by Cancer or the Scorpion if both of them feel well with each other.

Lion and Scorpion. To them it is difficult to proximity to reach because of a different view on emotion. That for Lev — love, for his partner — the irritating superficial nonsense. The positive side of their relations consists in high internal quality of both signs. They badly adapt to change of the environment, but both equally treat honesty, bravery, trust. It lays a strong basis of the relations. Both of them will vigorously follow desires of each other, and to them can be really very cheerful. It will be excellent if they remain true to and will understand that between their opinions and feelings there is common ground.

Learn in more detail what to do to be pleasant to the man.

Maiden and Scorpion. It is very interesting couple in the sphere of sexual activity — one of the parties hides the sexuality, and another is incarnate sex. The scorpion can be quite rough, and to the Maiden can be uncomfortable, but she is rather rational that the relations could develop. The maiden is the very talkative sign but showing the intellectual party of fast Mercury therefore the intellectual level of couple stimulates their relations, influences sexual life and deep emotions.

Scales and Scorpion. It both the complex, and fascinating union. Both partners can be given to emotions. Scales look for the active, ardent man who will bring light in their life. And the man looks for someone sensual and practical. And though Scales can satisfy these requirements, but it for them not the main thing. If Scales frown at obscene behavior, then the Scorpion gets not really respected by Scales, but honest friends therefore frictionless the union will be if both partners acknowledge the possibility of existence of individual life of each other and will not try to change it. Two Scorpions can become a dream or the worst nightmare of each other. If it is difficult for them to cope with a surplus of own emotions or sexual energy, then together they double this quantity. To avoid fight for superiority, it internal tenderness and emotional proximity needs to adhere, having been near, to stop fight and to spend time in friendly embraces.

Sagittarius and Scorpion. Between these two signs there is a strange mutual understanding. The strength of mind and frankness give them trust, and in respect of sex the creativity and openness of the Sagittarius refresh character of the man. To remain in the healthy relations, both partners have to make a compromise. And then together they will construct the excellent relations because both are open for the ideas and emotions. The scorpion not only feels easier, more optimistic when he communicates with the Sagittarius, but its depth gives to mind of the Sagittarius ability to draw conclusions that not so just for other signs.

Read also where and how to find the soulmate.

Capricorn and Scorpion. They divide the general approach to sexual requirements. The main problem — in lack of emotional depth at the Capricorn. Their relations seem too frosty, both signs will gravitate to more sensual Tauruses or Cancers. It will be quite good if they pay attention to pleasure which can be received thanks to tenderness and emotions.

Aquarius and Scorpion. The contact between the Scorpion and Aquarius can be really active. It is very difficult to these partners to find balance of passion, emotions and rational thinking. The active sexuality of Scorpions faces a concept of the free relations of Aquarius, and it becomes a problem. Then their life turns into the arena of fighting which result depends on flexibility both of them and depth of emotions which they experience therefore it is difficult to partners to adapt and accept differences of each other. Fishes and Scorpion. Two signs of water equally belong to emotions, including them an important part of the relations. They also well accept sexuality of each other. Possible problems in communication between signs are either the roughness of the Scorpion, or excessive sensitivity of Fishes. They seldom will seriously clash, but they can have a set of small skirmishes and misunderstanding. If the Scorpion is rather gentle, and Fishes possess a concept of borders of personal space, then their communication can become quite fascinating and magic.

Whether the man Skorpion can love at distance

The relations at distance exist for various reasons: features of work or study, military service, medical treatment and other factors. Irrespective of the reason, the love at distance is well transferred by not all couples. If at the Scorpion the internal emotional contact with darling is well come, then the distance is not a problem.

It will be interesting to you to learn how to understand: you love the person or it is attachment.

The following factors help to maintain the relations:

Even if you not too are fond of horoscopes, remember that in each theory there is some element of truth. People studied in the millennia human relations, and can be, it is not so important how they explained it to themselves. The main thing that it helped to build the healthy and fine relations with the partner.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
