Yoga, religion and philosophy or what is a tantra

Yoga, religion and philosophy or what is a tantra

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word tantra designates the esoteric Indian traditions widespread in Hinduism, the Buddhism, the bond. They are directed to release and spiritual personal development. It is considered that the tantra appeared at the beginning of our era in the Buddhism and brahmanism. For these years the doctrine extended across the territory of India, Nepal, Bhutan. Very popularly in Tibet. Last century in America and Europe the neotantric movement as result of transformation of Tantric exercises under local perception independently appeared.

Between the Indian and Buddhist tantra there is a number of distinctions.

Indian tantra

It is based on the aspirations of the person to self-fulfill itself through a number of religious rituals of interaction of Shiva and Shakti. That is, it turns out that the tantra is an expansion of consciousness, knowledge something new, true.

Whether you know? Shiva and Shakti, the most important principles of Tantrism, call also komishvar and a komishvara. The basis of both words Kama is desire, an ishvara — the man, ishvar — the woman. At the highest level of existence and Shiva and Shakti are inseparable, stay in a full unification — purno.


In Hinduism Shiva is the main deity and the embodiment of a machismo. But Tantric Shiva strongly differs from usual. Here it infinite, omniscient, all-powerful. Shiva is a reason. He receives that power which it has from Are shaky. It is its hidden force.


Shakti — the spouse god Shiva. Represents a feminine.

At the same time Shakti — the second party of Shiva, energy which awakens reason pushes him to creativity, to creation of the Universe.

Shakti is embodied by a set of forms. When we in a tantra speak about a body, in it there are many power centers (chakras). In total their seven. To each chakra there corresponds some deity with the name: To Brakhn, Vishnu, Shiva, etc. And as the human body is creation of the Universe, and the Universe is a physical manifestation of the Creator, each chakra means - it is Shakti's manifestation.


One more Supreme deity in Hinduism. Is comprehensive and pervasive. Worship of this deity is allocated in the independent direction — Vaishnavism. Sing of Vishnu, meditate with visualization of the deity and worship its statue. In difference from other napraveniye in Hinduism, Vaishnavites do not seek to merge with the main deity, and wish to find eternal life to serve Vishnu or one of his terrestrial forms. Believers pass a dedication ceremony in pupils under the leadership of the guru. In the course of a ceremony all read personal mantras, worshipping Vishnu.

Reading the mantras devoted to this deity allows to find a spiritual enlightenment and to establish connection with the Creator. Relaxing and being tuned into reading, you feel freedom, communication with God and your mind will become clear. It is not necessary to be afraid of the desires. On the contrary, they help to find force.

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If the person practices Tanta, then he directs all the energy to self-knowledge. The essence of Tantric rituals also consists in it. The main principle of Tantrism — a way to rescue passes through pleasures. The human body is not a dungeon as a hobby, and the divine temple in which energy is kept. The world is filled by divine power and glory. Having held a magic ritual of people it is capable to merge with this force and to find an opportunity to influence it to facilitate the way to rescue. Getting acquainted with laws of the Universe from the new party, the Tantrist by means of the teacher and the main deities in depths of the subconsciousness finds own essence. To Tantrists magic subtleties are well-known. They hold magic rituals in which their body (movements), the speech (spells) and reason (concentration) participates.

Buddhist tantra

The Buddhist tantra is directed to knowledge by the person of an intermediate state between death and revival. Development of the equipment takes place under accurate control of the expert. Enlightenments can comprehend elements only those who accepted Bodhisattva's vow. For such person of need of others above own and he finds an enlightenment for the sake of the benefit of others.

Among extended the practician of yoga it is necessary to call Ayengar, the Mandala, Anuloma-Viloma, the Mule of a bandh, Jalandhar of a bandh, Uddiyana of a bandh, an akroyoga, kapalabkhat.

At the correct following of the Tantric equipment, the believer loses clarity of the personality and finds feeling of the extra personal existence, whose life behind representations of duality.

Important! A Buddhist tantra the shortest and most dangerous course of life.


Kriya-tantra — the initial stage representing corporal clarification, clarification of reason and the speech. Become on this way have to examine Tantric practice. It includes the rituals directed to clarification of a body and the dwelling. In addition there is a number of restrictions which need to be executed perfectly.

Important! Besides the bans there are still obligations and instructions.

In the course of meditation the believer represents before himself the deity and invites it praise. Further there is a concentration on the visualized image of the deity and receiving blessing after reading of a prayer, mantras. When the believer represents before himself the deity, its image has to be the most realistic, so, volume. Achievement of the end result happens through sixteen lives and the found state carries the name Vadzhradhara Trekh of Genesis.


The next, second stage of education — an action tantra. The believer also holds rituals for clarification of a body and the dwelling. In the course of meditation practicing, visualizing the deity, also visualizes itself near it. Their communication happens as equals. Reading mantras and improvement of abilities of concentration of reason continues. Achievement of the end result happens through seven lives.


Tantra of the yogi — the third class of the tantras directed to yogichesky contemplation of the personality. Meditating, the person wakens and transformed. The believer also represents himself near the deity and turns all that harms reason in useful knowledge. Education is reached for three lives.

The yoga helps to get rid of fatigue, it is better to remember information.

Occupations a tantra yoga help to relax, be given in a charge to desires, to establish harmony of soul and a body.


Anuttara of the yogi a tantra — a final stage of an enlightenment. To the believer the understanding that nothing exists that all emptiness absorbed pleasure comes and where there is a pleasure - it is emptiness.

Anuttara the yoga includes two tantras: maternal and fatherly. They learn to realize not duality of an object and to be cleaned from unnecessary thoughts.

It is possible to achieve the end result for the ode life.

As we see, the tantra allows to open in itself new opportunities, to comprehend the real destination. But all this is impossible without the correct Tantric breath. It deeper and quiet in comparison with usual. Concentration of attention has to be only on a breath. Spontaneous exhalation.

Whether you know? The main Hindu holiday — Makhashivaratri — day of a wedding of Shiva with his spouse Parvati. Symbols of a holiday is the men's advantage and marijuana.

Try to make 70 breaths in a minute. Inhale sharply, with noise. Air is involved through a nose with such force that nostrils stuck to a partition. We exhale usually, it is weakened. If felt that the head begins to be turned, interrupt exercise for 5-7 seconds. Having lightened, resume exercise performance.

Development of Tantric philosophy — long process which can do only to the elite. But studying elements will allow not only to find harmony of soul and a body, but also will help to learn better the soulmate and to become with it a single whole.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
