To trust or not to believe in reincarnation existence — a personal record of everyone, but it is anyway interesting to learn whom you could be in the past. Today there are many methods to remember the antecedents and if to trust responses, some of them are effective. Let's consider popular options return to the past.
In human life it was told about a role of dreams in ancient times when doctors and sorcerers, listening to a talk of patients during sleep, could define the illness nature.
Modern psychologists unanimously claim that such unconscious moments in human life comprise information on the hidden desires and experiences of the present though parcels of reason are quite often sent to the past.
Dreams can be both a danger warning, and a source of creative inspiration, to learn them correctly to interpret the main thing (even if you do not want to get more information of the antecedents, it will be useful).
If you want will learn to get enough sleep read how quickly and easily to fall asleep and overcome a chronic sleep debt.
All who believe in mysticism, are convinced that during sleep consciousness of the person approaches an invisible side between our world and parallel reality in which it is simpler to comprehend secret meaning of all events. These peculiar springboards can become excellent start for a research of soul and astral travel.
Here therefore there is nothing surprising that dreams can help to learn about features of antecedents of the person. Everything that needs — to learn to be remembered that you dreamed.
For this purpose every morning in details describe to yourself the dream, and it is even better — write down what was seen that it was not erased from memory. After such regular trainings within two-three weeks you will be able to start a travel to antecedents.
Learn how quickly to overcome insomnia.
Every time before going to bed give yourself installation: Today I will see myself in the past and I will remember this dream. It is quite probable that for once at you nothing will turn out, but over time secret after all will open to you. In certain cases the person within a week every night has the dreams which only then are weaved into a complete picture. At each of them often there is any new fact which will answer some questions.
Anyway, write down everything that will dream you, and it is quite probable that in a month you will have the whole story.
Having considered everything that you wanted to know about the antecedents in a dream, let's themselves have a rest a little and allow consciousness to be disconnected completely. Of course, it is difficult to establish the validity of a similar way, but for certain each of you at least once in life had very plausible dreams from which even after awakening there were goosebumps on skin.
If this is so, then why not to try to define in such a way the last embodiments?
Hypnosis was always considered as difficult, and sometimes and a dangerous method of obtaining information.
Experts define the reasons of emergence of fears by hypnotherapy, various mental deviations treat and can even force you to carry out dangerous tasks which you do not even remember. Regression in antecedents is also carried out on the basis of hypnotic influences, and, by the way, it is considered rather effective method of obtaining information from the past.
It is also rather effective way of self-knowledge, but to be sure of the end result, it is worth addressing only the checked experts.
There are two options of similar regression: with full immersion of the center of consciousness of the person in one of last reincarnations and with use of techniques of an infosomatika therefore it is possible to remember only separate fragments from life of last embodiments (usually display any unresolved problems influencing the real life).
In a word, if you very much want to glance in the past, and you are not afraid of possible consequences, then hypnotherapy — for you.
Whether you know? There is an opinion that only people with weak will can come under hypnotic influence, however the return is quite often proved in practice, especially if the experienced hypnotist gets down to business.
Specular reflection
The mirror long since acts as one of the main attributes of any ritual as in magic circles often it is considered a peculiar window in the other world. Therefore it is no wonder that many people hope to see the antecedents with its help and if to trust responses — some it even works well.
Ceremony in itself not difficult, and for knowledge of the previous embodiment it is necessary just to sit down in front of the mirror in poorly lit room and to try to relax.
After some time your display in a mirror will begin to change, and you can quite see how looked earlier, having remembered the past.
Important! Peering at a smooth surface, periodically close eyes, and then again you look at the images appearing in a mirror. Do not constrain the consciousness, open reason and let in the past.
Also travel to other countries can intensify memories of the previous lives.
New and strong impressions influence all bodies of perception of information: you see new people, objects of culture and a city architecture, hear the unfamiliar speech and catch smells. All this cannot remain unnoticed and leaves only positive impressions. However if in the past you were somehow connected with the concrete place, then feelings will be a little others.
You can learn a separate sculpture or endure strong nervousness during the bell-ringings, etc.
So, for example, having appeared on the arena for fights of gladiators (even if almost completely disorganized), you suddenly can feel sudden inflow of adrenaline and a raising from the soul depth of enough mixed feelings which demonstrate your emotional attachment to this place. Perhaps, once you already were as the gladiator here.
Travel help to get rid of a depression very effectively.
Deja vu
We quite often should hear the word deja vu in everyday life, but not everyone knows that precisely it implies.
Literally it can be translated from French as already saw, that is the feeling which is connected with a subject or an event in the present already arose in days of old therefore it is so familiar, and you know what will follow further. Those who at least once tested effect of a deja vu for certain will agree that this just extraordinary feeling when everything grows dumb inside and at you appears feeling of touch to something magic.
