Who or what is a bodhisattva

Who or what is a bodhisattva

Very often the person who devotes the life to religion sets before himself a definite purpose. The bodhisattva can serve in the Buddhism as this purpose. The person who chose the Way of development can face that there is no accurate description of this phenomenon, his representatives, their way of life and necessary conditions for achievement of this state. Let's understand what is it and what role it plays in the doctrine of the Buddhism.

Religion of Sikhs, main data

Religion of Sikhs, main data

India is famous for a large number of the people, each of which very often practises own religion, for example, Sikhism, Hinduism, Jainism, the Buddhism and many other currents. The ill-matched ethnic structure of this country is extremely fertile field for development of similar polytheism. The religious trend about which the speech in article will go totals about 22 million followers worldwide, their most part lives in the Indian areas of Haryana and Punjab. This article is designed to open in detail a subject of such religion as Sikhism, its rituals, philosophy and history.

The powerful instrument of self-development or What is asceses

The powerful instrument of self-development or What is asceses

Asceses, or restrictions, are present at life of almost each person even if he does not suspect about it: to earn money, it is necessary to go to work to gain knowledge, it is necessary to devote much time to books, etc. Many people for the purpose of self-improvement, self-development and clarification consciously resort to restrictions of various plan. However for the correct performance of an ascesis it is necessary to understand accurately, what is it, what purposes and results of similar actions.

Crystalline solid of Light of the person, or that it Merkab

Crystalline solid of Light of the person, or that it Merkab

According to a legend, Merkab it was known to each person earlier, but it was taken away and erased from memory at Atlases. Since then not all can put in action to Merkab and not at once. Therefore today we will consider detailed information on Merkab and we learn, what is it, why it is necessary and as to activate it presently.

Spiritual way of Richard Gere

Spiritual way of Richard Gere

Gere devoted nearly a half of the life to practice of east spiritual exercises. The long way to self-improvement it began a zen with study, and today already by right it is considered the main Buddhist in Hollywood. Gere long time comprehended premudrennost of east wisdom in Tibet, India and Mongolia and also regularly meets Dalai Lama and listens to his lectures.