In the aspiration to get rid of cellulitis of the woman quite often take various measures, many of which aren't always effective. Wrappings by food wrap belongs to it. But why this method is so popular?
Action of wrappings with food wrap
Myths about efficiency of wrappings are spread around by food wrap on the Internet and other media in the huge number. It is considered that this method helps to lose weight and get rid of cellulitis. Only those who aren't familiar with physiology at all are capable to believe in the similar statement.
If to reel up food wrap on any part of the body, it is possible to achieve peculiar "greenhouse effect". Skin will begin to sweat intensively. If at the same time you play sports, sweating will only increase. Hardly it is possible to argue with this mechanism of action of the film, however what relation it has to disposal of cellulitis? Everything that will happen to you - it is loss of the certain amount of liquid. Once you drink the glass of water, and everything will return into place. Therefore, on the notorious orange-peel these manipulations won't make any impact.
"It helped much!"
Perhaps, theoretically all of you understand. But in network there are a lot of examples and evident photos of those to whom food wrap very helped. How could it occur? The fact is that cellulitis very often is followed by puffiness why hips it seems even more massive. Wrappings with food wrap help to get rid of surplus of liquid and if the situation not too critical, visual effect is available. However this result will never be long. After a while hillocks and roughnesses in problem zones will return into place. At the same time you shouldn't forget that external influence - not the most optimum way to get rid of the orange-peel. Much more reliably in the long term to drink more liquid and to reduce the salt use.
As the film will help with fight against cellulitis
Perceive food wrap only as small supportive application in complex fight against cellulitis. From this annoying problem there will be no trace left also if you eat and be engaged properly in power trainings. If you act quite so, then cosmetic procedures - massage, hardware technologies, wrappings - will only enhance effect. In the latter case you will also be helped by food wrap. Mud, vodoroslevy, clay wrappings help to smooth and tighten skin. Notice, skin: they have no significant effect on fat deposits and cellulitis. During the procedure the product used by you begins to dry quickly, and the effect considerably decreases. Apply anti-cellulite structure to skin and wrap up from above in the film, then your "mask" will be damp, and result more noticeable.