Even can seem that before you new life opened, but actually everything passes in 10 seconds.
According to physicians, the deja vu is no more than harmless and inexplicable error of memory when two zones of a human brain — long-term memory and understanding of the present at the same time work.
Here only to answer a question, how exactly it occurs and why — science stars cannot yet. In terms of psychology, it is possible to call a deja vu work of subconsciousness in the course of which you easily remember different solutions of any given of situations as they were already counted by subconsciousness for you.
Regressolog call a deja vu memory of antecedents as only one minute enough in order that it was possible to remember people with whom it happened to be crossed earlier, or places where it happened to live.
Moreover, before resettlement in a new body your soul had to leave the accurate plan of life which is quite often shown at the time of a deja vu.
Hours — very symbolical subject to return to the past and to learn whom you were 100 or 200 years ago.
They measure time therefore it is no wonder that can provide information on its any concrete piece or your previous embodiment.
The only recommendation — it is necessary to choose watch with the big dial which will be more convenient in use. Further operations can be performed according to one of two possible scenarios.
In the first option you need to sit down in a chair, to relax and, having placed near itself hours, it is simple to listen to their tick. Try to imagine a situation from life where you also watched the course of an hour hand.
Be transferred to this episode, try to be dissolved in it, at the same time continuing to observe after hours.
Listening to monotonous tick and remembering the related events, you will with own hand send yourself to the past, and here it is already worth trying very much accurately to understand where you are, and to connect all separate episodes in uniform history. You can even establish hours before yourself and watch movement of an arrow by eyes, and after some time close them and try to present on the internal screen the same hours with all details.
Then imagine how from the dial at first the big arrow, behind it and small disappears, and after them and all figures — at this moment you will be able to remember the antecedents.
As option to recollect scraps of own history of the previous embodiment, it is possible to address one of numerous magicians who quite often meet in modern society. Here only here other problem appears already: it is necessary to distinguish the true psychic from the charlatan still.
Tarot cards, runes, magic charms and stones and also drawing up individual horoscopes help to carry out an objective to them.
It is worth spending money for such things or not — a personal record of everyone, but if there are though slightest doubts, then it is better not to undertake precipitate decisions. Acquire the good book better or attend a training of personal growth.
Strong emotions
Psychologists claim that strong emotions, or even the fears connected with the endured events can become a key to last memoirs also.
Some consider that experience of the previous embodiments and is the reason of inexplicable phobias.
To overcome fear, for the beginning you need to learn the true cause of your phobia.
For example, you can be afraid of dogs to horror though they never attacked you, or to feel excessive passion for gamblings even if in your sort of such bents did not meet.
Also some women admit that they met men to whom they tested is simply inexplicable strong feelings that never happened earlier to them. That is all that is beaten out from an overall picture of your life and seems to you absolutely others and unusual, it is usually rather simple to explain, having learned more about the former essence.
Nearly every day send us reminders on what we did earlier and what it led to, it is necessary just to learn to read them correctly.
Whether you know? For expression of a full range of emotions the nature awarded the person with 43 mimic muscles.
Reiki sessions
The system of Reiki is known to people since antiquity, with its help Jesus Christ, Buddha and their followers cured patients.
The Reiki gives to each person only what he agrees to. The session of Reiki at which there are main events is the cornerstone of all system. Externally all this is expressed in simple touch of hands, but in this simplicity all point of healing and opening of self-knowledge is.
At such moments sharp, inexplicable memories of antecedents appear. For example, it can be separate situations which knowledge will lead you to healing of any given illness.
Important! The patient, or, is more correct to tell, the cured person, will not be able to see all the previous life, but to him its moments directly related to a concrete disease will open. For what soul in the previous time was sent to the earth and whether it executed the mission — and will remain a riddle.
Date of birth
Being engaged in studying possible options of travel of the consciousness to antecedents, you should not ignore also date of birth as to learn whom you were, it is the simplest on its basis. Similar communication was found by the Tibetan researchers then karma astrology was developed.
So, knowing number, month and year of birth, today it is simple to define where you lived and what were engaged several centuries ago in.
However, it should be noted that the Slavic theory of the embodiments (peculiar interpretation of the Tibetan way) and classical astrology disaccord on this question a little, but also in that, and in other case you can find interesting information on the reincarnation. Practically any of these options is far from understanding of the average inhabitant of the planet, especially if he is an atheist, but personal experience of some people sets us thinking on a possibility of resettlement of soul and the previous lives therefore it is quite possible, as you will be interested in this subject.