What protein is better

What protein is better

There are several main types of the protein: serumal, casein, egg, soy and complex. Each of them has the merits and demerits which knowledge can help with drawing up the competent food allowance for accumulation of muscle bulk.

To understand what protein it is better, it is necessary to understand merits and demerits of each type of this sports additive. The egg protein, undoubtedly, is one of the best. It is connected with the fact that egg white is on the first place on biological value for the organism, i.e. it is best of all acquired. On this indicator, egg white was received for the standard. The coefficient of biological value equal 100 was appropriated to it. For other types of protein the biological value pays off in proportion to it. However such protein possesses also the essential shortcoming, it costs rather much therefore, in pure form, is issued limited number of producers. Much more often he can be met as a part of the complex protein.

The complex protein, in turn, consists of three types of additives: serumal, casein and egg proteins. It combines all merits of these products. Thanks to the serumal protein, muscles are provided with the protein in 30-40 minutes after reception. When the effect of it begins to decrease time of amino acids from casein and egg whites approaches. The casein protein is split most slowly and works within 6-8 hours. Unfair producers, can include the soy protein in composition of this additive to reduce cost of the product therefore before purchase it is always necessary to read structure attentively.

Among all existing types of sports food, the specific place is held by the serumal protein. Many experts consider that it is the best protein. Getting to the organism it very quickly is acquired and decays on amino acids. The serumal protein, as follows from the name, is made from whey which is the by-product by production of cheese. This additive is recommended to be used before and after the training and also in the morning when the organism needs amino acids. The serumal protein has the biggest indicator biological values, it is more than egg. For it it is equal to 130 units. It is possible to carry its high cost to shortcomings of the serumal protein. The casein protein, thanks to slow assimilation can be used before going to bed. Thanks to it the organism will be provided with nutrients on all night long that will prevent catabolism development. The soy protein, is the worst of listed. It is badly and slowly acquired, has disabled amino-acid structure, has the low indicator of biological value. The soy protein has the lowest price, however, despite it, is the most unpopular. The choice of the type of the protein and way of its application depends on the purposes which are set before himself by the athlete. At trainings on the set of muscle bulk, it is recommended to use the serumal protein. Before going to bed it is possible to receive casein separately. At the occupations directed one weight reduction better to receive the complex protein to which can serve as substitute of food or it can be used in breaks between meals. Before going to bed it is also recommended to use casein separately.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
